[外電] Yanks reportedly eye Castro, but not f

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作者 saiulbb (Becky是我的拉!)
時間 2015-11-21 11:14:30
留言 55則留言 (32推 0噓 23→)

來源: MLB 標題: Yanks reportedly eye Castro, but not for Gardner 內文: By Adam McCalvy and Carrie Muskat / MLB.com | @AdamMcCalvy | CHICAGO -- The Cubs need a center fielder, and the Yankees are examining their infield options, but apparently the two teams aren't close to swapping players. 小熊需要一外野手,而洋基需要一位內野人選,但兩隊八字沒一撇。 The New York Daily News reported Friday that the Yankees were open to trading Brett Gardner, and one option was to send the outfielder to the Cubs for infielder Starlin Castro. Gardner would help the Cubs cover the departure of free agent Dexter Fowler, and Castro could augment the Yankees' options at second base. 有報紙傳出洋基周五有意把Brett Gardner交易出去,而其中一個選擇是小熊的內野手 Starlin Castro。Brett Gardner可以補上Dexter Fowler離開的空缺,而Starlin Castro 也可以是洋基二壘手的選擇之一。 ‧ Hot Stove Tracker: Free agents and trades But later Friday, New York Daily News reporter Mark Feinsand posted an update on Twitter, saying the Yankees were not interested in such a deal but may consider Castro at another price. 但後來又有消息傳出說洋基不願出這麼多在Castro上。 CBS Sports and MLB Network's Jon Heyman also posted on Twitter Friday that there had been no talk of Gardner for Castro at this point, saying the Yankees were seeking pitching. 而記者表示洋基需要的是投手, Gardner, 32, was an American League All-Star in 2015 who finished the season with a .259/.343/.399 slash line in 151 games. He's played extensively in left and center field in his career. Brett Gardner(2015 AS)成績: G H HR RBI BA OBP SLG OPS OPS+ 151 148 16 66 .259 .343 .399 .742 106 Castro has been mentioned in trade rumors because of the Cubs' overload of middle infielders. Castro also is fairly affordable with four guaranteed years and $38 million remaining on the seven-year extension he signed with the Cubs in August 2012. Swapping Castro for Gardner would have been an even deal financially because Gardner has three guaranteed years and $38-$39 million left on his own front-loaded contract. Starlin Castro因為小熊有太多的內野手,所以交易傳聞不間斷。Castro還有四年/ 38M的和約,若是交換兩者將會是個相當的交易,因為Gardner還有3年/38~39M的合約。 Castro, who turns 26 in late March, moved from shortstop to second base in early August to clear a starting spot for Addison Russell. Castro handled the switch to second well, and was ranked among baseball's best hitters in September, with a .369 average and 1.055 OPS. Castro明年三月26歲.從Addison Russell來之後,從游擊的位置轉任二壘手。Castro也 適應得不錯,九月份.369的打擊率跟1.055的OPS是聯盟最佳。 The Yankees' in-house options at second base are Dustin Ackley and Rob Refsnyder, who could form a platoon. MLB.com's Bryan Hoch is among those who have reported New York GM Brian Cashman is open to an upgrade at the position. 洋基二壘的選擇有Dustin Ackley、Rob Refsnyder兩者可以共同platoon這個位置。另外 ,有記者說洋基的GM Brian Cashman想要升級二壘手這個部分。 網址: http://tinyurl.com/pnm8v93 備註: 這我是覺得不太可能...換Castro不如去換幾位好的投手,或是印地安人不是缺外野手嗎XD --
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zzxxcc88: 那也要笑臉人願意換 11/21 11:28

uranusjr: Jon Niese for Gardner 11/21 11:36

ts012108: 純粹腿弟換Castro 也太虧 11/21 11:44

secpeda: NYY虧+1 11/21 11:45

ForgerEames: 3樓是說小熊虧 不是說NYY虧吧= = 11/21 11:49

HuanYuWu: 洋基可多控制一年欸 感覺是洋基賺 11/21 11:56

KAIS: Castro多一年,比較年輕,還可站SS,誰虧還有得比 11/21 12:00

Mooooose: Gardner該不會還被認為是四號外野手等級吧 11/21 12:05

tyrone0923: 1換1小熊虧+1 11/21 12:09

epw: 熊熊虧吧,不過Castro現在在小熊是不太快樂就是了 被換也不是 11/21 12:12

epw: 壞事 11/21 12:12

keithmaster: 1換1 小熊虧吧 11/21 12:38

kamihio: Castro 不是風城很黑他嗎 怎麼不換? 11/21 12:49

ocean11: 是媒體不喜歡他,又不是球隊不喜歡他 11/21 12:56

oopsmamamiya: 傳說中名字最惹美國人討厭的球員 11/21 13:10

Granderson: 哪有什麼虧不虧 感覺就雙贏啊 幹嘛不換 11/21 13:22

karta328: 洋基虧 11/21 13:45

l23: 不~~~~~~~~we want Gardner 11/21 13:51

loveleexx: Gardner 能換一個中線as 年輕 不虧啊 11/21 13:59

Zuleta: 還好啦 各取所需 不過1換1是不可能的 11/21 14:02

barber: 大概紐約的物價比較高吧。。。 11/21 14:12

Fukudome: 1換1小熊虧慘了吧 11/21 14:25

remix999: 一換一各取所須剛剛好 11/21 14:57

honey4617912: 小熊虧爆吧 卡斯楚才25歲 園丁已經31了 11/21 15:18

honey4617912: 更別說守位了 11/21 15:19

Windtears: 守備位置實在差太多,小熊不太可能這樣換。 11/21 17:52

adam323: WAR魔人快出來比一下WAR 11/21 20:30

KAIS: 小熊最缺的就是CF,最不缺的是MI,各取所需怎麼不可能,就看細 11/21 20:32

KAIS: 節怎麼談 11/21 20:32

adam323: 3.4 3.4 2.6 VS. 0.1 2.8 0.8 11/21 20:33

adam323: wRC+ 109 111 105 VS. 74 117 80 11/21 20:34

adam323: wOBA .335 .331 .327 VS. .280 .341 .288 11/21 20:36

adam323: 一換一 有很虧嗎 11/21 20:37

Roshiel: 通常雙方球迷都喊虧的,大概就是差不多的交易了.... 11/21 22:14

Roshiel: 雖然我不覺的1換1換的到就是了 11/21 22:15

adam323: Gardner沒想像中的差 Castro沒想像中的好? 11/21 22:25

egria: 交易不是純看實力而已 大家都知道小熊想脫手Castro 11/21 22:30

egria: 那不設法搶一下還叫Cashman嗎 11/21 22:31

decorum: 各取所需 應該是win-win的交易 11/21 22:36

Zamned: Castro離開小熊的機會很低,大多數的消息是他會 11/21 22:54

Zamned: 是明年小熊的開季二壘手 11/21 22:55

ss184: Ny虧吧 11/22 01:01

epw: NY放園丁的損失肯定小於拿到Castro的利益吧...2B這洞太.... 11/22 01:02

epw: 反正也換到一個年輕的CF可以撐住了,最多再找個4th OF備案 11/22 01:03

uranusjr: #funfact Ackley 生涯 OPS+ 94, Castro 則是 97 11/22 01:14

uranusjr: 靠 Refsnyder + Ackley 其實打擊不會差 Castro 太多 11/22 01:15

wahaha5678: NYY現階段沒有一定要交易Castro的急迫性 11/22 02:59

wahaha5678: 二壘用platoon,Refsnyder+Ackley就能頂得住了 11/22 02:59

lovecmgirls: 小熊沒有真的到想脫手Castro吧? 只是覺得有好的交易 11/22 22:16

lovecmgirls: 可以做那就做 11/22 22:16

BHviolin88: 交易Castro不如去換kinsler......... 11/22 22:48

wahaha5678: 真的要賭不如賭賭看Profar~XD 11/22 23:48

Zamned: 傳得沸沸揚揚的是Soler。勇士與笑臉人要用SP換OF 11/23 09:50

Zamned: 小熊也是優先交易SP CF除非Denard Span、Dexter Fowler 11/23 09:52

Zamned: 沒簽下來 才會考慮Marcell Ozuna或是Gardner 11/23 09:53
