[外電] Soria Eyeing Three-Year Deal In Vicini

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作者 saiulbb (Becky是我的拉!)
時間 2015-11-19 14:01:09
留言 14則留言 (11推 0噓 3→)

來源: MLBTradeRumors 標題: Soria Eyeing Three-Year Deal In Vicinity Of $27MM 內文: By Steve Adams | November 18, 2015 at 4:51pm CST Right-hander Joakim Soria is one of the top names on the free-agent market for relievers and is aiming to be compensated accordingly in the form of a three-year deal in the $27MM range, according to ESPN’s Jayson Stark (Twitter link). Joakim Soria是今年FA後援投手其中之一,並希望有一份三年/27M的合約。 Soria, 32 next May, is considered by many to be the top relief arm on the market outside of Darren O’Day, who as of today is said to be seeking a four-year deal in the $28-36MM range himself. It’s perhaps no coincidence that the asking price for Soria has come out shortly after the same information on O’Day, though Stark does cite teams that are active on the relief market as the source of his intel. Joakim Soria明年五月滿32歲,被認為是Darren O’Day以外頂尖的後援投手,而他想要 一份四年/28-36M的合約,而Joakim Soria的合約要價消息是在O’Day之後,這應該不是 個巧合,應該是測試後援投手的水溫。 A wide number of clubs have been linked to Soria in the early stages of the offseason, including the Tigers, Rangers, Red Sox, Twins and Royals, though SB Nation’s Chris Cotillo tweeted today that the Red Sox are out of the running in the wake of their Craig Kimbrel acquisition. He adds that Soria is open to closing or setting up — a sentiment also heard by ESPN’s Buster Olney (Twitter link), who notes that Soria will still seek a “closer-like contract” even if he accepts an eighth-inning role. The number reported by Stark would seem to reflect that thinking. 不少球團都對Joakim Soria都有興趣,包含老虎、遊騎兵、紅襪、雙城和皇家隊,但紅襪 自從交易來Craig Kimbrel就不追Soria了。從數位記者消息得知,Joakim Soria可以接受 終結者或佈局投手的位置,但Soria希望合約價碼是接近終結者的大小,即使他是擔任球隊 的佈局投手。 Soria just completed a solid season split as the Tigers’ closer and a setup man for Pirates’ closer Mark Melancon. Both Soria’s 2.53 ERA and 67 1/3 innings pitched represent the best marks he has posted since an All-Star season with the Royals back in 2010. Soria missed the 2012 campaign with Tommy John surgery and struggled a bit upon returning late in the 2013 season, but his overall body of work since returning from the procedure is strong. In 135 2/3 innings post-TJ, Soria has logged a 2.99 ERA with 9.3 K/9 against 2.6 BB/9 to go along with 42 saves. Soria在2015年球季,除了在老虎隊擔任終結者之外,也在海盜隊Mark Melancon之前擔任 佈局投手,成績總結如下: ERA HLD SV SVO IP SO HR ERA+ FIP WHIP 2.53 11 24 30 67.2 64 8 272 3.71 1.094 2015年球季的2.53 ERA和67 1/3局的投球局數,都是他自從2010年皇家隊明星球季之後的 最好表現。2012年整季因為Tommy John換韌帶手術而缺席,2013年球季回歸時則是投得有 點跌跌撞撞,但至此整體而言他表現越來越好,在開完Tommy John換韌帶手術之後,在 135.2局內,投出了2.99 ERA、9.3 K/9值、2.6 BB/9值和42次救援成功。 網址: http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2015/11/joakim-soria-27-million-three-years.html 備註: Joakim Soria明年會去哪一隊呢? 價碼會接近3年/27M嗎? 也是值得關注的後援之一。 --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1447912872.A.230.html

secpeda: 以前就有關注這位投手 誰知道來老虎整個弱化.... 11/19 15:02

huoyuanjia: 這幾年去老虎的rp有哪個沒弱化 11/19 15:19

bonjovi0930: 不考慮回老家皇家嗎?這樣皇家只要先發投5局就好 11/19 15:39

yao860718: 回前東家條子也不錯 11/19 16:18

ck326: MLB到底賺多大阿,隨便一隻RP都快千萬美 11/19 17:24

d123xxx: 上面那篇的蚵嗲還比較便宜 這價碼真的有點太貴了... 11/19 18:00

epw: 蚵嗲長約便宜點,Soria短約貴一點 各有好處 11/20 01:39

epw: 比較看好2+1型的約 CP變數太大了 11/20 01:40

iuchun1010: 拼合約年型,簽短約吧 11/20 09:10

steven211037: 一直不覺得他有這麼好 11/20 10:30

carrhung: 他的曲球真的還不錯 這幾年成績也算穩定 還ok啦 11/20 10:37

wahaha5678: 他受傷前可是被認為最有希望挑戰MO救援紀錄的人 11/21 00:46

lusanova: 想當初WD還被炮過當rp合約太貴 11/21 08:30

manny875468: 我看金寶跟105火球男,就要15m/y 11/21 23:52
