[外電] Darren O’Day Has Multiple Offers In H

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作者 saiulbb (Becky是我的拉!)
時間 2015-11-11 22:59:33
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來源: mlbtraderumors 標題: Darren O’Day Has Multiple Offers In Hand 內文: By Steve Adams | November 10, 2015 at 11:10pm CST The market for free-agent right-hander Darren O’Day is moving quickly, reports ESPN’s Buster Olney (links to Twitter). The Beverly Hills Sports Council client already has offers in hand, according to Olney, and he’s planning to meet with the managers of some of those teams in the coming week. Olney lists the Tigers, Red Sox and Giants as three clubs to have shown interest in O’Day, though it’s not known if any of those three are among the teams to have extended a formal offer. 從Beverly Hills Sports Council經紀公司得知,右投Darren O’Day已經得到不少的報價 。而從ESPN的記者表示,他將會在未來一周會面一些球團,包含老虎、紅襪及巨人等三個 球團,都對O’Day有興趣,然而這並不表示前述三隊會再給比之前的一份更大的offer。 Typically, it behooves free agents — especially relievers — to sign contracts early in the offseason. A look back to November relief signings over the past few years shows the likes of Zach Duke (three years, $15MM), Joe Smith (three years, $15.75MM), Javier Lopez (three years, $13MM), Jonathan Broxton (three years, $21MM), Jeremy Affeldt (three years, $18MM) and Joaquin Benoit (three years, $16.5MM back in 2010) all landed sizable contracts despite not being considered the top names on the free agent market. Of course, O’Day also has the advantage of being the consensus top name on this year’s relief market, so perhaps it’s not as crucial for him to sign early. Still, striking early while each club has its entire offseason budget at its disposal isn’t a bad route for O’Day’s camp. 歷史案例指出,後援投手都會在休季不久後就開始簽約。案例如: 1. Zach Duke ($15MM/3YR) 2. Joe Smith ($15.75MM/3YR) 3. Javier Lopez ($13MM/3YR) 4. Jonathan Broxton ($21MM/3YR) 5. Jeremy Affeldt ($18MM/3YR) 6. Joaquin Benoit ($16.5MM/3YR, back in 2010) 以上這些看起來非頂級的RP,但都簽了一份相當可觀的合約。當然,O’Day可說是今年救 援投手中排名前幾位的,所以簽約是不是要簽這麼早對他就並不是這麼重要了。另一方面 ,這樣也可以從每個球團他整季的預算來看,花在O’Day身上得花多少。 Over the past four seasons, the 32-year-old O’Day has worked to a 1.92 ERA with 9.7 K/9 and 2.1 BB/9. He saved his best season for his contract year, establishing new career-bests in ERA (1.52) and K/9 (11.3); opponents batted just .198/.257/.283 against O’Day. He yielded just a .210/.293/.333 batting line to left-handed hitters and dominated right-handed bats, who mustered only a .192/.236/.256 line against him. 32歲的他在合約年之前,繳出了生涯年的成績,包含ERA(1.52)、K/9 (11.3)、BB/9(2.1) 、被對手打擊三圍.198/.257/.283、被左打三圍 .210/.293/.333,更不用說對右打的三 圍.192/.236/.256。 Interest in O’Day was said to be “steep” from day one at the GM Meetings, with the Cubs, Royals, Nationals and Dodgers all being connected to the former Oriole yesterday as well. 隨著GM Meetings的到來,球團對O’Day的興趣越來越高,包含小熊、皇家、國民跟道奇 都是。 網址: http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/ 備註: O’Day大概是今年FA中RP排名前幾位的頂級RP,他到底會去哪一隊呢? --
※ saiulbb (, 11/11/2015 23:14:19
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1447253982.A.06C.html

b5023556: 皇家是要牛棚多鐵啊 11/11 23:02

dragon50119: O'Day真的很猛 11/11 23:05

fountainNess: 老虎 11/11 23:07

dunhiller: 皇家把錢省下來補SP吧... 11/11 23:09

austin7037: 巨人吧 11/11 23:14

jimmy20642: 還是希望他能留在老東家QQ 11/11 23:34

pkbrown: 鐵到SP只要投5IP嗎XD 11/11 23:51

wa3740529: 皇家先發投手真幸福,只要上班5局 11/11 23:59

azlbf: 超過20/3年就不划算了 11/12 00:16

zxc995511: ODay如果去皇家,明年荷蘭再回來,這樣先發只要投4局XD 11/12 00:50

Alan1597: 那麼多人要他不意外阿!很穩 11/12 00:56

fountainNess: 聽說道奇「很有」興趣 11/12 01:07

O10lOl01O: Davis,Holland,Oday 鐵三角! 11/12 01:19

scheiss: 來我襪吧 11/12 01:23

DarthVader: 皇家目標是先發一局嗎 11/12 02:02

fountainNess: 是也沒這麼誇張,Holland non-tender,Madson FA 11/12 02:06

fountainNess: 目前也就Davis跟Herrera比較確定而已 11/12 02:06

BrandonMai: 來我襪吧 11/12 05:59

remix999: 去道奇或是我熊巴 11/12 08:25

ix9999: 到巨人和Lopez組左右怪投XD 11/12 08:43

mayfirst0501: 回我條吧 11/12 09:08

b5023556: Herrera Oday Davis holland 超猛 11/12 10:23

carrhung: 皇家應該會讓Davis扛CL, 再找個牛 11/12 11:14

DarthVader: Houchevor 季後賽也猛 11/12 13:52

vgil: 皇家sp要當公務員了 11/13 09:21
