Re: [情報] 2015 MLB 金手套得獎名單live

看板 MLB
作者 abc12812 ()
時間 2015-11-11 11:22:26
留言 21則留言 (9推 0噓 12→)

: 以上增加了FanGraph校正UZR進階守備數據和該聯盟排名 : 能上排名都是有到一定的防守局數 : 有些人說GG就是完全靠印象分數 : 的確也像是Hosmer明明分數超低還得獎的例子 : 但整體看下來 : 不難看出某些投票者已經開始有防守考慮進階數據 : 雖然有許多得獎者的Def都不是第一 : 但大多數都在前五之內,甚至第一的也不在少數(尤其外野) : Cespedes的數據就是打臉許多鄉民的印象分數? : (到底是鄉民靠印象分數還是投票者靠印象分數) : 雖然Simmons還是一樣高居第一,但和Crawford的差距也沒有想像中的大 : 因此當鄉民繼續說GG就是靠印象分數、名氣來評選(雖然NP和名氣多少有加分效果) : 是否要修正一下這樣的言論? 金手套獎從2013年以後的評比方式就已經變了 加入25%的進階數據考量 還以為金手套就是完全印象派的需要更新一下資訊了 The voting was slightly altered this year. Since its inception in 1957, the Gold Glove has relied solely on votes by Major League managers and coaches to determine the best defensive players. Managers and coaches got an assist this year from the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR), and for the first time, Rawlings collaborated with SABR to formally incorporate sabermetrics as a component in determining winners. A committee of experts in baseball analytics and defensive measurement devised the SABR Defensive Index (SDI), which draws on and aggregates two types of existing defensive metrics: those derived from batted balls, location-based data and those collected from play-by-play accounts. The three metrics representing batted-ball data include defensive runs saved (from Baseball Info Solutions), ultimate zone rating (developed by sabermetician Mitchel Lichtman) and runs effectively defended (created by SABR's Chris Dial). The two metrics included in the SDI from play-by-play data are defensive regression analysis, created by committee member Michael Humphreys, and total zone rating. The plan, according to Rawlings and SABR, is to have the SDI complement the judgment of the managers and coaches. The SABR Defensive Index will account for 30 total votes -- or approximately 25 percent -- of the Gold Glove Award selection process, and will be added to the votes from the managers and coaches. --
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fountainNess: 推XD 11/11 11:23

ChrisDavis: 應該是不會發生Palmeiro的案子XD 11/11 11:51

mayfirst0501: Palmeiro是指當年擔任DH場次超多的那次嗎? 11/11 11:56

kenny781558: 原來如此 感謝abc提供資訊佐證 11/11 11:56

kenny781558: abc大 11/11 11:57

todd7622: 不過實際操作面又是另一回事了 11/11 12:16

charlie01: GG就是各隊教練團選的 所以實際上所謂的「靠印象」之說 11/11 13:12

charlie01: 其實就是在酸MLB的總A和教練們不懂棒球(防守) 11/11 13:13

charlie01: 並不是鄉民們最愛批鬥的記者或其他鄉民 11/11 13:13

charlie01: 當然總A也許也不代表什麼 但我總覺得要開酸或以印象派 11/11 13:13

charlie01: 三個字概括前 至少應該都對這件事有清楚的認知 11/11 13:14

charlie01: 更何況就算防守數據本身都是還沒發展成熟的東西 11/11 13:17

todd7622: 進階防守數據最大的盲點:無法顯示出團隊合作的重要性 11/11 13:27

todd7622: 不同於投打,防守並不是把9個能力最好的防守員擺在場上 11/11 13:28

todd7622: 就能呈現出最好的效果 11/11 13:29

todd7622: 接傳那些都還是基本配備,溝通、跑位和補位同等重要 11/11 13:32

udm: 因為Jeter退休了 XD 11/11 13:38

kenny781558: 延續Todd大 還有就是無顯示近年的移防的效果 11/11 14:08

KKyosuke: 因為正常來說總A跟教練根本不太會去看別隊選手的表現 11/11 15:36

KKyosuke: (尤其還是防守表現) 一年可能就碰個幾次面而已 11/11 15:37

KKyosuke: 所以一向被認為很吃名氣分數啊... 11/11 15:37
