[外電] Blue Jays to monitor Troy Tulowitzki

看板 MLB
作者 blacklittle (傻黑)
時間 2015-09-13 09:30:35
留言 44則留言 (30推 0噓 14→)

Blue Jays to monitor Troy Tulowitzki (shoulder) for next week NEW YORK -- Toronto shortstop Troy Tulowitzki cracked his left shoulder blade in the opener of the Blue Jays' doubleheader against the New York Yankees during a second-inning collision with center fielder Kevin Pillar. 兔肉在今天對洋基的比賽跟Pillar對撞後 左肩胛骨出現裂痕 Toronto said Tulowitzki will be monitored for the next week before the Blue Jays determine a timetable for his return. The Blue Jays said he will speak about the injury Sunday. 藍鳥在決定回歸日期前 還會持續監控 Tulowitzki backpedaled into short center to catch Didi Gregorius' popup with two outs. After Tulowitzki caught the ball, he was hit from behind by Pillar. 這衝撞發生在接一顆高飛球 跟外野手撞在一起 Tulowitzki at first held the ball and transferred it to his right hand as he collided with Pillar, then seemed to be stunned and fell to the field as the ball rolled out of his hand. Tulowitzki was attended to by a trainer and walked off on his own Saturday, although with a limp. After saying X-rays of his rib and chest were negative, the Blue Jays said he would have an MRI. During the nightcap, Toronto said he sustained a small crack to his scapula and upper back muscle bruising. 照了X光後 肋骨跟胸部沒事 但是MRI發現肩胛骨有裂痕 上背部的肌肉挫傷 Tulowitzki, 30, has a history of injuries that have limited him to an average of just 88 games per year over the previous three seasons. In 125 games this season with the Colorado Rockies and the Blue Jays, Tulowitzki is batting .279 with 17 homers and 70 RBIs. 兔肉院長生涯頗玻璃 這三年平均只打88場比賽 今年已經打了125場 The five-time All-Star was acquired just before the July trade deadline in a deal that sent shortstop Jose Reyes and three prospects to the Rockies. Information from ESPNNewYork.com's Andrew Marchand and The Associated Press was used in this report. http://tinyurl.com/q3xhwmd 院長你...關鍵時刻耶 -- blacklittle 2B 3B 這傢伙 在他的生涯中 有機會成為不錯的邊角內野手 但須克服脆弱的身體 避免成為DL常客 他仍有空間提升他平庸的打擊爆發力 但仍舊無法造成全壘打威脅 --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1442107843.A.7E7.html

crazyoscar: 是說兔肉到藍鳥後 打擊率直直落.. 09/13 09:33

dearjohn307: 兔肉季末進DL好像是很習以為常的事了 希望他早點回 09/13 09:34

dearjohn307: 來 藍鳥季後賽還是需要他 09/13 09:34

ppoll2: 休息一下調整也好 09/13 09:34

EEERRIICC: 今年把休眠期拉到九月了 惜福 09/13 09:35

crazyoscar: 前三年平均88場..難怪今年到藍鳥後感覺有點.... 09/13 09:41

porten812: 感覺只是輕輕碰一下... 09/13 09:42

kenkenken31: 還以為做了臀部手術大整後能擺脫院長體質... 09/13 09:56

dufflin: 唉喲喂呀 09/13 09:57

mrkey: 算一算如果今天兩場都贏, 藍鳥在Yankee Stadium 七連勝中 09/13 09:59

mrkey: 想當初TOR在Bronx 17連敗過 09/13 09:59

Asucks: 兔肉下山後,長打都不見了 09/13 10:13

kauw: 痛痛人? 09/13 10:17

kauw: 對他身價影響很大 09/13 10:17

th11yh23: 想拿冠軍才出國比賽 結果現在季後賽可能不能出賽 09/13 10:20

aLaN0727: 好慘阿,碰不得 09/13 10:36

OoyaoO: Tulo早就可以不在意身價這回事了 以他痛痛程度這張約完 09/13 10:38

OoyaoO: 搞不好就退休了 09/13 10:38

piggreat: ↑會有一堆球隊要吧!!! 09/13 11:29

JessicaA1ba: 洋基魂~~~ 09/13 11:33

jenchieh5: 搬去多倫多還是院長... 09/13 11:34

jackmou: sigh… 09/13 11:51

ocean11: 今年多打很多場了 09/13 12:06

mygoing: 搬去離鳳凰城最近的球隊吧 09/13 12:10

blacklittle: 響尾蛇嗎? 09/13 12:47

Zuleta: 他最熟悉不就DL嗎 09/13 12:53

notmuchmoney: 看起來撞的不重 卻還是到DL報到了.. 09/13 13:01

shian3422: ㄧ開始還以為脊椎出問題 整個倒下去以為沒知覺了 09/13 13:55

lahugh: 回到熟悉的位置(誤 09/13 14:20

caresomes: 已經多撐很多場了,不然老早就進DL 09/13 15:46

linisthebest: 快變真椰N祥物了… 09/13 15:54

kauw: 以前洋基專吃籃鳥我還記得AROD在壘上的神叫一聲 對方漏接XD 09/13 15:58

b8739091: XDD樓上有影片支援嗎? 09/13 17:13

kauw: 這好幾年了 影片可能要找神人才有 當時引起籃鳥方面非常不爽 09/13 17:23

nomosa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9NSSCzrnRw 09/13 17:55

qw6789q: https://youtu.be/lxPNcrvR46Q 09/13 19:43

qw6789q: A-Rod受到球迷的愛戴代表作之一 09/13 19:44

tyrone0923: Tulo這張約跑完就36了,還能不能打很難說~ 拼個冠軍吧 09/13 20:49

dearjohn307: 這碰撞很嚴重嗎?怎麼手就裂了 太誇張了吧~ 09/13 23:42

starcry: 兔肉去玩大富翁應該會一天到晚踩到地理吧 09/14 02:45

starcry: *地雷 09/14 02:45

vgil: 加拿大醫療也很好啊 09/14 08:35

dufflin: 看到畫面 還頓了一下才倒下去 超妙 (喂) 09/14 20:28

saiulbb: QQ 09/22 11:01
