[外電] Dodgers' Tsao could pull off rare feat

看板 MLB
作者 JEFF11503 (終極大帝)
時間 2015-03-16 18:08:19
留言 71則留言 (40推 9噓 22→)

Stranger things have happened, but not many. The Taiwanese pitcher, 33, played for the Rockies in 29 games from 2003-05, appeared in 21 games for the Dodgers in 2007, was involved in a game-fixing scandal back in his native Taiwan in 2009, ran a barbecue restaurant and, suddenly, was signed to a Minor League contract by the Dodgers before Spring Training with no invitation to Major League camp. But he's been added to the squad several times this spring as a backup, been given the ball in two games, and has been lights out, including on Sunday, when he struck out two in 1 2/3 perfect innings, hitting 96 mph on the radar gun. Early in camp, Tsao's mere presence led to all kinds of jokes, but the conversation is turning serious enough for manager Don Mattingly to say he left Tsao in an extra inning Sunday so he would face the top of the Mariners' batting order. He got Austin Jackson on a fly out, struck out Justin Ruggiano swinging and Robinson Cano looking. "His stuff is good," said Mattingly. "I kind of left him in there for a shot at Cano and those guys. He's been interesting to watch." And to catch. "First time I ever saw him," said catcher Yasmani Grandal. "He gives me a lot of options. He has a back-door breaking ball. And I didn't know he threw that hard." http://goo.gl/Axghnj 翻譯:FUCK IT!!! 我想,這新聞配這簽名檔最好 -- "There is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first or last time. I owe him my best." -Joe DiMaggio --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1426500507.A.0E0.html

sdfsonic: 各種崩潰 03/16 18:12

appshjkli: 呵呵 03/16 18:12

typhoonnat: 隨便啦 03/16 18:15

jshuang: barbecue restaurant 是放水的意思嗎 03/16 18:19

egria: 是他去開燒烤店的意思 03/16 18:22

su43123: 4樓反串嗎... 03/16 18:28

BuBuLoop: 推翻譯 03/16 18:35

bear15328: 你崩潰? 哈哈 爽 03/16 19:09

sirotan1990: 這翻譯... 03/16 19:39

if2: 想到Ryan Braun 有他的新聞下面都一整排cheater XD 03/16 19:41

abc12812: 假球聯盟被打臉就是爽 03/16 21:12

porten812: 我曹再起 03/16 21:15

ca1123: 又有道奇比賽可以看囉~~ 03/16 21:15

Seiran: 四樓是開玩笑嗎? 03/16 21:15

HuanYuWu: 還是加油吧 03/16 21:35

travis2329: 其美國也不缺有醜聞的球員啦 有實力就不怕^^ 03/16 21:39

JBKsucks: 現在回頭,從"心"努力,還有幾年的空間可以拼 03/16 21:56

borriss: 菇職還是去打高中職棒好了 03/16 21:59

KayRain: 假人 03/16 22:03

satan24: 錦輝加油!!! 03/16 22:04

newest: 怎麼煮拉麵最好吃?? 不要放水最好吃~ 03/16 22:04

gundam00: 小曹:感謝中職讓我有機會在這證明自己,啾咪 03/16 22:08

accjm2440: 加油! 03/16 22:09

jason12308: 所以小小郭應該去賣麵讓手休息……? 03/16 22:17

JeremyKSKGA: 加油!! 03/16 22:22

allen0326200: 猛啊 03/16 22:22

yankees733: 小曹加油! 03/16 22:25

s6525480: 哇!看來 他這下終於開始玩真的嘍! 03/16 22:26

dudu5566: 這篇在工山小? 03/16 22:33

cpblgu: 兄弟之恥 03/16 22:42

sheets: 樓上中職菇 03/16 22:52

searoar: 03/16 23:17

jardon: 在臺灣玩假的 去美國玩真的 觀念不錯 03/16 23:17

haloducks: 台灣是聖人之地 03/16 23:24

searoar: 橘逾淮為枳 03/16 23:31

ppacers: 在說他準備要上大聯盟了 替不懂英文的網友說一下 03/16 23:43

ppacers: 我猜王開季會在3A 但最久一個月後就會上MLB 03/16 23:43

ppacers: 今年王曹再起 劇本看起來目前完全照著走 03/16 23:44

ppacers: 不過啦 老實說我覺的熱身賽畢竟是熱身塞 03/16 23:45

ppacers: 熱身賽那些 已經穩定待MLB的選手都是亂打的甚至還XXY 03/16 23:45

ppacers: 因為熱身賽也都有在賭 球員怎樣有錢的呢 03/16 23:45

ppacers: 開季才會見真章 03/16 23:46

charlie01: 樓上不久前信誓旦旦和人賭王開季會在MLB記得匯錢 03/16 23:52

bear15328: #1KgxeQx1 呵呵 等著看笑話 03/16 23:52

charlie01: 給那幾位板友啊 你可是說得很篤定一大篇啊(呵欠) 03/16 23:52

linisthebest: 黑曹遲早被流放 03/16 23:57

TohnoMinagi: 假球聯盟球迷崩潰 03/17 00:09

s6525480: 當年也是有位信誓蛋蛋講王在藍鳥上不了 戒之愼之 03/17 00:46

s6525480: 好像是什麼手有什麼炎不太方便打字的MLB先進 03/17 00:47

edhuang: 是天才好了 但球迷心中地位已經無法改變了 03/17 00:49

JessicaA1ba: 佩穎T.T 03/17 03:01

urup45849: 現在又不用翻譯了嗎? 03/17 03:04

sunnydragon7: 當初還在媒體面前公開道歉~沒有去衝撞會需要道歉? 03/17 08:43

dreamerhigh: 旅台就是神 03/17 09:05

jardon: 25人名單上加個星號就好 03/17 09:05

jardon: 不知道Rose被封殺 那算不算聖人之地 03/17 09:10

ForgerEames: 才兩場,而且是春訓,不管投好投壞都不代表以後會持 03/17 09:20

ForgerEames: 續。 03/17 09:20

willy1103: 聖人崩潰 03/17 09:53

EEERRIICC: lol 不要讓戰火延到這裡嘛 老rp馬丁利愛這味嗎? 03/17 10:35

KayRain: 某個說王開季就會上的怎麼偷偷轉彎了 03/17 11:10

livxering: 放水垃圾 03/17 12:33

bear15328: 這邊也有道德魔人?? 呵呵 03/17 13:01

Liriano: 王曹加油 03/17 13:11

b99202071: 某人之前跟別人賭王"開季"上MLB結果現在偷改喔?笑死人 03/17 16:59

simonown: 本尊跟分身在勇士板全部被水桶了 只好跑回來這裡嗆聲 03/17 17:34

simonown: 王第一場沒失分他幾乎把其他勇士頭手酸過一輪了 第二場 03/17 17:34

simonown: 爆之後就改口說春訓不準 開季見真章 03/17 17:35

GoOdGaMe: 哇靠 太強了 03/17 18:02

keepbusy: 不愧衝撞達人 不支持會被酸道德魔人喔 呵呵 03/17 19:51

hikaruton: 曹加油!! 03/21 08:55
