[外電] Big-money James? Market for Shields is

看板 MLB
作者 ccpz (OoOoOo)
時間 2015-01-05 15:07:11
留言 61則留言 (37推 0噓 24→)

有幾個消息來源說至少要 100M/5y 才能簽他, 還有人說他手上已經有 110M/5y, 但他在等有沒有更高價的合約 http://foxs.pt/1xJ6iYk Ken Rosenthal FOX Sports JAN 04, 2015 10:30p ET Big-money James? Market for Shields is strong, unpredictable Think the Max Scherzer market is a mystery? Try figuring out which team is getting James Shields. Though the front-runners for Shields are not known, a number of executives tell FOX Sports they expect the free-agent right-hander to land a contract of at least five years, $100 million. Two execs say it is their understanding that Shields has a five-year, $110 million offer and is looking for an even higher guarantee. But others say that if Shields actually has such an offer, he should take it. Shields’ agent, Page Odle, has consistently declined comment throughout the free-agent process and did not respond to an email on Sunday. The talk of Shields and $100 million does not mean that he indeed will land such a deal. Third baseman Chase Headley reportedly received a four-year, $65 million offer from an unidentified club early in free agency but wound up re-signing with the Yankees for four years, $52 million. Some executives, in fact, say they would be surprised if Shields topped $100 million, considering he is 33 and perhaps due for regression coming off eight straight 200-inning seasons. The bottom line: Certain clubs have backed off Shields due to the expected price, according to major-league sources. The Marlins and Diamondbacks are among those teams, sources say. Free agency is fluid, and teams often mask their intentions or shift course. At the moment, however, sources say: *The Giants, after re-signing free-agent right-hander Jake Peavy, are “not focused” on Shields or any other pitcher to be their sixth starter. *The Red Sox, projected to be an early favorite for Shields, are maintaining contact with his camp but are “highly unlikely” to sign him. *The Padres, seemingly content with their rotation, are not seeking to add Shields. The Royals, Shields’ previous team, also would appear to be out, particularly if the righty’s price is high. The team already has committed $68.3 million to six free agents -- pitchers Edinson Volquez, Kris Medlen, Luke Hochevar and Jason Frasor, plus designated hitter Kendrys Morales and outfielder Alex Rios. The Yankees, Tigers and Angels are among the teams with questions in their rotation, but none has been linked to Shields, who received a qualifying offer from the Royals and would cost any new team a draft pick in addition to salary. Shields went 14-8 with a 3.21 ERA last season but struggled to a 6.12 ERA in 25 postseason innings. He has worked 1,910-1/3 innings in his career, compared to 1,596 for Jon Lester and 1,239-1/3 for Scherzer. Lester signed a six-year $155 million free-agent contract with the Cubs. Scherzer rejected a six-year, $144 million offer from the Tigers in spring training, and remains on the open market. --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1420441635.A.FCF.html

xw668: ...... 01/05 15:26

lucifer110: 這隻季後賽有點慘阿... 01/05 15:52

joeyer: 美金開始升值了 怎麼還這麼貴阿... 01/05 15:57

jardon: 吹牛大會? 01/05 16:01

JeremyKSKGA: 聽說沒巨人隊的份了 T^T 01/05 16:07

seeyou1002: 未看先猜BOS, DET, LAA involved 01/05 16:16

Ktime: 小熊、洋基 沒被拿來抬轎? 01/05 17:38

ultratimes: 等著看Minimum Scherzer降價求出售 01/05 17:53

Skynet: 根據過往經驗 一開始喊出的價格都會稍微灌水 01/05 18:41

watermelon20: 勞苦功高耐操多年~這價錢合理吧也要給他賺阿XD 01/05 18:52

c871111116: 結果lester的抓馬完後另外兩個還是沒啥聲音... 01/05 19:13

gogin: 我在猜 有人出110M/5y可能就得標了XDXD 01/05 19:30

Hitimothy: 33歲了 5年簽下去心臟大顆一點 01/05 19:33

porten812: 二號先發要這麼貴? 01/05 19:39

tyrone0923: 他這個價位還好啦~ 介於1-2號要個20M不意外 01/05 19:43

OrangeSunny: 話說薛澤真的沒人要簽喔 幾乎沒有Rumor = = 01/05 19:54

whalelover: 年初拒絕144M/6y 現在不知道要多少 01/05 19:58

miabcd199: 144M到底有啥好拒絕的 01/05 20:03

bkm1: 144M/6y 拒絕真的要有點勇氣.......... 01/05 20:36

EviL1988: 薛澤近兩年的成績應該可以要到一份>144M的約沒問題吧? 01/05 20:55

tyrone0923: Scherzer應該可以落在180M左右 01/05 20:57

OoyaoO: Lester 165M/6Y Max最少也可以要到同級的吧 覺得最後180M 01/05 21:05

ronald000: 真的有人敢給Scherzer六年以上的合約嗎? 01/05 21:06

yao860718: 異色瞳180M的話要簽幾年啊……… 01/05 21:07

Roshiel: 抗癌都不只144M了...MAX只會要更多 01/05 21:44

Werth: 覺得90~100M/5y差不多 110M若真 神盾也不用多等了 01/05 22:04

earldunn: 這有殺價空間的啦 01/05 22:04

ca1123: Lester真的不是overpaid嗎? 01/05 23:29

whalelover: 我也覺得Shields看到110M/5y應該馬上按accept才對XDD 01/05 23:37

whalelover: 之前季初有消息說Max想要8年約啊 01/05 23:38

OoyaoO: Overpaid又怎樣 頂級FA不overpaid誰要理你阿 01/06 00:06

Alan1597: 抗癌因為不用賠選秀籤所以比較多人競爭吧 01/06 00:49

aibakoji: 大聯盟可是有30隊,30隊都是各自獨立的,要想壓價 01/06 00:51

aibakoji: 可得跟其他29隊都講好,現實中哪有可能阿 01/06 00:51

answertw: 這跟美金升值有啥關係 01/06 01:10

lingon: MLB球團聯合壓低球員薪資手段是很有歷史的, 也仲裁了不少 01/06 01:11

lingon: 次, 有興趣可以看: http://tinyurl.com/lp7oto4 01/06 01:12

mrkey: 很簡單啊, 他在等 Max Scherzer 先簽, period 01/06 01:17

yrt3168: 看完NBA看這篇以為講LBJ XDDD 01/06 20:44

decorum: 幫忙球隊進入季後賽,然後也帶頭核爆,要不要他,真是難 01/06 23:48

epw: kershaw也爆了幾場季後賽....還不是照樣頂薪 01/07 00:01

kohi120: 神盾光耐投就超值,管他季後賽什麼樣,能進季後比較重要 01/07 06:53

vg175: 神盾32歲進FA,DOC也是32歲轉隊費城,同樣32歲時DOC比神盾多 01/07 08:13

vg175: 吃220局(加算小聯盟)差不多剛好等於一個球季的量 01/07 08:14

vg175: DOC在費城投出兩年ACE成績後後第三年開始出問題 01/07 08:15

vg175: DOC職業生涯末段的狀況一定會影響GM對神盾的評估 01/07 08:17

OoyaoO: 這樣聯想力太豐富了 很少進FA時有資格拿大約的SP前幾年 01/07 09:56

OoyaoO: 工作量會少的 01/07 09:56

vg175: 重點在神盾32歲所以拿近年比較接近的DOC來比較 01/07 10:04

vg175: 雖然DOC不是以FA加入費城人但是他到費城後也簽了延長合約 01/07 10:05

vg175: 一樣32歲一樣要簽長約一樣出身美東 DOC算接近的比較對象 01/07 10:06

vg175: 而且神盾跟DOC在32歲以前也都沒有傷病問題 01/07 10:07

vg175: DOC雖然04跟05年有受傷不過回來以後到轉隊前四年還是很穩定 01/07 10:09

vg175: 年吃220+局 01/07 10:09

mrkey: 不過這最後的兩張大獎,隨著新年結束,也該差不多要開獎了 01/07 12:15

mrkey: 大概MLK前後就會知道花落誰家了 01/07 12:15

mrkey: 屆時也大概就會知道 Hamels 要去哪了 01/07 12:15

OoyaoO: Hamels跟Lester差不多 不過他剩下的合約是100M/5Y 01/07 16:40

OoyaoO: Lester是165M/6Y+一輪籤 這樣差價應該要價不斐XD 01/07 16:40

vg175: O大記錯了 Lester不用扣首輪籤 01/07 19:30

OoyaoO: 對哄 他沒QO 01/08 15:30
