[外電] Braves acquire Banuelos from Yankees

看板 MLB
作者 OoedaoO (eda)
時間 2015-01-02 08:59:44
留言 17則留言 (13推 0噓 4→)

http://tinyurl.com/lrzz3d2 The Braves utilized the bullpen depth they have recently built to acquire Manny Banuelos, a young left-handed starter who might come to Spring Training with a chance to win the fifth spot in Atlanta's starting rotation. The Braves traded right-handed reliever David Carpenter and left-handed reliever Chasen Shreve to the Yankees on Thursday in exchange for Banuelos, a 23-year-old southpaw who was a highly regarded prospect before multiple ailments plagued him over the past few years. 勇士 GET Manny Bannuelos 洋基 GET David Carpenter + Chasen Shreve 補上Kelley缺 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1420160388.A.C98.html

Atropos0723: 這樣算是挖東牆補西牆嗎? 01/02 09:02

synchron: 勇士在把牆都打掉只剩樑柱跟釘子戶 01/02 09:06

porten812: (σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ 喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~ 01/02 09:07

loveyou999: 勇士算被坑了嗎? 01/02 09:09

Parazicecum: B.J這釘子戶還真的是怎麼趕都趕不走 01/02 10:23

SlamKai: 費城:勇士,重建之路有你陪著真好。 01/02 10:44

mrkey: 當年的雙B結果現在... 01/02 10:51

mrkey: David Carpenter 超讚, NYY 7-8-9 又更強了 01/02 10:51

Roawen: 爛透了 Shreve都送走是哪招 01/02 10:57

dinos: ManBan不錯,23歲,前段輪值潛力,如果養得起來的話啦~ 01/02 11:05

Hitimothy: 可惜了 Bannuelos 01/02 11:18

sycstyle: 一邊求穩 一邊賭復活 01/02 11:29

qozxcv: 簽Jason Grilli, Jim Johnson 交易David Carpenter 01/02 11:50

qozxcv: 洋基的牛棚升級 01/02 11:52

lyk191947: 雙B至少有一個算不錯了 01/02 13:16

stevetroy: 洋基補的妙 01/02 13:17

yankees733: 洋基水喔 01/02 17:50
