[外電] Orioles To Re-sign Delmon Young

看板 MLB
作者 snake17 (vote orange)
時間 2014-12-25 13:20:30
留言 40則留言 (24推 0噓 16→)

The Orioles have agreed to a one-year deal with outfielder/designated hitter Delmon Young, MLB.com has confirmed, helping the club add the right-handed bat they needed. The agreement is still pending a physical, which will be done after the holidays, and puts Young to make a base salary of $2.25 million that could reach $3 million if he hits all of the incentives. Young, who originally had been looking for a two-year deal, was a big piece of the Orioles despite limited playing time. A non-roster invitee who made the Opening Day roster last spring, Young hit .302 with seven homers and 30 RBIs in 83 games. Young’s pinch-hit three-RBIs double in the American League Division Series lifted Baltimore to a Game 2 win in a series over the Tigers they went on to sweep. It was one of many clutch hits for the 29-year-old last season. Over a nine-year career with five different clubs, Young is a .283 career hitter with 107 homers and 550 RBIs. He is the first free agent retained by Baltimore this season, and could be the only one as the O’s have already lost Nick Markakis, Andrew Miller and Nelson Cruz to other clubs. Executive vice president of baseball operations Dan Duquette had wanted to add an outfielder and both a right-handed and left-handed bat. The club will continue to look for another outfield to help cover for departures of Cruz and Markakis, but Young’s signing should help add depth and give manager Buck Showalter a good option in the DH role. http://ppt.cc/DskM 整個冬天沒啥動作的金鳥以一年225萬續簽楊大猛,含激勵獎金最多可到300萬, DD說球團還是希望能夠繼續找到一左打一右打的外野手來替補馬老大跟Cruz的空缺, 楊大猛會是修總在DH上的一個好選擇。 心得: 楊大猛今年其實打得還不錯,能簽到這個價格DD確實很有一套, 然後我好想要Aoki桑啊! Bud Norris&陳偉殷現在賣相正好,究竟能夠換到什麼好貨呢? -- 說到金鳥這幾年摳死當的策略,一直清薪資空間, 讓我們鳥迷一直抱持著明年留住Wieters這種頂尖捕手的美夢, 還是別抱太大期待好了(ˊ_>ˋ) 以金鳥迷的立場來說,其實我也不希望一朗來, 從以前就或多或少聽說到一些rumor指一朗會讓球隊氣氛變差, 進而導致球隊戰績變差,當然詳細可能要資深水兵迷才會比較了解。
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1419484854.A.15A.html

EEERRIICC: 肥楊... 12/25 13:24

ocean11: 一朗快來吧 12/25 13:30

the0930that: 找一朗不如找青木 12/25 13:31

Lacus0827: 這薪水簽得不錯 不過補就得起來嗎(ry 12/25 13:31

SlamKai: 金鶯制服組冬眠完了? 12/25 13:34

jardon: 我們這裡有一堆smith和venable 12/25 13:43

lovejill2004: 一朗 青木一起來 反正外野挺空的 12/25 13:53

ocean11: 金鳥這麼摳,年薪2.3百萬簽不到青木,一朗才有可能吧 12/25 13:59

sunnydragon7: 青木照金鳥摳死當的策略是簽不到的 12/25 14:02

sjvious: 今年神之代打 12/25 14:06

doa2: 朗神搞不好150萬就簽了? 12/25 14:47

acd51874: 一朗金額加50萬 多附一隻內野手 12/25 15:15

JessicaA1ba: 朗神要的是加入爭冠隊,錢根本沒在在乎 12/25 15:16

takamiku: 有競爭球隊也不要一朗來殘害球隊 12/25 16:10

tony123839: 一朗簽一年短約不差啊 12/25 18:29

tony123839: Aoki我反而沒啥興趣 12/25 18:29

tony123839: 不過金鳥要不就乾脆找個強力外野手 要不就乾脆擺爛 12/25 18:34

tony123839: 今年的金鳥不但沒補強 還補弱 12/25 18:35

jerryklu: 一朗進剛走ARod 小葛 RJ的水手,然後116勝,戰積差? 12/25 19:05

jerryklu: 這不是NBA,影響因子很多,氣氛變差大概是04年開始死屍 12/25 19:06

jerryklu: 年代開始,忘記哪位球員曾經想請教一朗打擊技巧,結果 12/25 19:08

jerryklu: 沒有得到正面回應,但我想當時的隊友對一朗認識不深 12/25 19:10

jerryklu: 如果一朗真的很難搞,我覺得不可能會有小葛回鍋之後那 12/25 19:11

jerryklu: 部椅子黏膠水的廣告,可是 12/25 19:12

jerryklu: 他現在的表現真的很難有明顯的幫助,身為朗迷也得承認.. 12/25 19:13

charlie01: 至少他在NY兩年多球季季間沒任何相關的負面或小道消息 12/25 20:15

charlie01: 只有在今年結束後意有所指說了幾句休息室可能有點問題 12/25 20:16

charlie01: (當然要擴張成會這樣說自己可能也有點問題也不是不行) 12/25 20:17

charlie01: 但至少這兩年NY沒什麼休息室風暴 他和隊友互動也沒異狀 12/25 20:18

charlie01: 場上球迷看到的也總是廉頗老矣但仍全力以赴的他 12/25 20:19

abc12812: 休息室氣氛的問題是秋信守放話說一朗只顧洗數據不顧戰績 12/25 20:20

Werth: 如果金鳥補上一朗或青木 CD回穩 金鳥還是很有威脅性 12/25 21:19

ocean11: 又不是打籃球,還能洗數據咧 12/26 12:34

EEERRIICC: 蠻好奇打者洗數據是什麼意思 洗安打數orRBI? 12/26 12:41

Lacus0827: 投手可以洗數據 打者要怎洗啊www 12/26 13:35

acd51874: 不求長打只求一壘安刷AVG這樣吧? 其他的更難刷 12/26 13:45

totoro35: 打者可以洗三振數,每年的風扇排行XD 12/26 19:01

catsondbs: 滿篇推文只有兩個是在說楊大猛 XD 12/26 19:26

jerryklu: 一朗本來就水槍,硬要打長打才叫洗數據吧~~ 12/26 19:39

epw: 青木那個才叫水槍吧..... 12/26 19:49
