[情報] Yanks, Red Sox interested in Miller

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作者 gogin (愛查實價登錄的勾勾)
時間 2014-12-03 21:16:01
留言 12則留言 (4推 0噓 8→)

Yanks, Red Sox interested in Miller 洋基紅襪都對Miller有興趣 來源: http://espn.go.com/new-york/mlb/story/_/id/11962483/ new-york-yankees-pursuit-andrew-miller 縮網址: http://ppt.cc/v2xU Updated: December 1, 2014, 11:14 AM ET The New York Yankees are one of the teams in serious pursuit of left-handed reliever Andrew Miller, who is also drawing interest from the Boston Red Sox and other teams, sources told ESPN's Buster Olney. 有消息人士告訴ESPN的Buster Olney 紐約洋基隊在認真追求左投Andrew Miller波士頓紅襪跟其他隊伍也對他有興趣 His agent, Mark Rodgers, said earlier this month that the reliever is generating strong interest from several teams in the market for a closer this offseason. 他的經紀人Mark Rodgers本月稍早表示很多隊伍在休季時對於終結者有很大的興趣 "I think Andrew's evolution in the bullpen and his numbers this year fortify the belief in baseball that he's a closer-in-waiting -- and maybe the time for waiting is over," Rodgers said at the MLB general managers meetings. Yankees closer David Robertson, who also is a free agent this offseason, is looking for "Papelbon money" in initial talks with teams, a baseball official with knowledge of the discussions told ESPNNewYork.com's Andrew Marchand earlier this month. 官方人員告訴ESPNNewYork.com 的Andrew Marchand說 洋基的終結者David Robertson也是這個休季的自由球員 在尋求一份跟Papelbon類似的合約 In 2011, the Philadelphia Phillies signed Jonathan Papelbon to the richest overall reliever contract, a four-year, $50 million deal. If Papelbon finishes 15 games in 2015, his contract will vest for a fifth year at $13 million more, making it a total of five years and $63 million. 2011年 費城人跟Jonathan Papelbon簽了一個四年5000萬的合約 如果Papelbon在2015年投了15場比賽 會自動延長第五年合約 年薪1300萬 就會變成一個五年6300萬的合約 Robertson, who will turn 30 in April, completed his first year as a closer in 2014. He finished the season 4-5 with a 3.08 ERA, converting 39 saves in 44 opportunities. 在今年四月屆滿30的Robertson在2014年第一年擔任終結者 他繳出了在44次救援機會中成功救援了39次當年戰績四勝五敗防禦率3.08 He rejected the Yankees' one-year, $15.3 million qualifying offer. If the Yankees do not re-sign him, they do have an internal closer option in 26-year-old Dellin Betances, who was the superior reliever to Robertson in 2014, earning a spot on the All-Star team and finishing third in the AL Rookie of the Year voting. 他拒絕了洋基一年1530萬的QO 如果洋基不簽下他 它們可能會讓26歲的Dellin Betances接他的位子 Dellin Betances在2014球季是Robertson之前的布局投手 也參加了第一次All-Star team 也是美聯的the AL Rookie of the Year票選第三 If the Yankees were to sign Miller, it would not necessarily eliminate their pursuit of Robertson, an official with knowledge of the team's thinking told Marchand on Monday. The Yankees could construct a really strong bullpen led by the three-headed monster of Robertson, Miller and Betances. Robertson would close with Miller and Betances providing a strong bridge from the starters to the ninth inning. 如果洋基簽下了Miller他們不見得不會繼續追求Robertson 他們可建立一個強大的牛棚怪獸 由Robertson Miller Betances背負起勝利方程式 如果先發下場到第九局 可由Miller and Betances建立起強悍的中繼 讓Robertson關門 However, the source said the Yankees currently aren't prepared to pay Robertson the $50-plus million for four years he is seeking. If Robertson's price tag comes down, then the Yankees' interest in his return would increase. 不過根據消息人士指稱 洋基並不打算給Robertson他想要的四年5000萬或更高的價碼 如果他願意降價 洋基就有很大的可能考慮簽他回來 The Baltimore Orioles acquired Miller from the Red Sox before the trade deadline last season, and the 29-year-old left-hander was dominant out of the bullpen for the eventual American League East champions, going 2-0 with a 1.35 ERA and one save. 巴爾的摩金鶯紅在上個賽季交易截止日之前由紅襪手中把29歲左撇子的Miller交易過來 他主導了牛棚協助隊伍成為美聯東區冠軍,去年成績2勝0敗1.35防禦率一個救援 He held left-handed batters to a .163 average last season and was even more effective vs. righties, holding those hitters to a .145 average. Between the Red Sox and Orioles he finished last season 5-5 with a 2.02 ERA and the one save, striking out 103 batters in 62 1/3 innings. 他上個賽季讓左打被打擊率只有.163 而右打更有效率 只有.145的被打擊率 在紅襪跟金鶯是五勝五敗一救援防禦率2.02在62又1/3局中有103個三振 Miller was a starting pitcher at the beginning of his career, but the Red Sox moved him to the bullpen full time in 2012. He has a 30-38 record with a 4.91 ERA and one save in nine seasons with the Detroit Tigers, Florida Marlins, Red Sox and Orioles. Miller在職業生涯是以一個先發投手的腳色為起步 但紅襪在2012年把他轉為全職的牛棚 他在底特律老虎 佛羅里達馬林魚 紅襪隊和金鶯的九個球季成績為 30勝38敗1救援防禦率4.91 He was paid $1.9 million in 2014. 他在2014的薪水為190萬 Information from ESPN.com's Jerry Crasnick is included in this report. -- 本人不常在電腦前 如水球我 我常常不在 請愛用站內信模式找我 感謝 --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1417612566.A.3FC.html

gogin: 以上的本月應該是指11月.... 12/03 21:16

JeremyKSKGA: Andrew Miller當初就是紅襪丟掉金鶯撿走的 12/04 00:14

maxspeed150: 什麼丟掉....紅襪用他換到E-Rod 12/04 00:56

maxspeed150: 一個牛換來一個有mid-rotation天花板的prospect 12/04 00:56

maxspeed150: 講丟掉不太對吧 12/04 00:57

mygoing: 可能不了解大聯盟生態吧 交易就交易 哪來丟掉 12/04 01:45

andynanpa: Heyman的新消息, Miller的薪約應該會在接下來的48小時 12/04 04:25

andynanpa: 內搞定, 新東家縮小到北佬\躲人2選1. 4年約總值約40M 12/04 04:26

immortalqq: 丟A.Miller....搞笑嗎? 季中交易FA球員叫丟掉? 他是 12/04 08:04

immortalqq: 好牛啊 比已經簽約的左投Z.Duke好上不少 12/04 08:04

kohi120: Yanks這幾年對左手牛一直很有興趣,從marte到肉羹.... 12/05 16:45

charlie01: 莫忘Pedro Feliciano(好吧應該幾乎所有人都早徹底忘了) 12/05 18:08
