[外電] Twins win bidding for Hyeon-jong Yang

看板 MLB
作者 andy880036s (倪將再起)
時間 2014-11-23 01:38:25
留言 26則留言 (12推 0噓 14→)

Twins win bidding for Korean pitcher Hyeon-jong Yang Mike Berardino of the St. Paul Pioneer Press reports that the Twins have won the bidding for Korean left-hander Hyeon-jong Yang, who was posted by the Kia Tigers three weeks ago. Yang won the Korean equivalent of the Cy Young award this season and the 26-year-old tops out at 92-95 miles per hour, although opinions vary on his ability to be more than a middle-of-the-rotation starter in the majors. Yang’s raw numbers aren’t impressive, but it’s important to note that the Korean Baseball Organization as a whole had a 5.63 ERA this year. It’s an extreme hitter’s league and his 4.25 ERA was 25 percent better than the league average. By comparison, a pitcher being 25 percent better than this year’s MLB average would translate to a 2.80 ERA. By submitting the winning bid the Twins now have 30 days in which to negotiate a contract with Yang. http://ppt.cc/oa9v 確定由雙城贏得韓國左腕梁玹種的談判權!! 效力於起亞虎的他今年26歲 球速有92-95MPH 今年有入選仁川亞運國手 之前的廣州亞運也有 本季4.25防禦率雖然看來很普通 但KBO全體ERA是5.63(超級打擊聯盟...) 恰巧雙城輪值蠻缺左投 慘澹的發球機表現也無須贅言 覺得可以姑且一試 (其實對韓職沒有很熟 希望可以拋磚引玉討論看看 歡迎補充噢~) -- 明尼蘇達雙城2014賽季回顧與點評 (輪值)http://www.sportsv.net/articles/1539 (牛棚)http://www.sportsv.net/articles/1625 -- 11/23 01:39
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1416677923.A.98E.html

albertlaw: 入札金多少? 11/23 01:43

sampsonlu919: 看到三音節 以為是台灣人 可惜啊 11/23 01:45

sky1686: 看到Hyeon-jong的發音 就知道是韓*了吧 11/23 01:50

jeremykobe: 不看好 11/23 01:55

whalelover: 會比金廣炫高吧 11/23 01:58

kindaichi21: 這篇錯了 kbo今年era 5.21 11/23 05:23

Jigokuhen: 雖說KBO是打擊聯盟 但憑什麼認為他的era到 11/23 11:05

Jigokuhen: 大聯盟會下修啊? KBO打者>MLB??? 11/23 11:06

KKyosuke: 要問這個問題得先搞清楚KBO為什麼會是打擊聯盟 11/23 11:11

KKyosuke: 是打者太強投手太弱 還是球(彈性系數)或是規則的影響? 11/23 11:12

KKyosuke: 不是光看成績上修下修就能說哪個聯盟比哪個聯盟好的 11/23 11:13

tony123839: 我看好他可以當左手牛 但先發還不夠格~ 11/23 13:41

tony123839: 直球品質不錯 不過變化球跟控球都不優 11/23 13:42

searoar: 26歲而已 左投大器晚成 11/23 13:50

albertlaw: 想不透為啥這隻有機會在MLB當三號SP KBO成績跟柳差超多 11/23 14:45

thid5335: 新人年威風八面 之後控球走鐘大爆炸 這一兩年才比較恢復 11/23 15:00

maxspeed150: 因為球探不會只看成績 11/23 19:29

maxspeed150: 舉例來說 剛加入響尾蛇的黃暐傑 春聯的ERA是6.75 11/23 19:31

maxspeed150: 上大學以來帳面成績也是搖搖晃晃 11/23 19:32

maxspeed150: 但是他的簽約金卻比很多帳面數字比他好看的大學投手 11/23 19:33

maxspeed150: 高很多很多 11/23 19:33

yrt3168: 這就是球探和鄉民的差距 11/23 22:48

EEERRIICC: 翻過球探報告 就知道考慮的東西很多很多XDD 11/23 22:49

wahaha5678: 有情報說入札金大概只有700K~1.5M之間而已 11/24 03:29

Jigokuhen: 簽大學投手是看潛力吧 去競標KBO投手一定是要即戰力啊 11/24 16:46

Jigokuhen: 標準根本不一樣 11/24 16:47
