[外電] Ian Desmond拒絕了國民的107M/7y延長合約

看板 MLB
作者 Krislad (席藍)
時間 2014-11-14 03:50:03
留言 28則留言 (18推 1噓 9→)

Nationals offered Ian Desmond $107 milllion over seven years last offseason http://tinyurl.com/opa6qt2 The Nationals and homegrown, franchise-bedrock shortstop Ian Desmond are expected to resume contract extension talks this winter, one year before Desmond can become a free agent. The sides will reconvene with a nine-figure starting point. The Nationals offered Desmond a contract extension last offseason that would have paid him $107 million over seven years, according to multiple people familiar with the situation. The contract would have included the two-year, $17.5 million deal Desmond signed last January, meaning Desmond would have made $89.5 million over five would-be free agent seasons. The deal also would have included deferred money, decreasing its true value. Drafted by the Montreal Expos in 2004, Desmond has become a slugging, all-star shortstop, a clubhouse leader and a pillar in the organization. Based on his total contribution and the difficulty of finding a shortstop with his offensive ability, the Nationals may prioritize keeping Desmond long-term over pitcher Jordan Zimmermann, the other homegrown star eligible for free agency after 2015. While $107 constitutes a staggering sum and a significant offer from the Nationals, Desmond had cause to turn it down. In a league-wide scoring downturn, the market has rewarded players with Desmond’s ability to hit and hit for power. One industry source, affiliated with neither the Nationals nor Desmond, said Desmond would receive far more than $90 million over five years if he became a free agent after 2015 with one more average season. Recent precedents back that up. In April 2013, Rangers shortstop Elvis Andrus signed an eight-year, $120 million contract extension at age 24, two seasons away from free agency. 國民在去年季後開出了7年107M的延長合約給游擊手Ian Desmond 但被Desmond拒絕,最終在今年一月時,雙方只簽下了2年17.5M的合約 而這2年17M是原先7年合約的前半部分,也就是說7年合約的後5年共包含了89.5M Desmond連三年獲得國聯游擊銀棒獎,若明年也能正常發揮的話 在自由球員市場要拿到5年90M的合約也並非難事 預期國民在這個冬天也會繼續和Desmond談延長合約之事宜 同時國民也希望能留下Jordan Zimmermann Desmond和Zimmermann兩人在明年球季結束後皆會成為自由球員 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1415908207.A.A30.html

cacac: 游擊真搶手。不過七年約也不依,對自己健康很自信納 11/14 06:50

EEERRIICC: 想要Re2pect嗎 11/14 07:43

ellis3173: NYY歡迎您…… 11/14 08:21

ps20012001: 不意外[email protected]@a.... 11/14 08:23

SlamKai: NYY:天賜良機? 11/14 08:57

lmgallf: 這隻又不強..卡超爛Der 11/14 09:17

Mooooose: 看了一下成績,今年好風扇阿 11/14 09:51

epw: 留金面人比較實在 11/14 10:05

yankees733: 洋基去搶 11/14 10:12

Skynet: Desmond很棒了 打擊是SS的前幾名而且又健康 11/14 10:15

Skynet: 想找更好的SS也沒幾個了 11/14 10:16

mison80086: 拿遊戲看現實,頗呵 11/14 10:32

ancientmoon: 傻傻..圓仔多想要 11/14 11:53

gundam00: 說這隻不強的 可以排一下國聯比他強的ss有哪些嗎? 11/14 12:06

OnlyTD: Tulo! 但是不健康XDDDD 11/14 12:07

bighdogs: 小亨利! 11/14 13:13

b19911223: 5years 90M感覺很大張勒 11/14 13:59

improximate: 金面人是誰? 11/14 15:58

kenny7998: 健康的兔肉www 11/14 15:58

Lacus0827: 很敢要啊wwww只好求保持健康了 11/14 16:05

krizarlid: 這隻是NL的SS內算好用的了 兔肉雖猛可是就痛痛阿 11/14 16:14

redzero: 當先發別人用後援用到去日本 11/14 19:55

redzero: 1985的約走完三十七歲 賭別人報更好嗎 11/14 20:00

HadesX: 不只NL啊...全聯盟站在他前面的SS不超過一隻手啊 11/15 00:05

Skynet: 其實也不用特別強調NL 今年OPS前四名的SS都在NL 11/15 00:48

Skynet: 第四名就是Desmond 11/15 00:49

gundam00: 所以我不懂 說他不強的那位是在看平行世界mlb喔? 11/15 02:24

nomad51227: 他看「卡」,毫無理會的價值 11/15 09:54
