[外電] Wren regrets B.J. deal

看板 MLB
作者 EEERRIICC (九世魯蛇)
時間 2014-11-03 17:43:06
留言 19則留言 (17推 0噓 2→)

Former Braves GM regrets B.J. Upton deal http://www.thescore.com/mlb/news/620136 Nearly two years after Frank Wren signed B.J. Upton to the richest free-agent contract in franchise history, the former Atlanta Braves general manager wishes he never recruited the struggling talent. 兩年前Wren給了B.J.一個巨約,如今他坦承非常後悔 Wren, who was fired by the Braves on Sept. 22, told MLB Network Radio on Sunday that he wants a mulligan on the five-year, $75.25 million contract Upton signed in November 2012. 假如時光倒流~ 我能做甚麼~ "It just didn't work in Atlanta," Wren said. "It hasn't worked in Atlanta." "沒用啦,在亞特蘭大就是打不出來" Upton secured the mega-deal after hitting .246 with a .298 on-base percentage for the Tampa Bay Rays in 2012, but his combination of power and speed in center field was too tempting for the Braves to pass up. 這位當年在Rays的腿炮CF吸引到了斧頭幫,並拿到一份大約 "It's one thing to have a leadoff hitter," Wren said during Upton's introductory press conference two winters ago. " ... But to get someone who can play center field at (Upton's) caliber and can also hit 20 to 30 home runs, that's a different dimension." 前年冬天的記者會,Wren這樣說的 "擁有一位第一棒打者是一回事," "但擁有一位那種size的中外野手,他又能給你尻個20到30發,這是不同的境界啊!" Upton's production plummeted to new depths in Atlanta, potentially playing a factor in Wren's firing after the under-achieving Braves finished 17 games out of first place in 2014. B.J.持續在亞特蘭大尋找下限, 勇士落後國東17場還有Wren被火掉,他也推了一把。 AVG OPS BWAR Upton w/Rays .255 .758 15.4 Upton w/Braves .195 .593 -1.7 Only the Chicago White Sox's Dayan Viciedo has been worth fewer wins than Upton among major-league outfielders since 2013, according to FanGraphs. During his time with the Braves, Upton has created 34 percent fewer runs than league average. 2013之後,外野只有白襪大顏的貢獻度比B.J.還低, 從Fangraph的資料也顯示出他創造分數的能力在亞特蘭大頓失34% Upton, 30, is owed more than $45 million over the next three seasons. 喔對了,B.J.再來三年還可以拿超過45M呢 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 勇士迷應該蠻吐血的, 以前還有GM被火掉之後,出來砲轟以前的自已的嗎? 明年換打教,Beachy跟Medlen歸隊,能不能幫助勇士衝擊一下呢XD 是說當年FB選了大小Upton+黑娃.... --
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