[外電] Ex-Braves GM Wren says he regrets sign

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作者 sky419012 (fly)
時間 2014-11-03 17:20:03
留言 26則留言 (20推 0噓 6→)

Ex-Braves GM Wren says he regrets signing B.J. Upton Fired in late September as general manager of the Braves, Frank Wren has had over a month to reflect and think about what went wrong during his tenure. Enough time, apparently, to realize the biggest mistake he made in Atlanta. Wren, according to MLB Network Radio, would not sign B.J. Upton as a free agent if he were to go back in time and do it over again. He told the station: 'It just didn't work in Atlanta. It hasn't worked in Atlanta.' Wren signed Upton to a five-year deal worth $75.25 million before the 2013 season. Upton left Tampa Bay to join his brother, Justin, in the Braves' outfield. The Braves did win the NL East his first year there, but in two seasons in Atlanta Upton has hit just .198 with 324 strikeouts in 267 games. On a team held back in 2014 by its offensive woes, Upton certainly stood out. If the Upton deal continues to be a mistake, it will haunt the Braves for the next three years, as Upton is signed through 2017. His salary escalates by $1 million each season, earning him $16.5 million in the final year of the deal. Wren is gone, but Upton is likely not going anywhere any time soon. http://tinyurl.com/qdvx749 前勇士GM Frank Wren承認他後悔簽下B.J. Upton 2013年Upton哥和勇士簽下75.25M/5yrs合約 但這兩年出賽267場只交出三圍.198/.279/.314 21HR OPS+ 66 總共被三振324次的成績 接下來三年合約為:2015--$14.45M 2016--$15.45M 2017--$16.45M --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1415006407.A.363.html

wuming2: 超級小倫 11/03 17:30

SamFuld: 當作Justin Upton的75M入札金會不會好一點 11/03 17:31

sonnyissonny: 這個成績真的蠻糟糕的[email protected]@ 11/03 17:34

secpeda: 1/2/3的外野手 wwwwww 11/03 17:36

JackSmith: 兩年只有21HR真的蠻慘的... 11/03 17:43

EEERRIICC: GG 打太多廢話OP惹~~ 11/03 17:44

PAULVC: 好慘...... 11/03 17:56

aa97531aa: 薪水小倫 11/03 18:02

wuming2: 如果把錢分給超猛的弟弟就划算了 11/03 18:05

fewmaster: 應該問勇士隊誰不對這合約感到後悔吧XD 11/03 18:16

jacky1990b: 弟弟才是本體 11/03 18:16

Absioute: 像尻佛一樣換個隊伍說不定會復活 11/03 18:30

BLACKLIONS: 誰都沒想到BJ會爛到不行 11/03 18:54

tucker: 預期退化但沒想到爛到這地步,也不能完全怪他 11/03 18:55

bestteam: 只能說這GM衰 當初真的沒人能料到會這麼慘 11/03 18:58

SamFuld: 原本預期BJ就算再爛,打個.240 /20HR/30SB 都可以接受吧 11/03 19:02

SamFuld: 誰知道..真的是谷底 11/03 19:03

porten812: 國聯比較_ 11/03 19:29

forever3207: 當初簽Uggla也是他嗎@@? 11/03 20:11

sky419012: 是的 11/03 20:19

paso: 回去美聯或許 11/03 20:33

MKAngelheart: Uggla好說歹說也有一點點長打能力 這個連手套都快沒 11/03 21:24

best2008: 就一個字 慘 沒了 11/03 22:12

a127n: uggla起碼剛來的前兩年算是滿有貢獻的 11/04 01:06

blackdevil: 問題是弟弟也沒打到可以幾乎cover哥哥的成績XD 11/04 11:18

SpartanB: 糗了XD 不離不棄 是我兄弟 11/05 21:42
