[外電] M' address reports of Montero incident

看板 MLB
作者 RogerWaters (希望你在這裡)
時間 2014-08-30 09:05:32
留言 38則留言 (20推 0噓 18→)

Mariners address reports of Montero incident By Doug Miller / MLB.com | 8/29/2014 7:35 P.M. ET The specific details of what occurred between Mariners Minor Leaguer Jesus Montero and Seattle scout Butch Baccala on Thursday night in Boise might forever remain unknown to a large portion of the public. What is known, however, is that the actions of both men, who by all reported accounts were in a loud and profane altercation in the stands of a Class A Northwest League ballpark, have been deemed unacceptable by the Seattle organization. Mariners general manager Jack Zduriencik released a statement on Friday afternoon that communicated the team's disappointment in the incident and indicated that disciplinary action of some degree is to be expected as a result. Montero, a first baseman with Triple-A Tacoma who was rehabbing an oblique strain with short-season Everett, was coaching first base while an inning came to a close at Memorial Stadium in the Idaho city, which serves as the home for the Hawks, an affiliate of the Chicago Cubs. Boise official scorer Liza Safford told MiLB.com that Baccala, an intermediate scout known as a cross-checker, began yelling at Montero to hustle off the field, and then had an ice cream sandwich delivered to Montero in the dugout. Montero, a one-time top-ranked prospect who came to Seattle in the January 2012 trade from the Yankees for heralded pitching prospect Michael Pineda, had disappointed Seattle's front office by being suspended for PEDs in 2013 and then showing up at this year's Spring Training 40 pounds overweight and telling reporters, "After winter ball, all I did was eat." The ice cream sandwich-in-the-dugout stunt set Montero off, according to Safford. The first baseman located Baccala in the stadium stands, and, while holding a bat and screaming obscenities, threw the sandwich at the scout. Safford told MiLB.com that Montero had to be restrained by Everett pitching coach Nasusel Cabrera. "I received a call last night at approximately 9:30 p.m. informing me that there had been a verbal altercation between Jesus Montero, who was on rehabilitation assignment with the AquaSox while recovering from a strained oblique, and Mariners national cross checker Butch Baccala, who was scouting at the game," Zduriencik said in his Friday statement. "As soon as I received the call, I began trying to ascertain exactly what had occurred. I spent last night and this morning speaking with everyone involved. Although our investigation is not yet complete, I want to provide this update. First off, it is clear that both Jesus Montero and Butch Baccala engaged in behavior that is far below what we expect from members of our organization, including bad judgment at nearly every stage of this incident." Baccala, 52, was contacted by The Seattle Times via phone on Friday and told the newspaper that the reports of the incident are not wholly accurate and that he wouldn't be able to elaborate until he spoke with Zduriencik. "It's not what is being portrayed,'' Baccala told the newspaper, adding that he was not trying to provoke Montero into any retaliation. "Of course I wasn't,'' Baccala said. "Why would I? I work for the Mariners. I've worked my [tail] off for the Mariners. Why would I do anything to hurt anybody? That wasn't even close to the intention.'' Whatever the intention or the result, the Mariners' internal findings were enough for Zduriencik to apologize to the Hawks and their fans. "We recognize that fans, including children, were impacted by this incident, and [inappropriate] language … was used," Zduriencik's statement read. "We recognize the severity of this incident, and want to assure the Hawks and their fans that it will be dealt with appropriately. In addition, I want to thank Todd Rahr, president and general manager of the Boise Hawks, for his assistance in helping me ascertain what occurred last night. "Jesus Montero has been recalled from his rehabilitation assignment and is on his way to Seattle. Butch Baccala has returned to his home in the Bay Area where he will remain until further notice. We will issue further information when it is appropriate as we deal with this unfortunate incident." Doug Miller is a reporter for MLB.com. Follow him on Twitter @DougMillerMLB. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. 胖Montero去年季後只會吃, 吃到胖了40磅, 結果現在受傷短A復健時, 水手球探叫他別 打了, 他幫他叫了一個冰淇淋三明治吃了再上, 胖Montero超不爽, 拿完後將三明治丟 球探, 說: "幹XX, 你不會自己吃哦!" -- In the memory of Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett January 6, 1946 - July 7, 2006 http://0rz.tw/X5eJe I know where Syd Barrett lives -- Television Personalities --
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charlie01: 近年最微妙的交易之一 兩個...特殊的小孩 08/30 09:09

OoyaoO: 目前來看似乎Pineda只要還能投就是NYY賺了 Montero沒救了 08/30 09:16

chihow: 球探是在酸他嗎XD 08/30 09:23

gn00324893: 靠杯 這球探超酸XDDD好雞掰喔 08/30 09:41

lyk191947: 目前看NYY超賺,Pineda還能投且不差,這胖子根本丟到 08/30 09:45

lyk191947: 水裡 08/30 09:45

pikachu123: Montero說沒救了也太武斷 也才24歲 有決心還是能反彈 08/30 10:05

Roshiel: 應該沒救了....心態是最難改的 08/30 10:16

cd12631: 他開季就黑掉了 現在只是黑上加黑 08/30 10:24

Utley26: 想當初對互換持反對聲浪的還不少,結果變這樣 08/30 10:30

TokyoHard: 當初兩邊都有人覺得我X小虧. 中間真的起起伏伏 08/30 10:34

tigertiger: 有決心是最難的事 08/30 10:38

dan1994112: Pineda不是能投而已吧... 真不知為何要作弊 08/30 10:58

Atropos0723: 所有人都知道這交易水兵虧,但沒想到虧這麼大....... 08/30 11:02

dan1994112: 當時覺得是個很厲害的交易 大誤互換 各取所需 沒想到 08/30 11:03

dan1994112: 兩人各有各的問題...不過目前來看 結果對NYY可能較明 08/30 11:04

dan1994112: 亮些 08/30 11:04

dan1994112: 拍謝 是“ 物 ”... 自動變誤了= = 08/30 11:05

danmarch: 自動選字內建的讀心功能 08/30 11:09

moft: 當時小P剛投完完整球季,成績很好,而且沒有手爆炸的問題。 08/30 11:14

moft: 至於耶穌則是尚無完整球季驗證,捕手功堪慮,而且很多人擔心 08/30 11:15

moft: 體重問題。 08/30 11:15

moft: 這交易在當時對水兵而言就是極高風險的。 08/30 11:16

moft: 只是沒想到耶穌後來棒子鳥掉、轉打DH、體重也扶搖直上...... 08/30 11:17

moft: 現在還多加態度問題.... 08/30 11:18

ILER: 當時Montero是被認為 棒子可以cover掉他不能蹲的問題 08/30 13:26

ILER: 但後來結果是 兩個都作弊╮(﹀_﹀")╭ 08/30 13:28

JessicaA1ba: 結果是互婊XD 08/30 13:39

wuming2: 樓上在我床上 08/30 14:33

ILER: 當時有人跟我聊這個交易的時候 我是這麼說的Rob Johnson 08/30 14:52

ILER: 不會接球 Montero可能好一點 至少他還有棒子 所以還蠻期待的 08/30 14:53

ILER: 打從心底希望他可以長好一點...= = 08/30 14:55

epw: 結果Pine da過去還是肩爆彈開刀休好一陣子,回來雖然投的很不 08/30 23:59

epw: 錯但還是傷痛不斷外加多被抓到個Pine,現在看起來還是未知... 08/31 00:00

epw: 不過相較起來洋基算是光明又好過點,至少已有貢獻又有實力... 08/31 00:01

wahaha5678: 說Montero沒救似乎也還有點早,he still has time 08/31 01:25

kee32: but no heart 09/02 09:48

bkm1: 技巧不足條件好 可以改善 但是心態出問題 完成品也沒辦法 09/02 11:13
