Re: [外電] Miguel Olivo咬下Alex Guerrero的耳朵

看板 MLB
作者 kidleopard (Leopard)
時間 2014-05-22 00:30:34
留言 13則留言 (10推 0噓 3→)

結果一咬下去, 要動整形手術把耳朵修好 , 大概要錯過五個禮拜的賽季了 Danny Knobler of reports that Alex Guerrero (ear) could miss five weeks of action. Guerrero had to undergo plastic surgery after having part of his ear bitten off by Triple-A Albuquerque teammate Miguel Olivo during an altercation Tuesday. The Cuban defector is hitting .368/.411/.737 with 10 homers and 29 RBI in 32 games this season at Albuquerque, but obviously he won't be a candidate for a promotion for a while. 成績打這麼好, 想也想不到受傷原因是被隊友咬耳朵.... --
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charlie01:不怕神一樣的對手 只怕陰屍路的隊友 05/22 00:32

OoyaoO:這真的太扯了 不然現在Uribe受傷他就應該被call上去了 05/22 00:33

albertlaw:在PCL打3/4/7也頗豪洨的..... 05/22 00:46

kuankubank:請問是真的咬下來 還是掉一塊.. 05/22 00:50

mikeneko:100種進DL的方法 05/22 00:55

summitstudio:本來也想說 Uribe進DL看他能不能上來.. 囧> 05/22 01:41

tgsh:一千個受傷的理由~ 05/22 02:00

wahaha5678:還好季初玩范特西就先把他丟了...當時是看Dee打超好, 05/22 02:11

wahaha5678:短時間內他上不來才丟的... 05/22 02:11

sam9595:純好奇不能戴一些保護耳朵的東西上場? 05/22 07:35

ccf770602:誰會想到有人會來咬耳朵 05/22 09:17

catsondbs:還要是隊友 05/22 10:26

hoos891405:friendly fire will not be tolerated 05/27 16:08
