[外電] Indians sign Yan Gomes to $23M/6yr

看板 MLB
作者 andy880036s (倪將再起)
時間 2014-03-30 09:45:31
留言 9則留言 (6推 0噓 3→)

Indians sign Yan Gomes to six-year, $23 million contract extension Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports reports that the Indians have signed catcher Yan Gomes to a six-year, $23 million contract extension which includes two option years. The 26-year-old was not eligible for arbitration until after the 2015 season. The contract buys out all three arbitration years and one year of free agency. Per Jon Heyman of CBS Sports, Gomes’ deal is a record for a catcher not yet eligible for arbitration. Gomes split time behind the plate last year with Carlos Santana. Santana, however, has moved to third base so Gomes should get a vast majority of the playing time as the Indians’ catcher. Gomes finished the 2013 season with an .826 OPS. According to weighted on-base average (wOBA) from FanGraphs, Gomes was the fifth-best hitting catcher in baseball, minimum 300 plate appearances. At .359, he trailed Joe Mauer, Santana, Yadier Molina, and Jason Castro. He ranked just ahead of Buster Posey. http://ppt.cc/jTMY 笑臉人未來幾年的看板C確定!還蠻期待這隻的表現~ -- NIWANGKUOCHENHUCHENLINLEELOCHIANGCHEN --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1396143935.A.8FF.html

OoyaoO:FB熱門貨 03/30 09:51

porten812:才一年好表現就綁喔,雖然蠻便宜就是了 03/30 10:05

porten812:另外Santana真的要轉三壘? 03/30 10:05

Aldousphyx:這價格 複製成績兩年就回本了XD 03/30 12:51

SamFuld:這支好用 03/30 13:29

ForeverChop:巴西之光 03/30 15:07

lasagwi:人才輩出 當年C.Santana被認為是不動捕手 03/30 15:18

mess0706:這支防守很威啊,卡山還是不錯的 03/30 15:27

dan1994112:Yan太急了吧... 03/30 20:22
