[外電] Kenta Maeda: The next big NPB export now that Tanaka has

看板 MLB
作者 best2008 (靜香愛洗澡)
時間 2014-01-25 10:21:58
留言 59則留言 (36推 2噓 21→)

Kenta Maeda: The next big NPB export now that Tanaka has signed ? We had an idea that the freshly negotiated posting system, which sets the maximum posting fee for incoming Japanese free agents at $20 million, would make MLB a more enticing destination for the island nation's baseball talent. Masahiro Tanaka's recent inking of a seven-year, $155-million pact with the Yankees, which includes a potentially lucrative opt-out after four seasons, reinforced those notions. As such, the question, insofar as the top talents in Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) are concerned, is this: who's the next big name likely to make the leap? The answer may be Hiroshima Carp right-hander Kenta Maeda. Meada, who, like Tanaka, is just 25 years of age, has already stated publicly that he wants to be posted, and there was even speculation that he'd be posted this offseason after the new system was put in place. That seems unlikely to happen, obviously, but there's a very strong chance that Maeda will be made available to MLB clubs prior to the 2015 season. By way of introduction, here's a look at Maeda's baffling the Dutch in the 2013 World Baseball Classic ... As you can see, there are quite a few at-a-glance similarities in terms of keeping runs off the board and demonstrating command. One thing of note is that Tanaka's strikeout numbers have generally been trending downward over the last three years, so that gap between the career K rates may not be quite so wide in the here and now. Of course, with NPB talents the numbers tell but trace elements of the story. To remedy that, here are some scouting notes on Maeda from Baseball America's most excellent Ben Badler: http://0rz.tw/fPaB1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXDNMN-nTUw 13WBC 投球(ALL)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7-rlnuJTKU マエケン体操
前田健太 13球季成績詳細 防禦率 先發 勝利 敗戰 勝率 投球回 奪三振 QS率 失點 自責點 投球總數 2.10 26 15 7 .682 175.2 158 76.9% 46 41 2707 援護率 WHIP FIP 被打率 被出壘率 被長打率 被OPS 被BABIP 5.32 0.96 2.98 203 251 290 542 243 http://baseballdata.jp/playerP/700049.html http://lcom.sakura.ne.jp/NulData/Central/C/p/18_stat.htm 這支 應該也有 2000萬鎂(入札)金吧.. 廣島:貪財貪財 黑田:廣島出品 品質掛保證 前田健:將大再美國也要好好表現阿 -- http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1381662304.A.403.html -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1390616524.A.174.html

shiyhsien:不用應該,肯定是2000萬鎂的啊 01/25 10:36

mrkey:應該不會, 他"炒"不到這麼高 01/25 10:38

lions402:廣島迷等黑田等好久了~ 01/25 10:38

bear15328:明年投完再說 01/25 10:39

epw:前田最快2017才海外FA,先看手臂撐不撐的過這幾年吧..... 01/25 10:43

best2008:廣島:他FA我就 沒2000萬鎂了 QAQ 01/25 10:44

sam9595:海外FA跟FA不一樣... 01/25 10:50

tryitredboy:金子比較強 01/25 10:51

epw:那能請教一下海外FA和FA的不同嗎? 感謝..... 01/25 10:53

lions402:海外FA就是可以挑戰海外 比國內FA早一年(對吧?) 01/25 10:55

best2008:http://0rz.tw/v7aSG 01/25 10:55

epw:要滿足登錄日達145天才算1季....比想像中的嚴格 01/25 10:58

epw:感謝樓樓上分享 01/25 11:10

helmet10845:他的球尾勁真棒~ 01/25 11:32

gn02530640:沒記錯的話球探對前田的平價並不高,應該是拿不到20M 01/25 11:39

gn02530640:*評價 01/25 11:39

ck2oliver5:看起來還不錯啊 變化球蠻犀利的 直球也有150UP 01/25 11:39

realestate:找一年自由市場缺SP的說不定可以凹到20M入扎 01/25 11:47

alex710707:如果球隊很想要他 標20M不難吧 20M相對給球員的薪資 01/25 11:49

alex710707:不算高啊 01/25 11:49

sunchen0201:田中受惠於達爾超殺表現+NYY缺SP+FA沒頂級好貨才賺到 01/25 12:10

sunchen0201:再複製一次田中經驗可遇不可求吧.. 01/25 12:10

maxspeed150:如果田中表現不要太糟 以20M入札+AAV 15M左右簽個3~4 01/25 12:14

maxspeed150:號投手也不是那麼奇怪的事 01/25 12:14

sky419012:AAV是? 01/25 12:16

bleachdie:平均年薪?? 01/25 12:18

jshuang:新制應該會20M 先買門票 不然沒得談啊 01/25 12:22

antonio019:很喜歡他 滑球很殺 但總覺得體型單薄了點 01/25 12:34

brianlucky18:野球魂最難打的投手之一 01/25 12:54

SNSD999:看影片球還蠻會跑的 @@ 01/25 13:00

mess0706:井川慶都能拿到26M入札了 01/25 13:14

mess0706:雖然制度不同但過也了好幾年 01/25 13:14

sdiaa:前田WBC一上場 本壘後面浮出一大堆測速槍 01/25 13:14

mess0706:這隻沒傷怎麼可能拿不到20M 01/25 13:14

lampardoRio:井川都30幾M 說前田沒20M也太好笑了 01/25 13:55

Hfy0920:是說年薪吧= = 01/25 14:49

s955346: 比較看好前田:3 然後下一個換.....藤浪?.. 01/25 14:58

joey1149:井川入札26M 合約20M/5years 30幾M是哪來的數據阿? 01/25 15:04

rayven:個人認為不會,要炒成田中這樣需要很多背景條件配合的 01/25 15:07

Vierro:金子千尋應該也粉有機會@@ 01/25 15:47

huangjyuan:日職現在就前田、金子有機會 菊池應該抖抖的 之後就是 01/25 16:31

huangjyuan:藤浪跟大谷吧 01/25 16:31

f313:下一個是山本昌吧!!!挑戰50歲轉戰MLB再戰50年!!! 01/25 16:36

JessicaA1ba:黑田學弟 不會差太多 買吧 01/25 16:48

JessicaA1ba:菊池被養壞惹 哭哭 01/25 16:49

JessicaA1ba:大谷也是被亂養中 抖抖der... 01/25 16:50

pedrovish:前田控球太神 去MLB就算不是頂尖也不會太差 01/25 17:26

accjm2440:前田! 01/25 17:33

q224222:馬A達 01/25 17:36

q224222:出手前的動作好像曾嘉敏... 01/25 17:37

lampardoRio:顆顆 講得MLB都沒養壞頂級新秀一樣 洋_這麼香喔 01/25 18:57

rabbit190:入札20M真的有很多嗎... 01/25 19:25

best2008:http://sky.geocities.jp/koh828/9sh/hkc.html 01/25 19:28

jaysuzuki:現在最高限20M,基本上這種王牌級的都有吧,差在約的大 01/25 20:04

jaysuzuki:小而已 01/25 20:04

GyroZ:沒翻譯也敢PO..... 01/26 02:04

mark0912n:入札肯定20M的 不過約的大小就... 01/26 03:52

waijr:廣島肯定會拿出來賣 又不是巨人 01/26 16:03

Ginola:前田絕對有能力,他就是另一個NPB的岩熊 01/26 21:33
