[外電] MLB suspends Braun for remainder of..

看板 MLB
作者 JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)
時間 2013-07-24 10:06:56
留言 14則留言 (13推 0噓 1→)

MLB suspends Ryan Braun for remainder of season By Tom Haudricourt of the Journal Sentinel July 22, 2013 http://www.jsonline.com/blogs/sports/216496651.html 話說作者應該有改過文章 因為我昨天看到的後半部跟今天看的不太一樣XDD 但昨天沒留下原始版本 所以前一篇翻譯可能跟聯結中的文章有點差異 另外節錄地方 似乎有的有重複 請見諒.... ===== When Braun's name first surfaced at the beginning of the year in Biogenesis documents leaked to various news agencies showing payments owed to clinic operator Tony Bosch, Braun said his attorneys merely used Bosch as a consultant for a successful appeal of the October 2011 positive test for elevated testosterone levels. Bosch originally corroborated that statement but later cut a deal with MLB to turn over all the evidence he had on players connected to his clinic. Braun的名子今年年初第一次出現是在Biogenesis文件中,文件中顯示Braun有付款給 診所營運者Tony Bosch,但Braun說是他的律師雇用Bosch來當2011年10月藥檢上訴的顧問 Bosch最初證實這樣的講法,但後來跟MLB官方達成協議,咬出其他與他診所有關的球員。 Because Bosch could be portrayed as an unreliable witness during an appeal, he would have had to supply concrete evidence of Braun's guilt to MLB to make a suspension stick. MLB officials met with Braun on June 29 in Pittsburgh to tell him what their investigation had uncovered. Braun declined to answer any questions about Biogenesis, as did other players who were interviewed, but must have known at that time that he would be suspended. 由於Bosch在上訴期間已經被當成一個不被信任的證人,所以他必須提出強而有力的證據來 證明Braun在禁藥事件是有罪的。而MLB官方在6月29日在匹茲堡跟Braun碰面,並告訴他調 查所發現的事實,但Braun拒絕回答任何有關Biogenesis的問題,就像其他在名單上的球員 ,不過大概都已經知道他即將會被禁賽了。 Braun, who recently returned from a one-month stint on the disabled list because of the thumb injury, has played in only 61 games this season, batting .298 with nine home runs and 38 RBI. He did not play Sunday, getting time to rest the thumb, after playing two straight games for the first time since going on the DL. Braun這季因為大拇指受傷的原因,已經在DL躺了一個月。這季他只打了61場比賽,他的打 擊成績是AVG.298 9HR 38RBI。在出DL後連續兩場出賽後,星期天為了保護他受傷的拇指, 他並未出賽。 Braun had staunchly denied using PEDs since news leaked to ESPN on Dec. 10, 2011, of his positive drug test. The night of that report, Braun sent a text message to the Journal Sentinel, saying, "This is all B.S. I am completely innocent." 當2010年12月Braun被ESPN報導他藥檢呈陽性反應後,他曾堅決否認,並且傳送訊息給 我們(Journal Sentinel):「我是無辜的」 Braun won his appeal when independent arbitrator Shyam Das overturned the drug test on a chain-of-custody defense centering on the delay in shipping of Braun's urine sample to the testing lab in Montreal. Collector Dino Laurenzi Jr. didn't ship the sample the day he collected it, maintaining the FedEx office wasn't open. Instead, he waited 44 hours after the Saturday collection, shipping it on a Monday, and Das ruled that cast doubt on the condition of the sample. Braun贏得上訴,是因為仲裁員Shyam Das認為延遲遞交Braun的尿液檢品,有疑慮。 檢驗員Dino Laurenzi Jr.沒有在取得樣品的同一天內將檢品送出,他稱FedEx的服務站 已經關閉了,而檢品最後在44小時後的星期一送出。 MLB was so furious it released a statement saying it "vehemently" disagreed with the ruling and later fired Das for overturning Braun's positive test. Braun showed up at spring training the next day for a pre-arranged news conference and came out swinging. He staunchly maintained his innocence, criticizing what he called "a fatally flawed" process. And, while not using Laurenzi's name, he openly questioned the collector's process and motives, suggesting it "would be extremely easy" for him to tamper with the urine sample. MLB官方非常氣憤的發出聲明說,他們強烈反對Braun藥檢呈陽性的結果被推翻。 過幾天Braun出現在春訓預先安排好的記者會中,會場中他強烈維護自身的清白, 並且批評嚴重的致命程序瑕疵。當然他從未提到Laurenzi的名子,但是他公開質疑 檢驗員的程序以及動機,並且說竄改尿液檢品是相當容易的。 Because Braun went on the attack against the drug program and the collector rather than just being satisfied to win his appeal, some now are comparing him to cyclist Lance Armstrong, the seven-time winner of the Tour de France who for years went on the offensive against detractors before finally admitting to doping. 因為Braun在贏得上訴後還頻頻攻擊藥檢計畫跟檢驗員,現有有些人把他跟贏得7次環法 冠軍的阿姆斯壯相比較。 "If I had done this intentionally or unintentionally, I'd be the first one to step up and say, 'I did it,'" Braun said that morning at Maryvale Baseball Park in Phoenix. "By no means am I perfect, but if I've ever made any mistakes in my life I've taken responsibility for my actions. I truly believe in my heart and I would bet my life that this substance never entered my body at any point. Braun說: 「不管我是有意還是無意(吃禁藥),我都會是第一位知道的。我並非完美,但我必須對 我犯下的錯誤負責,在我心中我深信並且我敢打賭這種物質從未進入我的身體裡。」 "I've always stood up for what is right. Today is about everybody who's been wrongly accused, and everybody who has had to stand up for what is actually right." 「我一直以來都會對的事情挺身而出,今天在大家有可能被冤枉的情況下,大家應該要 在實際上對"對的事情"站出來。」 In light of the news of Braun's suspension, words have never rung more hollow. 在Braun被聯盟禁賽的消息傳出後,這些話語聽起來更是額外諷刺。 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1374631620.A.0FE.html

wesyrb:MVP* 07/24 10:12

maikxz:人不要臉 天下無敵 07/24 10:13

synchron:Braun Sucks! 07/24 10:15

bighdogs:偽君子 藥王 07/24 10:15

daki85421:(σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ哈哈哈哈 你看看Kemp 有夠雖小 07/24 10:20

seeyou1002:你這瓶藥有異音 07/24 10:21

sft005:不是PED是普利珠 07/24 10:47

fatjoe:還真有轉作汙點證人回家睡大頭覺的事~(菸) 07/24 10:51

smatt612ro:普天同慶 07/24 10:53

Pennyjr:MLB也要有君子劍的代表了嗎? 07/24 12:27

gluo:吃就吃了還嘴硬 禁賽也是剛好 07/24 12:31

vg175:如果他不是高調地得了便宜又賣乖可能不至於引起這麼多反感 07/24 13:05

spppeter:Ry********n Bra*******n 07/24 13:15

ihsan:真的有夠無恥,他的品德問題比吃藥本身還讓人噁心 07/24 17:32
