[情報] Dodgers Acquire Ricky Nolasco

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作者 chemikelvin (Jose Fernandez for ROY)
時間 2013-07-07 09:42:16
留言 42則留言 (24推 0噓 18→)

The Dodgers have agreed to acquire starter Ricky Nolasco from the Marlins, Joe Frisaro of MLB.com reports via Twitter. Frisaro reports that Miami will acquire a trio of pitching prospects in return, headlined by Angel Sanchez and also including right-handed relievers Steve Ames and Josh Wall. (Twitter link.) The Dodgers have confirmed the deal via the team's Twitter feed. The Dodgers also announced (via Twitter) that the team will receive international signing bonus slot number 96, which carries a $197k bonus allocation. ESPN.com's Jayson Stark reports on Twitter that the Dodgers will, in fact, take on all of the approximately $5.5MM remaining on Nolasco’s contract. The three prospects that reportedly will join the Marlins each ranked in the Dodgers top thirty farmhands going into the season, according to Baseball America. Young right-handed starter Sanchez was the lowest among them, registering at number 25. Nevertheless, MLB.com's Jonathan Mayo pegs him as LA's eight-best prospect. The 23-year-old has what BA calls an "exciting arm," though he has yet to dominate in the lower minor leagues and could be converted to a reliever. Mayo says Sanchez's live, low-to-mid-90's heater and promising-but-inconsistent slider and change make him a possible mid-rotation starter. The other two minor leaguers have already been converted to relievers, and in that respect possess less upside than Sanchez. Ames notched the 21st slot on Baseball America's list, with BA saying he should be ready as a 7th or 8th inning setup man in the big leagues as soon as this year. The 25-year-old reliever has pitched to a 3.67 ERA in 34 1/3 innings at Triple-A this year, his first season at that level. He has, however, seen his strikeout rate decline and walk rate go up this season, as compared to the stellar marks he put up in the lower minor league levels. Wall checked in one spot ahead of Ames among Dodgers prospects before the season, but has struggled in 2013. He was shellacked (14 earned runs in 7 innings) during a call-up and has a 5.60 ERA in 27 1/3 Triple-A innings. The tall righty is noted by BA as possessing late-game stuff, but has still yet to master his command. Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports first reported that the teams were in serious negotiations and that three lower-level prospects would be included, as well as international slot money. (Twitter links). MLB.com's Joe Frisaro was the first to report (on Twitter) that a deal was expected to be completed tonight and would include three pitchers going back to Miami. MLB.com’s Joe Frisaro was the first to report (tweet) that Steve Ames was one of the three players to be sent from Los Angeles, while Chris Cotillo of MLBDailyDish.com was the first to reports (via Twitter) that Josh Wall and Angel Sanchez would also be included. -- ◆ From: 07/07 09:43
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alex710707:還真的交易了 07/07 09:43

ps20012001:所以Beckett..大概.. 07/07 09:45

alex710707:不過馬林魚換回來的這幾隻怎麼都沒聽過名字 07/07 09:48

mayday2242:Beckett去開刀了 07/07 09:49

chemikelvin:道奇吃了全部的薪資 換不到啥好菜 07/07 09:50

ps20012001:嗯嗯 沒再跟他的消息..以為只是DL而已.. 07/07 09:50

bensn101:Stanton表示: 07/07 10:02

tigertiger:這隻有慘到要吃薪資才能換? 07/07 10:03

deamalan:豪華稅的問題嗎?馬林幫吃檯面上薪水~檯下? 07/07 10:20

deamalan:喔看錯~以為馬林有幫吃薪水@@ 07/07 10:21

typhoonnat:Capuano大概要被換掉了 07/07 10:23

E1000:Beckett進傷兵的話薪水不是由保險支付?? 07/07 10:36

jenchieh5:Stanton:... 07/07 10:37

haroldh86:Stanton:這整隊隊友都是些什麼人啊QQ 07/07 11:02

Connec:NTC一點用都沒有啊XDDDD 07/07 11:06

Bagwell5:剩Morrison比較熟吧.. 07/07 11:08

hunterqiji:馬林魚還可以用Stanton 2年半﹐然後就要交易了 07/07 11:28

geneaven:馬大魚預約後3年的狀元誰都不用想搶 07/07 11:38

yungwena:投完隊史千K就掰了 07/07 12:14

LoveMoose:竟然真的走了 07/07 12:15

maxspeed150:Nolasco趁現在還有得賣趕快賣 07/07 12:17

p09171989:Stanton:呵呵 每天都跟不同的新隊友打球 07/07 12:32

cl3bp6:剛好破1000K 可以交易了 07/07 12:34

roger4768:Staton眉頭一皺 發現隊友都被交易出去了 07/07 13:04

jardon:躲人真的是挖到石油 羡慕 07/07 13:35

flycat638:Stanton睡醒後發現,隊友好像又更新了 07/07 13:57

flycat638:Jeffrey Loria:七月底還有一波大改版喔!!^.< 07/07 14:00

vg175:以目前NL WEST的戰況的確值得拼一下 07/07 14:00

uranusjr:Stanton 短短四年生涯和他從頭同隊到現在的只有兩個人 07/07 14:12

uranusjr:Logan Morrison 和 Chris Coghlan 07/07 14:13

ps20012001:國西的戰況到目前為止 真是混亂..一個系列就能大翻盤 07/07 14:14

troy30408:繼海盜McCutchen之後又一力作 Staton眉頭一皺(攤 07/07 15:36

walkcloud:Stanton:隊友2.0 你升級了嗎^.<* 07/07 16:25

henry32021:Stanton: 昨天才說要請吃消夜今天就走了 07/07 16:42

linisthebest:道奇錢真多= = 07/07 18:26

a502152000:Stanton的隊友名單常常Update啊 07/07 20:36

sampsonlu919:Stanton許生日願望:我希望隔天發現被交易的人是我 07/07 20:47

ElDuque:Stanton:呃....我想有需要請隊友們來個自我介紹.... 07/07 20:56

ug945:LoMo 和新人王 打好一點也有可能會掰 07/07 21:22

Narancia:LoMo近況蠻不錯的 不像去年那樣死氣沉沉 07/07 23:21

miabcd199:2Stanton: 07/08 00:09

Rodriguez:躲人什麼都收.什麼都不奇怪XD 07/08 11:14
