[外電] Carlos Lee Retires

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作者 blackcellar (Go Fish!)
時間 2013-06-22 00:53:39
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Carlos Lee Retires http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2013/06/carlos-lee-retires.html By Steve Adams [June 21, 2013 at 11:41am CST] Carlos Lee has announced his retirement from baseball, according to a report from the Associated Press (via ESPNdeportes.com). Lee, a client of Wasserman Media Group, said on a Panamanian sports radio show that he received offers from four different teams this offseason, but none offered the two-year deal he was seeking. Lee did not specify which teams were interested. In parts of 14 Major League seasons, "El Caballo" hit .285/.339/.483 with 358 homers, 1363 RBIs and 125 stolen bases. During his peak years from 2003-07, Lee posted five straight seasons of 30 or more home runs. He made three straight All-Star appearances, won two Silver Sluggers and collected MVP votes on three separate occasions. Fangraphs and Baseball-Reference both agree that Lee was worth slightly more than 28 wins above replacement over the course of his 2099 games with the White Sox, Astros, Brewers, Rangers and Marlins. According to Baseball-Reference, Lee earned $130.275MM in his career. -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1371833621.A.AB2.html

cd12631:黑肥掰 06/22 00:54

twonia:300HR名將 QQ~ 那時候我看到Lee還以為哪個華人球員XD 06/22 00:56

force5566:台灣之光 李卡爾(誤) 06/22 00:58

nowistzki:義大衝阿~~~ 06/22 00:58

p09171989:黑白肥合體還蠻可怕的 06/22 01:02

albertlaw:色人迷表示欣慰 後面那幾牛根本不合身價 退化得很誇張 06/22 01:19

whow:現在什麼都要推義大就對了= = 要的話我想看V葛 06/22 01:21

maikxz:義大表示 Youkilis明年預定 06/22 01:23

rookiebear:義大正夯 MLB老將的新舞台 06/22 01:27

mdfh:對阿怎麼都是義大 可以找老磨牙嘛 06/22 01:29

mrkey:El Caballo!!! 06/22 01:39

force5566:想看vlad挑戰變形蟲好球帶+1 06/22 01:40

metalguy:再見黑肥 06/22 02:05

wahaha5678:QQ...應該不是不能打... 06/22 03:40

fetoyeh:黑肥.... 06/22 04:04

Purekim:Q_Q 06/22 04:54

saidon:黑肥QQ 06/22 07:07

baronterry:義大快找阿肉 06/22 07:36

dcshoecousa:V葛對變形蟲好球帶話題性時足 06/22 07:54

yeah8466:巴拿馬主砲! 退了~"~ 06/22 08:48

mp39999:我也想看V葛 旅台應該很有趣XDDD 06/22 08:54

secpeda:這隻怎麼突然弱化就消失了 受傷嗎? 06/22 09:27

troy30408:我想看派帥(應該無指望了 06/22 10:24

caku0101:義大可以找便宜瓊斯嗎? 06/22 12:16

Bagwell5:樓上,Chipper是光榮退休好嗎,跟Manny不一樣 06/22 13:45

ajburnett:要回巴拿馬嗎 06/22 21:21

maxspeed150:Carlos Lee有傷沒錯 06/22 21:28

jojo2147:黑肥來台灣吧XD 06/23 00:43

coollonger:李克!!! 06/24 12:32

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