[情報] A-Rod refuses to pay Bosch, who then..

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作者 Malkovich (馬可維奇)
時間 2013-06-06 12:29:09
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Yankees' Alex Rodriguez refuses to pay Anthony Bosch, who then cuts deal to help MLB http://tinyurl.com/mcamh76 The owner of the South Florida anti-aging clinic at the center of baseball’s latest doping scandal asked embattled Yankee star Alex Rodriguez for financial help after Major League Baseball filed a lawsuit that alleged he had sold performance-enhancing drugs to Major League Baseball players. When Rodriguez rebuffed Anthony Bosch’s request for money, believed to be in the hundreds of thousands, the self-styled “biochemist” turned to a strange bedfellow — MLB. “A-Rod refused to pay him what he wanted,” said a source. “Baseball was worried about that.” MLB reached an agreement this week for Bosch’s cooperation in its long-running investigation into one of the biggest drug scandals in baseball history and plans to meet with him on Friday. The Daily News reported Wednesday that baseball was concerned Bosch might turn to players for financial help if MLB didn’t lock him into an agreement to testify. RELATED: LUPICA: DEALER'S PITCH TO MLB MAY BE FINAL STRIKE FOR A-ROD “They were afraid someone else would pay him,” said the source. “Bosch is the only guy that can provide them with what they need.” Bosch is expected to provide MLB with enough dirt to suspend Rodriguez and nearly two dozen other players, sources familiar with the Biogenesis case have told The News, including Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun, who has had a target on his back since he successfully appealed a positive drug test last year. According to one source familiar with the investigation, Bosch and his lawyer, Susy Ribero-Ayala, told MLB that Bosch will provide them with damaging information about his past dealings with A-Rod and Braun, including that he “treated” the Brewers slugger when the player was a student at the University of Miami. “Due to ongoing litigation, it would be inappropriate to comment on any aspect of this matter at this time,” Ribero-Ayala, said in a statement released on Wednesday. The value of any information that Bosch might provide, however, is sure to be challenged by the implicated players, since baseball officials have agreed to a series of demands from Bosch that include dropping the lawsuit MLB filed against him earlier this year and paying his legal bills, indemnifying him for any civil liability that arises from his cooperation and providing him with personal security. RELATED: MLB SEEKS TO BAN A-ROD AND MORE AS BOSCH MAY SHARE DOPING DETAILS MLB officials have also told Bosch they would intervene with any law-enforcement agencies that might prosecute the South Florida businessman because he acknowledged he provided performance-enhancing drugs to ballplayers. “This raises a lot of serious ethical problems,” one source said. “It’s indirect compensation for information.” Daily News legal analyst Tom Harvey, however, disagreed, saying MLB basically had no choice if it wanted to get cooperation from Bosch “Put yourself in their position,” he said. “You ask the witness to help you and he says, ‘Why would I do that? I’m going to get burned if I do, sued, the works.’ In light of what some of these athletes have done in the past with lawsuits and threats, including Lance Armstrong and Roger Clemens, why wouldn’t you want to be indemnified? Defending that lawsuit could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.” Bosch, who had dodged MLB for months, apparently began to have a change of heart about cooperating with baseball sometime after he denied in an ESPN interview on April 30 that he knew anything about performance-enhancing drugs. “I have been accused, tried and convicted in the media. And so I think have been falsely accused throughout the media,” he told ESPN’s Pedro Gomez. “I’ve done nothing wrong.” He declined to comment on Rodriguez, Braun or Melky Cabrera. “I said no comment on any names. These are my clients. I am not going to divulge anything of my clients,” he said. “I am a nutritionist. I don’t know anything about performance-enhancing drugs.” RELATED: YANKS' GIRARDI IN NO MOOD FOR A-ROD SPECULATION Bosch apparently became frustrated with that tactic, however, after Rodriguez rejected his request for money, his legal bills mounted and the threat of criminal prosecution became a more credible As The News reported on Wednesday, the U.S. Attorney in Miami has shown interest in opening an investigation into Bosch. Bosch has also received a cease and desist letter from the Florida Department of Health, which fined him $5,000 and ordered him to stop posing as a doctor. The DOH referred its investigation to the Florida Attorney General’s office and the Miami State Attorney’s office, although spokesmen for both agencies have said they are not currently investigating Bosch. “He had concerns about criminal exposure,” said another source. “And it was a pain spending all his time hiding from investigators. All those things added up.” A spokesman for Rodriguez, Ron Berkowitz, did not return a call for comment. RELATED: FRANCONA: MLB PAYING PRICE FOR IGNORING 'ROID ISSUE Bosch and his lawyer, Ribero-Ayala, had several conversations with MLB executive vice-president Rob Manfred, according to a source, and assured him that Bosch has relevant information. Braun has steadfastly denied getting PEDs from Bosch, saying his name appeared in a ledger of Bosch’s next to amounts owed and not next to a schedule of banned drugs, as did the names of other players, including Rodriguez. Braun and his lawyers maintain that his name appeared in Bosch’s ledger because the outfielder’s lawyers had disputed a fee after consulting with Bosch during Braun’s appeal. Bosch backed up that claim in an interview with ESPN earlier this year. In the Brewers’ locker room after Tuesday night’s game, Braun said he wouldn ’t make any further statements about Bosch. “I’ve already addressed everything related to the Miami situation,” Braun said. “The truth has not changed. ========== Bosch: A-Rod, 我被告到脫褲了,救一下啦。 A-Rod: 干我P事。 Bosch: ....要死大家一起死。 (中略) Braun: 我是因為之前找Bosch"諮詢"的價碼沒談攏才會被列在帳冊裡面的啦,冤枉喔。 -- ◆ From:
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1370492955.A.C01.html

a0956359653:Braun還諮詢!!! 06/06 12:33

erotica:曹錦輝也只是被組頭諮詢而已.... 06/06 12:35

ps20012001:越來越有藍色蜘蛛網的劇情... 06/06 12:36

nickyang:treat or trick 06/06 12:44

Xenogamer:米國人這麼怕猶太人 Braun一定全身而退的啦 06/06 12:51

appshjkli:還以為是天才小釣手發的文 結果不是 06/06 13:13

zippy:A-Rod要Bye了嗎???? 06/06 13:32

Yeeeha:這文真有abc風格 06/06 13:44

ysb731220:感覺就什麼都還不清不楚阿 06/06 15:27

denji:不要拿種族來說嘴 -_- 06/06 15:34

www5566:事實還怕別人說? 06/06 17:06

blacklittle:在乾爹隊 有啥好怕的 06/06 20:29

RoyOswalt:為啥看起來是想趁機噱A-Rod一筆,A-Rod不從,有強者能翻 06/06 21:44

RoyOswalt:譯一下嗎 06/06 21:44
