[翻譯] 全天下的媽媽們,母親節快樂!

看板 MLB
作者 Sparksfly (火光飛舞)
時間 2013-05-13 21:09:08
留言 8則留言 (7推 0噓 1→)

原文連結:http://tinyurl.com/bsju2zj Blog好讀版:http://tinyurl.com/cedyvox 粉絲團連結:http://tinyurl.com/cz6yfya←與blog均為外連,不喜勿入 ---------- Players love swinging pink for Mom in fight vs. cancer 母親節慶祝活動已經是大聯盟(以及各國職棒)的傳統,意義尤大,更在於希望能藉由這 樣的活動,喚起大眾對乳癌的重視,這篇文章來自官網,有些段落看了看、我覺得還蠻感 動的,跟大家分享分享。 Players, managers and team personnel around baseball honored their mothers, wives, sisters, grandmothers and plenty more on Sunday for Mother's Day. And, in some cases, that recognition extended to some players' influences on the diamond. 每年五月的第二個禮拜日,大聯盟的球員、教練,以及球隊人員,都會在這天對他們的媽 媽、老婆、姊妹、祖母外祖母和其他女性聊表敬意,她們當中某些甚至還對這些球員有著 深遠影響。 "She was my first coach growing up," Red Sox catcher Jarrod Saltalamacchia said of his mother, Jeri. "She coached me until I was 8 or 9, maybe a little older. She always worked hard, got me to every practice. She made a lot of sacrifices." 好比紅襪隊的捕手Jarrod Saltalamacchia就說:「我的老媽Jeri是我此生第一個教練, 直到差不多8、9歲左右(或者更老?其實我也記不得了)她都一直指導我,老媽總是全力 以赴,讓我做很多的練習,為了我,她犧牲了好多。」 More players league-wide paid homage to the women who have made sacrifices and been influential in their lives, as teams also raised awareness for breast cancer. Some players used special-edition Louisville Slugger pink bats, such as Astros outfielder Chris Carter. Carter crushed a three-run homer in the eighth inning against the Rangers with his pink lumber, and plans to give the bat to his mom as an extra Mother's Day gift. 除了Salty,聯盟還有許許多多的球員對在他們生命中扮演重要腳色、無私奉獻且不求回 報的偉大媽媽們表達敬意。30支隊伍也舉辦了意義重大的活動、希冀能喚起大眾對乳癌的 重視。有些球員拿起了球棒商路易斯威爾特製的粉紅球棒,例如今天在面對遊騎兵的比賽 八局上半擊出三分砲的太空人外野手Chris Carter,就計畫要把球棒作為禮物、送給他的 母親。 "It's the first time I got one to swing and I'm happy I got that and finally hit a home run for my mom," Carter said. "She's been asking every year and I finally got it." Carter道:「這是我生涯首次拿起粉紅棒,對此、對能拿著它建功我感到十足開心,老媽 每天都在問我(欸你啥時要給我一支粉紅球棒啊~),媽,我終於拿到了!」 Carter isn't the first to present his mother with one of the unique pink bats as a gift. Two years ago, Cardinals outfielder Jon Jay gave his game-used pink bat to his mother. This season, Jay plans to give the pink bat he used on Sunday against the Rockies to a family friend who is battling cancer. 而Carter並非第一位把用過的粉紅棒送給老媽的球員,兩年前紅鳥外野手Jon Jay就曾這 樣做過,今年呢,Jay把他用過的棒子送給了一位家族中的朋友。 "It's nice to be able to honor the cancer survivors in this way," Jay said. "I always look forward to this. And it being Mother's Day -- that's special too." 「能夠藉由這樣的舉動對乳癌倖存者表達敬意,實在很棒、很有意義。」Jay說,「每年 我總期待這天來臨,這層意義與母親節同等特別。」 Instead of distributing his bat as a gift, Orioles first baseman Chris Davis might consider keeping it around a bit longer. 不過金鶯隊一壘手Chris Davis對此有不同的想法,他可能會選擇留住這具有特殊意義的 粉紅棒棒,而非拿來送給老媽或其他人。 "If I get some hits with them," Davis joked before hitting a home run in his first at-bat against the Twins on Sunday, "Maybe I'll see if I can use them the rest of the year." 「如果粉紅棒棒能讓我今天多打幾支安打的話,也許剩下的球季我會繼續使用它也不一定 ,」今天賽前Davis開玩笑道,對上雙城的比賽,第一局他就轟出了兩分彈,看來這支球棒會繼續留在他身邊一陣子了。 Aside from the pink bats, other players joined in by wearing batting gloves, wristbands and other equipment brandished in pink. 除了粉紅棒以外,有些球員也會藉由戴粉紅色的打擊手套、粉紅色的護腕、以及其他粉紅 色的東東來共襄盛舉。 It's a cause Cardinals manager Mike Matheny can appreciate. His grandmother, Luella Keefer, of Leon, W.Va., is a six-time cancer survivor at age 89. 紅鳥教頭Mike Matheny心中充滿感激,因為她的外祖母,已經高齡89歲的Luella Keefer ,六度抗癌成功,活脫脫就是個鬥士。 "She's been through so much and she's so strong," Matheny said. 「她已經堅持了好久好久,她是如此堅強。」Matheny說。 For Angels pitcher Jerome Williams, wearing the pink equipment isn't anything new. The 31-year-old right-hander has worn a pink glove ever since losing his mother to breast cancer in 2001. A segment about Williams and his reason for wearing the glove aired Sunday on ESPN's Baseball Tonight. 而對於天使隊投手Jerome Williams(旅台就是神!)來說,穿戴這些粉紅色玩意兒早已 不是什麼新鮮事,自從01年他的母親因為乳癌逝世後,這位31歲的右投總是戴著粉紅手套 ,以告慰媽媽在天之靈。(部分的故事週日的ESPN Baseball Tonight會播出) "I think this year, people really know about it since that story came out," Williams said. "Now people can realize why I wear it and what I go through every day -- what I think about every time I get on the mound, what I think about when I come to the clubhouse. It's all because of her. 「我想大家聽過故事後,會有更多人真正了解:為什麼我要這樣做、為什麼我要每天戴著 這個粉紅手套。每當我步上投手丘、每當我來到球場(原文為更衣室),我心裡所想的, 都是她。」 "It makes me feel just thankful, knowing that Major League Baseball is actually taking the time out to do something like that." 「這讓我心存感激,讓我了解我所做的一切、投入棒球事業,是非常值得的,」Williams 說。 The pink bats have been the most vivid annual show of support. You can personalize your own pink Louisville Slugger at the MLB.com Shop, and $10 from the sale of each bat will be donated to MLB Charities in support of the fight against breast cancer. As has been the case each year since 2006, game-used pink Louisville Sluggers will be auctioned exclusively on MLB.com to raise further funds. 粉紅球棒是這個日子對母親表達支持最最最鮮明的事物,MLB官方商城可以訂製屬於自己 的粉紅棒,每售出一支棒子,就捐10元給大聯盟、再轉交給慈善機構、為對抗乳癌投入一 份心意。自從06年以來,路易斯威爾都會在官網拍賣使用過的粉紅棒,為抗乳癌協會募款 。 "I just love going out there and using the bat and hoping that the bat gets some hits for my mom," Reds second baseman Brandon Phillips said. "That would be nice, also. It just means a lot to swing the pink bat. Hopefully my mom is watching, and all the mothers out there know we're thinking about our moms. 「我很喜歡用粉紅棒棒打擊、希望能為媽媽多打幾支安打,」紅人二壘手Brandon Phillips表示,「那將會很棒、並且意義重大,希望我的老媽正在看,而所有球員的媽媽 們都會知道,我們其實都想著她們。」 "I love representing my mom. If it wasn't for my mom, I wouldn't be the athlete and the man I am today. It's to show all the moms out there that we think about them, and we try to represent and show the love towards them. That's what it's all about. If it wasn't for the women in this world, nothing would be created." 「我很樂意以這樣的形式與老媽同在,要不是她,我不會有今天、更別說成為運動員了。 這(些舉止)是要告訴媽媽:我們總惦記著她們,而我們試圖藉由這樣的方式來表達對她 們的愛。這才是母親節特別活動的真諦,這世界若是沒有偉大的媽媽們,一切都將不復存 在。」 Nationals third baseman Ryan Zimmerman -- whose mother, Cheryl, has multiple sclerosis -- echoed a similar sentiment. 國民隊當家三壘手Ryan Zimmerman也投以類似的回應,這位國民的老大哥的媽媽有著多發 性硬化症。 "I think we need to remember that we wear this stuff and then auction it off to try to raise money to try and find a cure for cancer," said Zimmerman, who himself raises money for multiple sclerosis awareness through his foundation. "But to be able to tie in the mom or whoever -- because I think moms get overlooked a lot in sports -- it's nice to be able to do that." 「我想大家必須記得,我們之所以穿上這身行頭、舉辦拍賣,目的都是為了要募款、希望 藉以找出根治癌症的方法」Zimmerman自己有創設一個基金會,專為多發性硬化症募款, 「我想,能夠跟媽媽有連結--特別是在職業運動中,媽媽們其實並沒有受到太多重視- -能這樣做,實在是非常棒的。」 Again this year, Major League Baseball is recognizing 30 women, who, out of thousands, were selected in the Honorary Bat Girl contest, which recognizes baseball fans who have been affected by breast cancer and demonstrate a commitment to eradicating the disease. The winners, one per MLB club, are being recognized on the field at Major League ballparks Sunday or during an alternative date for away clubs. In addition to the winners, you can read all the entries at HonoraryBatGirl.com. Winners were selected by fan votes on HonoraryBatGirl.com, along with feedback from a guest judging panel that included Yankees pitcher CC Sabathia, Dodgers outfielder Matt Kemp, Pirates outfielder Andrew McCutchen, Royals outfielder Alex Gordon, MLB Network host and reporter Sam Ryan and Maria Menounos of Extra TV. During MLB's annual recognition on Mother's Day, Honorary Bat Girls took part in pregame activities, were honored during an on-field ceremony and received pink MLB merchandise and two tickets to the game. 這段我採略譯的方式,因為他其實沒有說解釋到很清楚,內容在下一頁 而今年,大聯盟官方同樣舉辦了「榮譽球僮競賽」(Honorary Bat Girl contest),只 要你的身邊(或你自身)有讓人感動、關於對抗乳癌的故事,歡迎踴躍投稿(當然,限女 性),並由球迷選出最動人的故事,而幾位媽媽或親戚曾罹患乳癌的球星,包含洋基王牌 CC Sabathia、道奇人氣外野手Matt Kemp、「海賊王」Andrew McCutchen,以及皇家外野 手Alex Gordon,將會予以回饋。活動日前落幕,聯盟從數以千計的女士中選出了30位, 請他們在今天(若該球團今天沒比賽,則改成下次回主場舉行)代表各個球團擔任榮譽球 僮、參與賽前儀式並進行表揚,另外也能拿到一些官方贈送的獎品,以及兩張球賽的票。 To further demonstrate their support for this cause, players and on-field personnel wore the symbolic pink ribbon on their uniforms and also wore pink wristbands Sunday. Commemorative base jewels and dugout lineup cards also were pink. 為使活動受到更多迴響,球員們除了戴粉紅配件外,有些制服上(或袖口)也會有著極具 象徵意義的粉紅絲帶,此外壘包最外面也有粉紅裝飾,賽前的攻守名單亦是全粉紅色的。 "I think Major League Baseball does a great job of celebrating Mother's Day," Rangers second baseman Ian Kinsler said. "We get to use the pink bats, as well. Obviously it's celebrating Mother's Day, but also a great cause of breast cancer awareness. I think everybody understands the importance of it. Speaking for myself, I enjoy it and I'm sure a lot of guys do." 遊騎兵二壘手Ian Kinsler說:「聯盟對於母親節的慶祝活動實在用心,對於粉紅棒棒我 們現在也頗習慣,顯而易見地,這乃是為了慶祝母親節,也是為了喚起大眾對乳癌的重視 。我想大家應該都能理解這有多重要,對我來說,我非常享受它,而我想應該很多人都跟 我一樣。」 ---------- 如有錯誤,還請不吝指教 :) -- 我的臉書個人粉絲專頁-The Dream Field,歡迎來逛逛! https://www.facebook.com/TheDreamField 個人Blog: http://sparksfly.pixnet.net/blog 華盛頓國民粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/groups/519300008092019/ -- ◆ From: 05/13 21:10
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evilvens: 05/13 22:00

immortalqq:B.Hall在幾年前都在母親節用他的棒子打出HR慶祝喔 05/13 22:05

Sparksfly:樓上說的我蠻有印象的! 05/13 22:08

jet113102:最喜歡看MLB的溫馨活動 05/13 22:22

ht874211:推 05/13 23:47

global:母親節快樂~ 05/14 01:57

ilove1530:溫馨 05/14 07:48

tonyselina:推 05/14 09:27
