Re: [外電] Buchholz was cheating, but that's okay

看板 MLB
作者 RogerWaters (希望你在這裡)
時間 2013-05-12 23:15:17
留言 82則留言 (10推 1噓 71→)

The first baseman may wear a leather glove or mitt not more than twelve inches long from top to bottom and not more than eight inches wide across the palm, measured from the base of the thumb crotch to the outer edge of the mitt. 所以依大大的指示1.13這條不是只能戴不超過12吋長的手套, 這條規則充其量只是建議 而已? 不是規定來著 所以1.13條, 第一句寫了這麼長還蠻無聊的, 建議而已連長度都在建議, 反正大大都可以 自動無視了。只有裡頭寫不能作的才算數啦...may個半天, 反正就自動無視就行了... 所以規則裡規定一些may wear... may protest...都不叫規定, 都叫作建議了, 都可以 自動無視... 原來如此, 筆記.... A pitcher may use the rosin bag for the purpose of applying rosin to his bare hand or hands. 還是大大看到上面叫規定, 下面這條便叫建議用法了。 如果這不叫規定, 這建議還挺無聊的... bare hand就好還偏偏要bare hand & hands. 有興趣去看看下面Bleacher report的說法... : 推 Carmelo3:有夠沒品 還開心就好咧 05/11 10:27 : → Carmelo3:RogerWaters大大沒有興趣翻譯這篇 05/11 10:28 : 推 amyer:RogerWaters:看來案情真的是一點都不單純... 05/11 11:06 : 既然有人指名要翻譯 : 這篇也來自HardballTalk : : 即便就算有90%的投手都在用防曬油加滑石粉, 來增加握球... : 也不會證明用防曬油就是可以的, 就是不違法的, 那要不要下次放一罐在投手丘旁 : 那塗凡士林在手上, 可不可以呢?? : 所以Hayhurst說的用防曬油不是幾乎要破案了。 : 但問題依照棒球規則 : 用異物到球上就是有問題的。 : 就算90%的投手都用了, 那沒用的10%呢? : Jeff Passan的報導表示: "投手們不認為這是作弊??" : 問題是那是用的投手們認為不是在作弊, 但依棒球規則呢??? 用異物就是犯規 : 如果大家認為用防曬油不是作弊, 要不要請記者問他Buchholz手臂那團亮亮的是什麼, : 他要不要公開承認就是防曬油呢? : 如果Jeff Passan說的都是對的, 怎麼不敢列名是那些投手在用防曬油呢??? : : 90 percent of pitchers are using spray-on sunscreen, Buchholz-style : Craig Calcaterra May 8, 2013, 3:30 PM EDT : Jeff Passan picks up the thread Dirk Hayhurst and Jack Morris pulled last : week regarding Clay Buchholz‘s start against the Jays and accusations that : he was doctoring the ball: : Two veteran pitchers and one source close to the Red Sox told Yahoo! Sports : that about 90 percent of major league pitchers use some form of spray-on : sunscreen – almost always BullFrog brand – that when combined with powdered : rosin gives them a far superior grip on the ball … one source close to the : Red Sox confirmed the team’s pitchers almost all rely on sunscreen for : better grip on finicky balls, particularly in cold, bad weather. : It seems almost certain, based on what Passan’s sources are telling him, : that yes, Buchholz was applying a foreign substance to the ball last week. : But it also seems certain, based on what Passan’s sources are telling him, : that almost all pitchers do it and, really, no one cares. : Which I think does matter when talk about the nature of all of this. How much : it matters I don’t know. If the Blue Jays were willing to look the other way : — and they were, probably because their pitchers do the same damn thing — I : ’m not sure where the mandate to start inspecting every pitcher’s arm comes : from, even if applying Bull Frog to the ball is a violation of a clear rule. : Of course, I’ve been trying to tell people for years that, while against the : rules, players using PEDs was maybe something more complex than anti-PED gang : was willing to admit given its pervasive and open use. Doesn’t make it : right. Doesn’t make it legal. But does provide some context with which : reasonable people should maybe use in order to filter their outrage and with : which to determine just how sharp those pitchforks should be. : So: any of those folks willing to take the “I don’t care if everyone is : doing it and it’s ‘just part of the game,’ Buchholz is a cheating cheater : who cheats” tack here? I’m not gonna hold my breath for it, but please, : let me know if you feel that way. : ※ 引述《andy880036s (中信魚京云鬼!!)》之銘言: : : 道歉囉~ : : Jack Morris apologizes to Clay Buchholz : : Jack Morris sought out Clay Buchholz, told him he was sorry he took attention : : away from him. Said that was not his intent. "We're cool.'' : : More Morris: Black Jack said he advised Buch "to have fun with it.'' Said : : Jack: As long as we're cool, I don't care what anyone else thinks : : -- In the memory of Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett January 6, 1946 - July 7, 2006 I know where Syd Barrett lives -- Television Personalities -- ◆ From:
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RogerWaters:人家規定只能抹bare hand or hands...05/11 22:17

pujos:你的閱讀可能要加強...05/11 22:18

TimChiu:may use =/= 只能05/11 22:18

TimChiu:是“可以”05/11 22:18

RogerWaters: 裡面要不要我幫你畫重點 05/12 23:27

RogerWaters:還有一位大大說手上塗什麼都行不要弄到球上就行.... 05/12 23:28

RogerWaters:那聯盟禁Pine Tar不知是在禁什麼的 pine tar是用來... 05/12 23:29

RogerWaters:firm grip的..弄到投手手上的功能是這個..這是禁什麼. 05/12 23:30

RogerWaters:Joel Peralta還真的蠻冤的... 05/12 23:31

RogerWaters:rosin bag弄到forearm的爭議, 還不只在一個地方看過.. 05/12 23:49

RogerWaters:這就不知道是誰的閱讀該加強了... 05/12 23:50

iamyamashi:是...喔...說的...不錯...... 05/12 23:53

finalmaple:好久沒在MLB看到火藥味這麼十足的文章 ∩﹏∩︴︴︴ 05/12 23:54

RogerWaters: 05/13 00:02

RogerWaters:和我有相同見解的襪迷 05/13 00:13

ht874211:有"not more than..."這種字樣 解釋上似乎跟前面爭議的條 05/13 00:15

ht874211:文解釋方向完全不同 05/13 00:15

RogerWaters:再掰啊!!! 05/13 00:16

ht874211:兩個條文四不能混為一談 "得使用不超過12吋長的手套"這句 05/13 00:17

ht874211:話反面解釋便是不得使用超過12吋長的手套 05/13 00:17

RogerWaters:意思就是may 遇到not more than就自動變規定啦.. 05/13 00:19

RogerWaters:not more than 是在講inches...那來禁止的意思... 05/13 00:20

RogerWaters:not more than就是數學的<=的意思...自動變禁止你還蠻 05/13 00:21

RogerWaters:會跳針的... 05/13 00:21

ht874211:我想"跳針"用語是指就同一看法或意見一再提出主張,不理 05/13 00:26

ht874211:他人主張,我是第一次就此問題發表意見,何來所謂"跳針"? 05/13 00:26

RogerWaters:大大的立論是may就是建議用法...不是規定... 05/13 00:27

iamyamashi:RogerWaters防衛心真強 05/13 00:27

weian:May wear or may not wear, IF he wears, it can't be over 05/13 00:27

weian:12 inch 05/13 00:27

RogerWaters:那你把下一句換一下... 05/13 00:28

weian:有什麼問題嗎?May是在說手套可有可無不是說12吋可有可無 05/13 00:28

ht874211:"not more than"我想這個英文詞翻譯成中文是指"不超過"吧 05/13 00:28

RogerWaters:那rosin bag也是說可用可不用, 用就只能bare hand & 05/13 00:29

ht874211:那這個用語在這個條文不就是已經限定了手套長度的大小? 05/13 00:29

RogerWaters:hands...有問題...跟你邏輯不一樣嗎... 05/13 00:29

ht874211:那我舉個我國法律同時包含"得(may)"和"不超過(not more 05/13 00:30

ht874211:than)的法條來解釋,你看一下我理解有沒有錯誤 05/13 00:31

ht874211:九二一震災重建暫行條例第13條第1項: 05/13 00:33

ht874211:合法建築物因震災毀損者,得由原建築物所有人檢具合法建 05/13 00:34

ht874211:築物之證明文件,在不超過原建築基地面積及樓地板面積原 05/13 00:35

ht874211:則下,向直轄市、縣 (市)主管建築機關提出重建之申請。 05/13 00:35

RogerWaters:得是在講檢具建築物之證明文件, 跟手套天差地遠... 05/13 00:36

RogerWaters:不超過在講建築面積... 05/13 00:37

RogerWaters:你舉這個只更證明下面那一句是法律, 不是建議.... 05/13 00:37

ht874211:這句法條是說原建築物所有人原則上只能聲請重建不超過原 05/13 00:37

RogerWaters:rosin bag如果用只能用在bare hand & hands. 05/13 00:38

ht874211:我的意思是"得"後面的限定用語(未滿、不超過等等)限定了 05/13 00:41

RogerWaters:大哥...你的不超過, 英文是放在in case 裡面...是特定 05/13 00:42

RogerWaters:條件...跟手套的規定差很遠好嗎? 05/13 00:43

RogerWaters:棒球規則裡, 一堆 if, in case的條文就跟你的舉例一樣 05/13 00:43

RogerWaters:那條條文, 比較像入境得攜帶不低於三個月期限的護照.. 05/13 00:48

RogerWaters:提出申請... 05/13 00:49

lampmouse:ht大舉例失敗 05/13 00:50

ht874211:這個規則的"not more than"不就是在限定條件裡? 05/13 00:51

RogerWaters:哦...我服了你了... 05/13 00:52

RogerWaters:護照期限是自己用到剩三個月...手套是買來多大的... 05/13 00:53

ht874211:"得穿戴不超過12吋的手套"翻譯成中文是這樣嗎? 05/13 00:53

RogerWaters:跟什麼限定條件...你只要持合法的東西就行了... 05/13 00:53

RogerWaters:沒錯... 05/13 00:54

ht874211:那反面解釋不就是"不得穿戴超過12吋的手套"? 05/13 00:55

RogerWaters:得, 不得不就是 may 和 may not 互換, 你還要魯多久.. 05/13 00:56

ht874211:那這邊的"不超過"不就是確實是有限定條件的意思? 05/13 00:57

RogerWaters:就像得持護照申請入境許可, 不得不持護照申請入境許可 05/13 00:57

RogerWaters:得本來就是規定...不是建議... 05/13 00:58

RogerWaters:不用 not more than...就有限定條件了... 05/13 00:59

ht874211:我的意思是R大舉出的手套規則有"不超過"這樣的限制條件, 05/13 01:00

RogerWaters:得穿戴手套...就是可以戴手套...但不可以戴雨傘去守備 05/13 01:00

ht874211:但是rosin bag這個規則沒有 05/13 01:01

RogerWaters:你還不魯多久... 05/13 01:01

amyer:對手沒抗議,主播也道歉了,到底還在堅持什麼啊... 05/13 01:01

RogerWaters:在跟我may , may not 互換... 05/13 01:02

RogerWaters:我沒看到Verducci有道歉啊? 05/13 01:02

amyer:在這邊扯一堆法律條文,真的要玩法律野球? 05/13 01:03

RogerWaters:不是還有人要我去讀法律條文的...現在自己龜縮了... 05/13 01:04

iamyamashi:他未甚麼一定要跟你道歉啊? 他不道歉你要告他嗎^^ 05/13 01:09

RogerWaters:還有人要我道歉的耶?? 05/13 01:10

RogerWaters:Verducci還上節目繼續說... 05/13 01:11

ht874211:是我自己理解有誤,是我誤解了"rosin bag"規則的意思,兩 05/13 01:25

ht874211:條規則的邏輯是相同的,抱歉浪費RogerWaters的時間跟我解 05/13 01:26

ht874211:釋這麼多 05/13 01:26

rockyue:所以Buchholz有作弊就是了,其他都沒,滿意了吧! 05/13 09:14
