[情報] 美國贏不了WBC的原因

看板 MLB
作者 abc12812 ()
時間 2013-03-09 13:40:42
留言 87則留言 (42推 1噓 44→)

http://tinyurl.com/b98emat Of the 223 players with at least 350 plate appearances in 2012, J.P. Arencibia ranked 169th in wOBA. Among those players born in the United States, he’s not one of the top 100 hitters. Maybe he’s in the 100-150 range. Yet there was Arencibia getting what may well have been the biggest at-bat for Joe Torre’s team in Friday’s game against Mexico. Team USA was down 5-1 with two on and none out in the bottom of the fifth. A right-hander was on the mound for Mexico. Arencibia is right-handed. The U.S. is carrying three catchers. Joe Mauer was DHing, but there was little danger in batting for Arencibia and putting in Jonathan Lucroy afterwards. That would actually be an upgrade. Lucroy is a better player than Arencibia. Of course, Buster Posey and Matt Wieters are also better players than Arencibia. They’re not here. A.J. Pierzynski, Alex Avila and John Jaso are better players than Arencibia. I’d probably argue for Chris Iannetta, Jarrod Saltalamacchia and A.J. Ellis, too. Which is why Team USA is never going to win the World Baseball Classic as its presently constructed. It’s not just that many of the country’s best players don’t want to play. It’s that those in charge do a lousy job of picking the players that do. And then it does an even worse job of employing the players who are picked. Gio Gonzalez is Team USA’s second best pitcher. He’s not even going to be used in Round 1, since it’s such a given that the team is going to advance to Round 2 (except that’s hardly the case). Eric Hosmer, starting for the ailing Mark Teixeira, is the wrong fallback to the wrong choice to play first base in the first place. Don’t even get me started on Heath Bell. Willie Bloomquist was on the provisional roster, for crying out loud. And there was Arencibia. He’s not one of the United States’ five-best catchers. It’s arguable whether he’s in the top 10. Yet there he was starting against Pool D’s toughest opponent in Friday’s opener. Because he’ s handled a couple R.A. Dickey bullpen sessions. And then he was left in to take a crucial at-bat in the fifth, even though Dickey had already been pulled. As I’m writing this, Team USA is still in the game against Mexico. Maybe it will come back. Maybe it will still advance to Round 2. But winning the tournament? That’s not happening. Team USA wasn’t designed with any thoughts of winning the World Baseball Classic. It’s just there to get taken down by a more interested team. -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1362807644.A.912.html

lionheart60:好酸啊~ 03/09 13:42

idioteque:Arencibia有夠可憐XD 03/09 13:43

chl001:Arencibia瘋狂中槍,幾乎每段都被酸 :P 03/09 13:45

rawstuff:看來作者不知道草總和山本 03/09 13:47

zgoi:幫翻譯 戰犯:Arencibia 03/09 13:48

jerrywin:Joe Torre sucks 03/09 13:50

chordate:台日米的球迷都覺的教練腦殘XD 03/09 13:51

taker627:呵呵 03/09 14:07

JeremyKSKGA:整篇超酸 XDDD 03/09 14:08

jerrywin:5局下真的莫名其妙 是完全忘記RA下場了所以不換代打? 03/09 14:32

birdy590:這支美國隊的毛病跟前兩屆根本一樣 完全學不到教訓 03/09 14:37

jenchieh5:Jim Torre... 03/09 14:49

cd12631:連Jaso都比他好哦 呵 03/09 14:50

jaysuzuki:草總有怎樣嗎? 鍵盤教練,你厲害你去 03/09 15:07

dollc1010:純噓某樓 一個人代表所有球迷發聲? 鍵盤發言人? 03/09 15:09

Heyward:Joe Torre:我還是喜歡坐辦公室 03/09 15:44

Killebrew:全世界跟美國都認為他們不會贏lol http://ppt.cc/zQvT 03/09 16:19

uranusjr:不過他說的有理啊, 招 Eric Hosmer 真的不知道哪招 03/09 16:28

ccl007:再這樣下去不如讓Mike Scioscia組訓! 03/09 16:33

s9999941:Arencibia真的有這麼不堪嗎? 好歹也是大棒子捕手 03/09 16:57

s9999941:而且陣內又還有一個Mauer,不解 03/09 16:58

uranusjr:樓上可以去看一下 Arencibia 和 Lucroy 的歷年數據, 不要 03/09 16:59

uranusjr:說 Mauer 了, Lucroy 的打擊也比 Arencibia 好不止一檔 03/09 17:00

Sparksfly:Scioscia組訓的話會不會找Mathis阿...... 03/09 17:02

ccl007:不好意思 Mathis已經進化了 03/09 17:18

jerrywin:有記者猜Hosmer人就在亞歷桑那 不然他不可能是首選 03/09 17:24

CGary:其實... 這表示老美根本不 care 自己贏不贏... 只是找填充物 03/09 17:31

CGary:填滿這個 roster 而已 XD 03/09 17:32

SatoTakuma:輸球:不在乎 03/09 18:57

Sparksfly:這樣叫做進化...... 03/09 19:17

seemoon2000:有種莫名的喜感XDDDD 03/09 19:36

IronChef:Joe Torre我記得以前也是捕手不是嗎? 可以交換嗎? 03/09 20:53

LADKUO56:老美主要還是專注在MLB賽季上面吧 03/09 21:02

LADKUO56:WBC我總覺得他們辦好玩的 03/09 21:02

uranusjr:我倒覺得大聯盟應該是真的很有心想辦, 球員也是很有心想 03/09 21:09

uranusjr:好好為國爭光, 只是球團有利益衝突所以不合作, 然後球迷 03/09 21:10

uranusjr:又不買帳, 所以就搞得現在這樣半吊子 03/09 21:10

LADKUO56:除非像足球那樣FIBA規定A級賽事以上不得拒絕徵招 03/09 21:15

LADKUO56:還有FIBA全權負責受傷球員的後續處理 03/09 21:15

LADKUO56:不然就是會因為賽季的問題不上不下的 03/09 21:16

maikxz:目前好像只限UEFA下面的 03/09 21:18

maikxz:我說球員受傷要賠俱樂部 03/09 21:18

LADKUO56:改時間也是一個考量拉...畢竟現在是春訓期間 03/09 21:19

cd12631:但是我是覺得除老美球迷比較不重視外其他國家球迷反應還不 03/09 21:19

LADKUO56:只是MLB似乎就定在這個時間了 03/09 21:20

cd12631:錯 但沒辦法美加那邊職業運動太多元化選擇太多 03/09 21:20

cd12631:老美又習慣看完一個接下一個4年1次的wbc就很容易忽略掉 03/09 21:21

cd12631:另外一些明星球員已經算是踴躍參賽了 只是一些被認為奪冠 03/09 21:21

cd12631:熱門的球隊如多明尼加or美國又表現不佳 大家就更套上沒認 03/09 21:22

cd12631:打的帽子 03/09 21:22

OoyaoO:不管美國隊有沒有冠軍 MLB是世界棒球最高殿堂的事實不會改 03/09 21:24

LADKUO56:其實球員都還算踴躍 只是球團會擋 03/09 21:25

OoyaoO:對球團來說沒什麼利益阿 球員不幸因此受傷低潮還要自己吃虧 03/09 21:26

cd12631:對球員也滿衰的 打得好應該 打不好國內球迷視為戰犯 03/09 21:28

IronChef:這次美帝在吃屎17就要開America Fuck Yeah模式了 03/09 22:00

IronChef:美帝的國球也是贏球 到時候看打線裡有9個尊魚 03/09 22:00

IronChef:投手群加起來有10個賽洋獎之類的陣容 03/09 22:01

viery:美帝:下次組賽揚海 結果依然輸球XD 03/09 22:06

CGary:老美的確不在乎自己贏不贏阿 官方在意有個鳥用? 球隊就是愛 03/09 22:18

CGary:放不放 主要還是觀眾也不怎麼買帳 所以球團根本不太鳥... 03/09 22:18

maikxz:就算今天場場爆滿 收視率爆表 球團還是不會買帳 03/09 22:19

CGary:分錢給他們, 收視也給他們分...他們就會買帳了 XD 03/09 22:19

maikxz:球團永遠是超級反對國際賽 足球世界盃也是 03/09 22:19

krajicek:美國這個時間不是看棒球的季節,NCAA正在季後賽 03/09 22:19

krajicek:68強馬上就要開始了 03/09 22:20

CGary:主要還是因為三月是大學籃球季 大家習慣看完 NFL->NCAA->MLB 03/09 22:21

cd12631:老美沒辦法 但看有沒有辦法推廣到一些原本棒球較弱的地方 03/09 22:22

krajicek:說真的還是考慮WBC併入奧運吧,美國人是看奧運的 03/09 22:22

krajicek:去年夏季奧運的收視率在美國很好,僅次於NFL 03/09 22:22

cd12631:今年的巴西也許就有機會以後穩定地有球員輸出 03/09 22:23

cd12631:不太可能併入奧運 與MLB季賽衝突而且奧運牽扯太廣 03/09 22:24

IronChef:足球是球隊不敢不放人啦, 球員會翻臉 03/09 22:30

powermarine:六年前我在印第安納就見過宿舍學生是在看NFL 不是MLB 03/09 22:44

powermarine:還有看大學美式足球 那個時間點還是MLB季後賽 03/09 22:45

maxspeed150:看NFL正常......... 03/09 22:45

maxspeed150:NCAA football在美國也是地位很高的運動 03/09 22:45

powermarine:我自己就想:哇靠 有美國聯分區冠軍賽 你居然看美式足 03/09 22:45

powermarine:所以不必懷疑 NFL絕對比MLB還受歡迎 03/09 22:46

cd12631:看NFL正常啊 03/09 22:47

onime0704:...,看NFL很正常啊,不看NFL才是特別吧XD? 03/09 23:25

newest:不看NFL根本不是美國人吧XD 03/10 01:23

mahoro:有翻譯米糕嗎? 03/10 03:38

godswd: 都說中文了 還要翻譯米糕是怎樣XDDDDDD 03/10 10:06

tseng1978:我人在美國 其實比較疑惑的是 到底誰在看NBA 03/11 14:22

tseng1978:也許是因為Pistons不強 不過Lions...還是一堆人看 03/11 14:24

maxspeed150:Lions已經不只是"不強"了......和MLB比起來NBA比較偏 03/12 13:59

maxspeed150:非裔美人運動吧? 03/12 13:59
