[外電] Teixeira Likely to Be Out Two Weeks

看板 MLB
作者 GoNow (狗腦)
時間 2013-03-06 12:56:59
留言 33則留言 (27推 0噓 6→)

更新 Yankees lose Mark Teixeira until at least mid-May http://usat.ly/Wvqkn4 http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/yankees/2013/03/06/mark-teixeira-out -at-least-two-months-wrist-injury/1969157/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://bats.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/03/05/teixeira-out-of-world-baseball-classic -after-injuring-wrist/ http://nyti.ms/XoTpPy March 5, 2013, 8:17 pm By DAVID WALDSTEIN TAMPA, Fla. — Mark Teixeira injured his wrist while working out with the United States team Tuesday in Arizona ahead of the World Baseball Classic, leaving the Yankees worried about his status. Teixeira 在亞利桑那進行 WBC 集訓傷了手腕 The Yankees said Teixeira strained his right wrist while hitting off a tee, but the description sounded a bit more alarming. 打擊練習右手腕扭到 “He said he felt a pop,” said Brian Cashman, the Yankees general manager who was wearing a cast on his right leg after breaking it sky diving Monday. Cashman 的右腳也因為去跳傘受傷 Cashman said Teixeira, who will go to New York to see a hand specialist, is expected to miss at least two weeks. Cashman 預估 Teixeira 至少缺席兩週 “I’m obviously worried about it,” Cashman said, “because wrists are very unpredictable. Even if you can get a positive diagnosis back, which of course we hope for, that still doesn’t mean you are out of the woods because wrists are tricky. They are hard to get a handle on. So I’m concerned about it.” Teixeira, who had hoped to play in his second W.B.C., said on Twitter: “Very disappointed to miss @WBCBaseball. Best of luck to my teammates, go #USA!” Teixeira 目前看來要錯過了他的第二次 WBC The trainer of the United States team is Gene Monahan, the former Yankee trainer. Manager Joe Girardi said he spoke with Monahan after the injury happened. Girardi said Teixeira had no pain in the area before going to Arizona. “I was kind of shocked,” he said. Girardi said if Teixeira had to miss significant time, then Juan Rivera, Dan Johnson and Kevin Youkilis would be possible replacements at first base. Youkilis is a less likely candidate since that would involve another switch to cover for Youkilis at third. 受傷期間洋基一壘可能改由 Juan Rivera, Dan Johnson, Youkilis 來守 The hope is that Teixeira can return in two weeks, have time to get ready for the regular season and not be dogged by a sore wrist for weeks or months. “You worry because those can be troublesome during the course of the season, ” Girardi said. Also on the Mend The Yankees said that 27-year-old Cuban minor league outfielder Adonis Garcia broke the hook of the hamate bone in his left hand during batting practice Sunday in Fort Myers and will have surgery Wednesday. He is expected to miss six to eight weeks. Adonis Garcia 左手傷勢要休 6-8 週 As for his own injury, Brian Cashman said he felt no pain in his right leg, where he broke the fibula and dislocated his ankle during a sky diving jump to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project. He had a plate and eight screws inserted in the leg during surgery. He will be in a cast and on crutches for at least eight weeks and cannot drive a car during that time. Still, he said he had a great time making the jump, but felt like he let down the United States Army Golden Knights, who took him on the jump, by flubbing the landing. “I was embarrassed that I screwed up,” Cashman said. “My fault.” -- ◆ From: 不好意思,翻譯有誤所以改了幾次 ^^ 祈見諒 03/06 13:31
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bensn101:Dan Johnson? 03/06 12:58

jerrywin:兩周的話 第2輪都結束了 03/06 13:02

Eddward:洋基DL躺了9人30隊之冠光主力就7個... 03/06 13:09

davidex:所以受傷之神從NYM跑到NYY去了?? 03/06 13:12

DerekJeter02:是還要傷幾個...內野除了Cano根本全滅了 03/06 13:18

searoar: Youkilis:我是紅襪人 03/06 13:21

kusami:......還我09年的內野~~~~~~~~~~ 03/06 13:29

c871111116:屆轉悲劇版..... 03/06 13:31

Connec:洋基DL超多...... 03/06 13:35

lukehong:由GM領軍的DL球隊 03/06 13:47

corlos:總經理都DL了,被隔壁傳染的 03/06 14:14

ShadowMask:啥Youkilis去洋基了? 囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧v 03/06 14:43

ShadowMask:我無言了... 03/06 14:43

lukehong:樓上鴿子封包 03/06 14:48

tn00037166:烽火台 03/06 15:57

songga0909:鴿子封包 XD 03/06 16:18

a12582002:蝸牛封包 03/06 17:09

hayato01:好慘 03/06 17:15

andy880036s:WBC美國隊可能會補進I.Davis 03/06 17:41

henry0317:洋基隊:誰敢比我慘!!! 03/06 17:52

newest:GM都DL了 球員也來意思意思一下 03/06 17:54

jerrywin:對美國算好事嗎XD 鐵爺慢熱 上次WBC成績也超慘 03/06 18:00

SSS120329:印象中光頭王1壘防守數據比鐵爺好 不知道有沒有記錯 03/06 18:02

jerrywin:目前人選I.Davis Konerko 03/06 18:11

LBJCHA:I.Davis? 乾屋摳連 03/06 19:07

nbahoop:真假!? 梅子魂!! 03/06 19:30

wangattack:真慘 一堆DL 還有幾個有機會禁賽LOL 03/06 21:30

jerrywin:Eric Hosmer replaces the injured Mark Teixeira 03/06 23:17

miabcd199:ShadowMask是用烽火台嗎.. 03/07 00:15

ShadowMask:~_~ 03/07 00:32

gify0712:一朗表示: 03/07 06:28

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