[外電] Baseball Hall of Fame 2013

看板 MLB
作者 uilnivla (uilnivla)
時間 2013-01-11 15:32:12
留言 96則留言 (29推 34噓 33→)

原文 http://aol.sportingnews.com/mlb/story/2012-12-31/baseball-hall-of-fame -2013-roger-clemens-barry-bonds-sammy-sosa-mark-mcgwire-ped 作者 Garry D. Howard 以下簡譯之 Baseball Hall of Fame 2013: Why I didn't vote for PED users 為什麼我不投給藥人 Eventually. 總有一天 That is the operative word when it comes to Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and, to a lesser extent, Sammy Sosa. 對 Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Sammy Sosa 來說 他們總有一天會進去的 On this first ballot in which all three are included, as a longtime member of the BBWAA, I cannot seem to bring myself to put a check mark next to their names because all three are so embroiled in the PEDs controversy. 對多年的 BBWAA 會員的我來說 因為他們吃藥所以今年我不投給他們 Are they worthy? No doubt. 他們應該進去嗎 當然 On this ballot, today? Not a chance. 今年嗎 當然不 It comes down to choices and by all accounts, Bonds, Clemens and Sosa simply did not make the right decisions when it came to performance enhancing drugs, although signs indicated that Major League Baseball itself was embroiled in a drug controversy that included more players, executives and front-office folks than we’ll ever truly know. 他們做了錯的決定 他們吃藥了 當然整個大聯盟都在吃藥 但我們永遠不會知道 So yes, Bonds, the preeminent hitter of his time, will eventually be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, as will Clemens, the preeminent pitcher of his day. 所以 當然 Bonds 和 Clemens 總有一天會進聖人堂的 But they have to pay the piper right now because, well, they must, although it truly breaks my heart. 但他們得要付出代價 Barry Bonds was a first-ballot Hall of Famer if ever there was such a thing … 棒子爺應該要第一次就進去的 He played 22 seasons, made 14 All-Star teams, took home eight Gold Gloves, won seven NL MVPs (more than anyone, ever), had more than 100 RBIs 12 times, batted .298 for his career and slugged more home runs (762) than Hank Aaron, whom I adore for his class and understated power. 他打了22個球季 14次全星星 8次金手套 7次MVP(史上最多) 12次單季100RBI以上 生涯.298打擊率 762轟 比我最愛的 Hank Aaron 還多 When it comes to character, Bonds is no Hank Aaron. 但說到做人嘛 棒子爺還差阿倫很遠 With all the pressure of being the absolute best crashing down on his growing head in 2000, Bonds could not resist. He could not take players such as Mark McGwire and Sosa smashing home runs with the consistency that he had always maintained. And Bonds belted a ridiculous 73 home runs in 2001, cementing his status as King of the PEDs. 2000年的時候棒子爺看著 McGwire 和 Sosa 一支接一支的轟 他也受不了誘惑吃藥去了 2001年他轟了73發 奠定了他藥王的地位 It made baseball look downright silly although it surely proved my suspicions that if you put everyone on PEDs, Bonds would still out-slug them all. 這讓棒球變得愚蠢 但也證明了就算每個人都吃藥的話 棒子爺也會是最強的 He should have stood strong. He did not and by many accounts, lied about his involvement with drugs. 他應該要堅強抵抗誘惑的 但他沒有而且還說謊 He has to pay for it. 他得要付出代價 Clemens pitched for 24 seasons, posted five 20-win seasons, 15 with 200-plus innings pitched, won a record seven Cy Young Awards, led his league in ERA seven times and won two World Series rings with the Yankees. All on top of a lifetime 3.12 ERA. 火箭人投了24個球季 5次20勝以上 15次超過200局 史上最多的7次賽揚獎 7次最低ERA 2個冠軍 生涯ERA 3.12 He was the best pitcher of his era. 火箭人是最強的 Clemens was also a surly, unrepentant abuser and to this day refuses to acknowledge his misgivings. 但他也吃藥而且撒謊 For all of that, he has to pay. 所以他得要付出代價 Sosa played 18 seasons, amassed 609 career home runs, was a seven-time All-Star, a six-time Silver Slugger Award winner, and posted at least 100 RBIs in nine seasons. 索沙打了18個球季 生涯609轟 7次全星星 6次銀棒獎 9次100RBI以上 His remarkable chase of Roger Maris’ single-season home run record in 1998, along with McGwire, is almost singularly responsible for bringing baseball back from its proverbial economic cliff but that is not why he will be remembered. Cork exploding out of his bat and his total disappearing act after his last season are his lasting impression. 1998年他和馬怪互相追逐的全壘打大戰可以說隻手拯救了MLB 但他並不因為這樣被記得 反而是因為填充棒和逃避質疑而留在人們的記憶中 He, too, has to pay, and today is that day. 他也要付出代價 就在今天 So check marks on this ballot are being placed next to the names of Jack Morris, Lee Smith, Curt Schilling, and since I love his days with the Yankees and his overall .307 lifetime batting average, I voted, again, for Donnie Baseball, aka, Don Mattingly. And of those four, only Morris and Schilling have a chance at being inducted this year. 所以我投給了 Jack Morris, Lee Smith, Curt Schilling, Don Mattingly Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, and, to a lesser extent, McGwire and Rafael Palmeiro, all may eventually be elected to the Hall of Fame but their desire to acquire greatness through artificial means taints their respective legacies. Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, McGwire, Rafael Palmeiro 他們有一天都會進聖人堂的 但因為他們想用人工的方法變強所以都該加星號 And although I strongly believe that all of those I just mentioned – Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, McGwire and Palmeiro – are true Hall of Famers, they will have to stand on the outside looking in at this ballot because it boils down to just this: Hard work and talent lead to greatness. It can’t be manufactured under any circumstance. 他們都該進聖人堂 但今年不行 因為你得要靠努力和天分 吃藥是不行滴 In an era that will be remembered throughout history for its blatant disregard of the game’s rules, I personally suspect that Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, McGwire, Palmeiro and even Jeff Bagwell opted for immediate gratification. 我懷疑 Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, McGwire, Palmeiro, Jeff Bagwell 都是藥人 Today is the day they must pay for that decision. 什麼時候他們得要付出代價呢 就在今天 心得: 對老一輩的BBWAA會員來說 這種希望吃藥的人付出代價的心態應該是相當普遍的 但他還是沒解釋為什麼沒投給 Biggio? -- 轉錄可,請註明出處作者 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1357889543.A.887.html

maxspeed150:諷刺的是 他敬愛的漢克阿倫吃了一堆安非他命 01/11 15:33

SNGoMMX:那BGO呢?他到底是為什麼要付出了這鳥代價? 01/11 15:34

ps20012001:=.=..這種心態說實在也沒好到哪去.. 01/11 15:35

nolander:葡萄很酸 01/11 15:35

DerekJeter02:大老心態作祟~ 01/11 15:36

ajburnett:這種的就是欲加之罪何患無辭 找一堆不成理的道理來證成 01/11 15:36

ajburnett:他打死不投第一年的事實 01/11 15:36

charlie01:指著別人最簡單 天龍協會 ZZZZZ 01/11 15:38

charlie01:看到滿滿的 HAS TO PAY 真的整個火都上來 01/11 15:39

charlie01:這些投票者是什麼東西 球員們的老爸還是心靈導師? 01/11 15:40

pasaword:.............................. BULL SHIT 01/11 15:43

ihsan:放屁,sosa吃再多藥也無法抹滅他跟馬怪追逐戰帶給我的回憶 01/11 15:44

joeyer:哇靠 還講到做人 那改名做聖人堂比較快 01/11 15:46

ihsan:那時候在成功嶺吃飯放體育新聞的時候,全營在關心他們的進度 01/11 15:46

XdynamicX:說那麼多屁話還不是沒投給Biggio 01/11 15:46

lukehong:Hall of Sage 01/11 15:47

efreet:根本雙重標準,要做道德審查的話,先把堂內清乾淨再說 01/11 15:47

sdiaa:填充棒這種只能增加心靈力量的東西也要付出代價 XD 01/11 15:50

deathsong:SOSA類固醇場外可沒違法喔 記者大人敬愛的阿倫哥 01/11 15:51

deathsong:吸的安非他命 還得被抓去吃免錢飯 記者腦殘全球一致 01/11 15:52

jackylfc:自己為不投比較專業 01/11 15:56

lingsk:Biggio表示:沒吃藥也進不了 01/11 15:57

zippy:一堆廢話 01/11 16:13

yeng1217:啥鬼? 甚麼時候變成在選聖人 輪得到你選? 01/11 16:26

yankeefat:聽他在喇洨 那位什麼不投給BGO 01/11 16:29

miabcd199:阿BGO勒? 幹 01/11 16:36

orion1991830:嗑藥可以 打藥不行 01/11 16:46

sunchen0201:只要沒吃藥 打個100發HR 就算到處安裝ADSL也可以進囉? 01/11 16:50

iterator:其實他們也是想讓 Bonds 進的, 只是要處罰他 01/11 16:55

iterator:所以比 Bonds 弱的 Biggio, 就委屈點, 不能讓你先進去 01/11 16:55

borriss: 問他99年有沒有投給一樣打20年同隊 2MVP 的Yount... 01/11 16:56

meteorhades:zzz 01/11 16:57

aaa80437:沒有BGO 01/11 17:00

JakeMcGee:BBWAA表示:朕不給的 你不能搶 01/11 17:01

Sparksfly:無理 01/11 17:02

BlitzX:他敬愛的吞了一堆安非他命 都他 在講 01/11 17:28

albertlaw:翻譯:可以吸毒 不可以吃藥 ^.< 01/11 17:34

Bagwell5:拜託什麼時候可以把這批死老頭換掉,真是莫名其妙= =你們 01/11 18:05

Bagwell5:憑什麼侮辱Biggio 01/11 18:06

majohn:幹 這根本垃圾......... 01/11 18:09

k1222:不可質疑你的BBWAA 01/11 18:16

fetoyeh:去你的Have to Pay 那BGO呢? 皮耶薩呢? 那Selig什麼時候 01/11 18:36

fetoyeh:也要Have to Pay? 垃圾! 01/11 18:37

Connec: 01/11 18:45

a12582002:BGO咧?怎麼沒說? 01/11 19:29

goopa:請板友們克制一下,使用言語不要過激... 01/11 19:54

goopa:很多人已經踩線了,請不要過線.... 01/11 19:55

WadeMiley:原PO也是辛苦幫大家翻譯 不爽也不需要噓到X1吧 感謝原PO 01/11 20:34

Sparksfly: 01/11 20:37

flyiii:又一個投給CurtSchilling 的大白癡,果真砸碎! 01/11 20:50

rayven:典型大頭症 01/11 20:57

iamoyp:吃禁藥可以推升棒球成績,吸安又不行,要進HOF的標準是棒球 01/11 22:06

iamoyp:成績,對我來講,吃禁藥就是作弊,吸安又不是 01/11 22:07

flyiii:作弊作弊 ? 有規定不能吃嗎 ? 01/11 22:18

maxspeed150:吸安是作弊啊 那種東西叫做興奮劑 01/11 22:19

Darkside18:當時又沒規定不能吃,憑什麼拿後來的法律去溯及既往, 01/11 22:20

niravaabhas:這什麼標準? Ty cobb現在打球大概也進不了吧?XD 01/11 22:20

maxspeed150:就是因為安非他命能讓人在短時間內維持高漲情緒 01/11 22:20

maxspeed150:之前才會有K書中心提供這類藥物 01/11 22:20

Darkside18:來否定一個球員一輩子的努力結晶? 01/11 22:20

niravaabhas:竟然有人說吸安不是作弊 我笑了.................... 01/11 22:20

wjp:吸安是為了不會覺得累...然後你覺得口水球呢? 01/11 22:21

niravaabhas:Bonds跟Cobb相比根本就沒什麼 這群人的標準實在很妙xd 01/11 22:22

maxspeed150:反正名人堂早就有作弊大王了 01/11 22:23

maxspeed150:19世紀有King Kelly, 20世紀有Gaylord Perry 01/11 22:24

deathsong:IAMOYP你腦袋進水??小綠不是用來作弊難道是吃身體健康?? 01/11 22:34

deathsong:棒子爺無罪!!!棒子爺有罪的話!!阿倫給我滾蛋!!! 01/11 22:35

deathsong:漢克阿倫獎??呸~把最強打者獎名字還給貝比魯斯 01/11 22:37

qtgeorge:噓美國媒亂 01/11 22:43

harakiri405:純噓記者 這哪門子標準?付什麼代價?完全亂搞 01/11 22:59

gtsr0108:要就大家都有罪,要就大家都沒罪。吸安沒事,吃藥有事... 01/11 23:01

tony160079:關Curt Schilling甚麼事情? 他本來就一半一半好嗎 01/11 23:43

tony160079:光是他手上的那幾枚傳奇冠軍戒就夠讓他有那個機會進去 01/11 23:44

shinefruit:原po被牽連了 01/11 23:56

kuyung:BBWAA要不要踢一些____出去阿 這個四十年後看一定是笑話 01/12 00:33

WadeMiley:再幫原Po推一次 噓可以用打的不一定要2 01/12 01:20

qlz:何必噓原po= =不滿的話直接在推文寫就好 01/12 01:38

iluy:lol 01/12 02:13

tommy0221:... 01/12 02:56

Ginola:When it comes to character (看到就按下 end ) 01/12 04:35

pooh82347:推回來~原PO辛苦了 01/12 06:30

Sechslee:自以為神 01/12 10:36

skyer1042:幫忙簡譯也被噓...推回來...... 01/12 11:28

Locutus:l原po好可憐,辛苦了! 推一下 01/12 17:59

hieisss:推原PO 01/12 18:18

kawo:純噓這篇放屁文章...-w- 01/12 19:54

Sparksfly: 01/12 19:59

WadeMiley:再推 01/12 20:40

Sparksfly: 01/12 20:44

Jeter:補血 01/12 21:48

bravefan:不用噓PO的吧[email protected]@ 01/13 00:18

a88152660:噓過的也要給原PO補回來啊... 01/13 00:25

chianghh:幫補血 01/13 03:03

Bagwell5:明眼人都知道不是針對原po,捕推 01/13 10:07

littlebonnie:我以為PO這篇的目標就是要被噓爆耶XDD 01/13 18:07

littlebonnie:這種支持吸毒犯的文章 明顯欠噓啊 01/13 18:08
