[外電] Giants sign Angel Pagan

看板 MLB
作者 goldenwind (金色狂風)
時間 2012-12-04 06:03:43
留言 37則留言 (29推 0噓 8→)

http://goo.gl/VEl9p Not that it's much of a surprise, but Angel Pagan is headed back to San Francisco as the two sides have reached an agreement for a four-year deal worth $40 million, according to CBSSports.com Insider Jon Heyman. Pagan, 31, hit .288/.338/.440 in his first season with the Giants, helping lead the team to the World Series title. Despite less-than-stellar numbers in the postseason, his defense was critical in the team's playoff run. Last December, the Mets traded Pagan to San Francisco for Andres Torres and Ramon Ramirez. There was some smoke leading up to the winter meetings that the Giants were talking to Shane Victorino and Michael Bourn, but in hindsight, it seems that was a well-place negotiating strategy by the Giants, who were hoping to nail down a final figure with Pagan. 4Y/40M 希望不要變成下個Aaron Rowand -- ◆ From: 12/04 06:04
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1354572225.A.524.html

blacklittle:道奇又要頭痛了... 12/04 06:43

hunterqiji:科科提:傻賓真是我的好戰友﹗ 12/04 06:49

qqgirl520o:培根好用阿 12/04 08:04

ss184:這張比BJ還爛....這咖一年有10M價值喔..爛死了 12/04 08:22

ckevint:樓上掰 12/04 08:30

miabcd199:PHI又少一個選項惹 12/04 08:30

SlamKai: Bourn、Hammy:別怕,還有我們。 >.^ 12/04 08:40

abc12812:簽得不錯 40M以現在市場來說不貴 Pagan被低估很大 12/04 08:49

JakeMcGee:Pagan不差的 12/04 09:28

huso:有點貴 不過比Rowand便宜就是了 12/04 09:46

javasakino:Pagan 有玩Fantacy Game應該都覺得他不賴,被低估了 12/04 10:17

kuyung:今年OPS+有121 WAR有4.0 戰吧戰吧 12/04 10:56

ss184:這麼愛比WAR..那MVP之爭呢XDD打臉 12/04 11:06

maxspeed150:Pagan本來就不差啊 尤其像現在這種一個average player 12/04 11:07

maxspeed150:都可以拿到快10M的情況下 Pagan這種高於平均的球員 12/04 11:07

maxspeed150:拿10M不過份吧 而且現在他剛好打出生涯年 12/04 11:08

dodohotdog:Napoli 3 yrs, $39M 就覺得 Pagan 超貴 ~ 12/04 11:12

ss184:妳說的是沒錯!但勞賽機率挺高的..畢竟不是平穩的表現 12/04 11:16

ss184:雖然一堆爛約XDD~但好約其實也不少張^^ 12/04 11:16

bensn101:看到尻佛的約就會覺得培根超值 12/04 11:22

ss184:樓上XDD熊熊覺得小熊索利安諾是張好約XDD 12/04 11:35

kuyung:季後賽Bonus 雖然整體成績不怎樣但是關鍵時刻表現不差 12/04 11:53

cd85021725:Pagan在巨人有士氣加成啊 球員間氣氛融洽 12/04 11:57

javasakino:特別是季末巨人關鍵的幾場比賽 Pagan表現不俗呀 12/04 13:25

goopa:樸岡有他的價值在,這合約不貴。 12/04 14:42

goopa:至於說要跟Napoli很便宜,的確是不貴啦,但這就是今年季後市 12/04 14:45

goopa:場給他今年表現打的分數 12/04 14:45

JakeMcGee:Napoli只有進攻能力 防守太差 Pagan防守是不錯的 12/04 14:49

bolue:季後賽威能 這價錢很佛吧 12/04 15:14

kuyung:Pagan防守只能算平均值 不差但普普 12/04 15:54

walkcloud:Pagan敬禮很帥啊XD 12/04 17:22

meteorhades:拿捕手跟外野手比... 12/04 17:30

william80730:再往回推幾年 這約的確貴 但現在真的見怪不怪了 12/04 20:54

dufflin:Torres哭哭 12/04 20:54

tonyselina:都給OPS+還能酸WAR XDDDDDDDD 12/04 21:33

albertlaw:Pagan都拿10M了 Bourn拿個13~15M應該不離譜 12/04 22:10

JeremyKSKGA:太好了 開路先鋒留下來了 12/04 22:20
