Fw: [乳摸] Mariners Interested In Garrett Jones

看板 MLB
作者 cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)
時間 2012-12-03 12:41:15
留言 54則留言 (25推 0噓 29→)

作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>) 看板: Mariners 標題: [乳摸] Mariners Interested In Garrett Jones 時間: Mon Dec 3 12:39:23 2012 The Mariners have talked with the Pirates about first baseman/right fielder Garrett Jones in recent weeks, according to Geoff Baker of the Seattle Times. Baker stresses that it was just one of the many conversations the M's have had with clubs, but the discussion went beyond just one phone call and names were batted back-and-forth. One proposal had Jones and Pirates closer Joel Hanrahan and possibly another player going to the Mariners in exchange for first baseman Justin Smoak, catcher John Jaso, and starting pitcher Hector Noesi. The Bucs have let other teams know that Hanrahan is available and were said to be seeking rotation help in return. Jones, 31, had a 243/.321/.433 batting line with 16 home runs in 477 plate appearances for the Pirates last year. We saw the first baseman/right fielder on the pages of MLBTR last offseason as the Yankees reportedly had interest in trading for him. Hanrahan, also 31, posted a 2.72 ERA with 10.1 K/9 and 5.4 BB/9 last season in Pittsburgh. The closer earned $4.1MM last season and is in line to earn $6.9MM for 2013 in his final year of arbitration. Jones earned $2.25MM in 2012 after heading to arbitration in his first year of eligibility and is projected to make $4.4MM. Baker writes that the Pirates may be motivated to make a deal like this in order to ease their payroll burden. http://goo.gl/PFAIf 想換Garrett Jones和Joel Hanrahan 籌碼是Justin Smoak 、John Jaso 和 Hector Noesi. 海賊又想要搶水兵的大誤了嗎? -- ◤ ◥ 好小說不看嗎? ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▃▂▁ ▁▂▃ 國家研究院 政治, 文學, 學術 ── xxxx $ xxxx LitRes 研究 Σ文學研究院 小 說 xxxx $ xxxx novel 文學 ◎小說板  xxxx $ xxxx =========== 歡迎您的蒞臨 =========== ▃▂▁$▁▂▃ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1354509677.A.04A.html

maxspeed150:打不出來的錢頂級新秀+一個好的platoon+沒什麼特別的 12/03 12:43

maxspeed150:投手 換另一個platoon+不錯的CL 12/03 12:44

beckseaton:搞不好換個地方Smoak就打出來了 12/03 12:45

maxspeed150:Clement換個地方還是沒打出來.... 12/03 12:47

Werth:袁公要翻桌了~ 12/03 12:47

zaipinl:養不出來的Justin Smoak 話說水手幾年沒自己養出砲了 12/03 12:47

cd12631:Hanrahan想改當SP? 12/03 12:47

beckseaton:Smoak的主客場全壘打數差超多的 12/03 12:49

tigertiger:Clement是受傷...Smoak不同case.. 12/03 12:59

jackys313:補Jaso應該還OK, 海盜今年的投手超悲劇 12/03 13:11

sdfsonic:水兵的腦袋在想甚麼? 12/03 13:18

searoar:幹 怎麼先前不提 簽了Martin才來 12/03 13:23

pasaword:要是有Jaso 海賊就不用花錢簽Martin了說.. 12/03 13:26

abc12812:水手丟Jaso的話大Z就可以加入豬頭B的行列了 12/03 13:28

bounds:要丟Jaso的話,大概是打包換海賊王了吧 12/03 13:45

Guillen:這個交易提案還真的頗糟。 12/03 14:44

aibakoji:沒啥好意外的,水兵的教練團很不喜歡Jaso的蹲捕技能 12/03 15:27

aibakoji:即使事實上Montero比Jaso蹲得更差 12/03 15:28

aibakoji:然後Jack Z又很'信任'他組成以Wedge為首的教練團 12/03 15:29

abc12812:Jaso接球能力雖然不好 但是棒子不錯 當個半C窮人拿胖還 12/03 15:30

abc12812:不賴 至於海盜提出的包裹 Jones就是個防守很糟沒什麼 12/03 15:31

abc12812:價值的路人棒子 Hanrahan這種火牛水手也不太需要 農場已 12/03 15:32

abc12812:有Stephen Pryor和Carter Capps兩個很生猛的傢伙上來了 12/03 15:33

abc12812:丟Jaso對水手完全沒有利益可言 12/03 15:34

aibakoji:我知道這提案很糟阿,只是Z可能不這麼想 12/03 15:34

aibakoji:他上任以來對Major層級球員的scout只有悲劇可以形容 12/03 15:35

maxspeed150:就算退1000步不把Jaso當捕手看 這交易還是沒意義啊 12/03 15:35

aibakoji:尤其那個每年冬天一定要發作一次的補veteran rp病 12/03 15:36

masao0103:這包超爛~~Smoak+Jaso帶給海盜可能的效率遠高於水兵換來 12/03 15:36

masao0103:的這2個 12/03 15:36

maxspeed150:加上還包了一個Noesi 雖然他實在沒啥用不過頂個後段 12/03 15:41

maxspeed150:或當個洗牛還勉強可以用 不會比那堆veteran rp差到哪 12/03 15:42

searoar:海盜這兩隻都有交易價值 水手這三隻都是配菜的料好嗎 12/03 15:55

maxspeed150:有交易價值沒錯 只是對水兵來說這交易的必要性很低 12/03 15:56

maxspeed150:換了也不會比較好 12/03 15:57

searoar:海盜更沒有需要收這三隻啊y 12/03 15:57

maxspeed150:所以這交易一點意義都沒有啊...... 12/03 15:58

searoar:Noesi看不出來哪裡勉強可用 Smoak再打不出來就等著丟了 12/03 15:58

searoar:海盜會需要左打的捕手 但現在沒空間 而且Jaso有那麼好嗎 12/03 16:00

maxspeed150:Jaso就長打少不少 選球好不少又能蹲捕的Jones啊 12/03 16:05

maxspeed150:當然要比的話Jones在攻擊面上的能力比Jaso好一點 12/03 16:06

aibakoji:Jaso今年打了個.850的OPS,而且是在Safeco打出來的 12/03 16:08

aibakoji:雖然有左殺問題,拿來當C/1B的活棋用很好阿 12/03 16:10

maxspeed150:Jones的左殺問題和Jaso同等級嚴重的 12/03 16:11

searoar:Jaso的交易價值比Jones高 不過也只高在他能蹲補 12/03 16:15

searoar:Jones累積了3.5個球季的記錄證明自己 Jaso則還不夠多 12/03 16:17

abc12812:Dave生氣了XDD 包了他最愛的Noesi難怪他要火大XD 12/03 16:18

shoting:動作超快的, Garrett Jones < John Jaso 12/03 16:20

mdfh:把Jaso交易掉大概是打算再墊底10年吧 12/03 17:59

iluy:在美西投手王國補這種等吃屎...... 12/03 18:04

william80730:Hanrahan交易價值很高吧 怎麼會在這一包 12/03 20:11

krizarlid:Smoak很可惜阿 就是打不出來 12/03 20:54

krizarlid:而且海盜不是補了Martin? Jaso換過去不就當1B? 12/03 20:55

sneak: 海盜更沒有需要收這三隻 https://noxiv.com 11/02 08:00
