[情報] 白襪簽下Peavy

看板 MLB
作者 abc12812 ()
時間 2012-10-31 08:39:46
留言 19則留言 (13推 0噓 6→)

http://tinyurl.com/9a5jayn The White Sox have announced that they've agreed to terms with right-hander Jake Peavy on a two-year, $29-million contract extension. The new deal will pay Peavy $14.5 million for each of the next two seasons. If Peavy reaches a certain innings-pitched threshold in those seasons, then he can unilaterally exercise a $15-million option for the 2015 season. Peavy's previous contract called for a $22-million team option for 2013 and $4-million buyout. In addition to the new contract soon to be in place, the White Sox will pay Peavy the $4-million buyout on his pre-existing option. 白襪和Peavy簽下29M/2y的延長合約 還有一個15M的第三年選擇權 市場上第一隻大魚已經被釣走囉 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1351643989.A.3DA.html

idioteque:白襪另外執行G.Floyd明年950萬選擇權 10/31 08:43

idioteque:買斷K.Youkilis和B.Myers 10/31 08:44

PeavyOrz: YA!! 10/31 09:10

xswxsw12:歐巴馬靈氣 簽約不手軟... 10/31 09:38

alex710707:這約還不錯 雖然PEAVY有風險 但兩年29M代價不高 10/31 10:00

Dimitre:而且第三年還是team option 10/31 10:08

Iori5566:買斷光頭與麥子不意外,只是白襪該怎麼補三壘這個洞呢? 10/31 11:46

ocean11:歐巴馬表示:不夠的從國務機要費出 (大誤 10/31 12:02

nolander:叫光頭守三壘不就好了XD 10/31 12:11

Sparksfly:買斷了 那是還要找回來麼 不然怎叫他守0..0 10/31 12:13

lions402:總教練自己守XD 10/31 12:20

Krislad:光頭明年要13M 應該是白襪嫌太貴吧 10/31 12:37

yamatai:光頭13m為什麼會太貴? 10/31 12:59

yamatai:他到白襪之後不是有進步嗎? 10/31 12:59

yamatai:可能年紀也大了吧 10/31 13:00

jeanvanjohn:總教練自己守,到時候遊騎兵老闆上來打摔角怎麼辦? 10/31 16:56

goopa:Peavy這價算是友情價吧 10/31 17:19

OoyaoO:加上Buyout的4M是33M/2Y 以他這幾年痛的程度來說這約也不賴 11/01 00:34

OoyaoO:了 沒到友情價這麼少 11/01 00:34
