[情報] 肥卡步第三戰賽後快閃

看板 MLB
作者 abc12812 ()
時間 2012-10-29 09:22:28
留言 22則留言 (13推 0噓 9→)

http://tinyurl.com/94daopo Nevertheless, the scene in the Detroit clubhouse after the game was telling. Cabrera was showered, dressed and heading out the door as the media arrived for post-mortems -- not a particularly classy move given that he had just collected the Hank Aaron Award and been hailed in a pregame ceremony for winning baseball's first Triple Crown in 45 years. Superstars and team leaders have an obligation to stand at their lockers on good days and bad, and Cabrera failed the leadership test by fleeing the scene and leaving his teammates to face a never-ending assault of questions about the Tigers' offensive futility. 肥卡步第三戰賽後立馬前去洗澡 避開賽後記者的訪問 留下肥王子面對記者 被認為是缺乏領袖氣質的表現... -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1351473750.A.B66.html

asd25:Manny:你應該更早去洗的 10/29 09:23

nolander:加上之前怒吼 卡步還真是得失心超重阿! 10/29 09:25

andy880036s:結果今天就轟了 加油! 10/29 09:27

LMakoto:年輕氣盛吧~ 10/29 09:53

mnbvc456:可以再閃一次了 10/29 11:56

gn00067504:這次要閃更快 XDDDD因為被橫掃了XDDD 10/29 11:57

tonyselina:XDDDDDDDDD 10/29 12:01

secpeda:今天直接開車回家 10/29 12:02

siliver:雙肥不同舟共濟,不太好吧?? 10/29 12:02

IRPT001:反正他早拿過了不是 10/29 12:09

haloducks:又要去喝酒開車了嗎,? 10/29 12:19

erotica:不然要留下來跟球迷交換電話嗎??? 10/29 12:36

Aldousphyx:記者都很愛打落水狗zzzzzzzzzzzzz 10/29 13:07

philxiao:兩個人站一起受訪的話畫面塞不下吧... 10/29 13:17

Norme:滿嘴髒話 狂飆隊友的傢伙 那來的領袖氣質 10/29 13:23

moonshen:你自己不受訪 講你快閃活該阿 這不是落不落水的問題 10/29 14:06

sft005:記者:請問被橫掃你有甚麼感覺? 10/29 14:09

karta328:他不是飆隊友吧 10/29 16:20

Valter:之前領先四分結果在最後一局被砸光後不知飆了些什麼 10/29 17:13

bkm1:記者:請問為甚麼被橫掃了你還不塊陶? 胖卡布:我就@#$%^...... 10/29 21:10

dufflin:趕快寄箱陳高給他 (誤) 10/29 22:08

sneak: 這次要閃更快 XDDD https://muxiv.com 11/02 07:46
