[外電] Met可能於世界大賽時與Wright及Dickey簽新合約

看板 MLB
作者 westterry170 (密西西北)
時間 2012-10-08 22:32:59
留言 31則留言 (22推 0噓 9→)

原文出處:http://ppt.cc/nEjO D.J. Short Oct 6, 2012, 12:07 PM EDT Mets general manager Sandy Alderson said before Wednesday’s season finale against the Marlins that his highest priority this offseason is to work out new deals with David Wright and R.A. Dickey. He’s determined to stay true to his word. 梅子GM Sandy Alderson在星期三季賽最後一場對馬大魚的賽前提到,完成Wright和 Dickey的新合約是他季賽後首要任務。他下決心要盡力完成他的承諾。 According to Mike Puma of the New York Post, a baseball source said that it’ s “conceivable” that the club could have new deals with both players, at least in principle, by the time the World Series begins later this month. 根據Mike Puma於紐約郵報的消息指出,球團很有可能與這兩位球員完成新合約,原則上 最遲在本月底世界大賽開始時。 The Mets hold club options on Wright ($16 million) and Dickey ($5 million) for next season, but each intend to test free agency if extensions aren’t worked out by spring training. Alderson has spoken with Wright’s representatives this week and it’s believed that he’ll seek a contract of at least seven years and $125 million. Alderson hasn’t discussed numbers with Dickey’s agent yet, but one “veteran agent” told Puma that the veteran knuckleballer will likely be getting “Oliver Perez dollars.” Painful reference aside, that means three years and $36 million. 梅子球團擁有Wright (16M) 和Dickey (5M) 下個球季的選擇權,但如果在春訓前無法順 利延長兩位球員的合約,他們很有可能會去自由市場試水溫。本周Alderson已和Wright 的經紀人會晤過,大家認為Wright會尋找一份至少7y/125M的合約。Alderson至今尚未對 Dickey的合約進行討論,一位資深經紀人 (veteran agent) 告訴Puma說這位蝴蝶球老將 應該想要Oliver Perez等級的合約,也就是3y/36M令梅子迷傷痛的回憶。 It would be great news if the Mets can lock up their two big stars for the long haul, but the club is expected to have a payroll around $100 million in 2013. With Johan Santana ($25.5 million and $5.5 million buyout for 2014) and Jason Bay ($16 million and $3 million buyout for 2014) making up half of that total, you can forget about them doing anything significant in free agency this winter. And this report by Richard Sandomir in the New York Times indicates that ownership is still hard up for cash. 梅子如果能用長約綁住這兩位巨星將是件好消息,但球團預計2013的薪資總額約在100M左 右。山大王 (25.5M, 2014年5.5M買斷) 和灣哥 (16M, 2014年3M買斷) 已佔住一半的薪資 總額,你可以不用期待梅子在今年冬天的自由市場做些什麼。紐約時報的Richard Sandomir在報導指出,老闆手頭現金仍相當吃緊。 ◢███◣ 幹你媽的,這裡是地府,很高興為您服務: 查陽壽   請按1  與牛頭馬面照相 請按6 -⊙-⊙- 遊地府   請按2  賄賂地府    請按7 觀落陰   請按3  訂購土產 請按8 ◤◢ 查餿水量  請按4 黑白摸彩 請按9 查所造的孽 請按5  轉接客服人員  請按0 φazraeldark -- ◆ From: 感謝指正:)
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1349706788.A.58E.html

SlamKai:7y/125M買一個帥哥球星 值得! 10/08 22:36

sexyfunny:他不是明星球員 10/08 22:38

Reddick5566:大都會老闆說他不是明星 10/08 22:39

meteorhades:Wright就大都會的臉 沒留下來的話球迷不知道會怎樣XD 10/08 22:39

szza2000:希望拉近全壘打強對他有幫助 10/08 22:40

SULICon:臉沒留簡稱"丟臉"? 10/08 22:40

cd12631:這兩個都該留阿 算是撐起一整季球隊的兩人 10/08 22:41

sky419012:Wright之於大都會就相當於Longoria之於光芒吧~ 10/08 22:41

blackcellar:Reyes:來~馬~林~啦~ 10/08 22:43

krjr24:灣哥是? 10/08 22:46

cliff02468:Jason Bay 10/08 22:47

kimeabsolute:Jason Bay 回不去了嗎 ? T^T 10/08 22:51

OoyaoO:好歹明年合約年 搞不好爆發一下 10/08 22:58

porten812:Jason Bay、Nate McLouth、Xavier Nady當年海盜黃金外野 10/08 23:02

duncan21:3個都去美東過個水 10/08 23:04

PlayStation3:強制轉教練不成用2M把他賣掉 10/08 23:07

ca1123:最後一段是說老闆(ownership)手頭上現金吃緊... 10/08 23:08

ab2326764:wright可以說是近代大都會先生了 10/08 23:30

IAmaMouse:第三段最後是不是應該是說有某一位資深的經紀人(veteran 10/08 23:31

IAmaMouse:agent)告訴Puma說Dickey應該會想要一份Perez等級的合約 10/08 23:32

IAmaMouse:重新再看看,好像你翻的又比較正確 囧 10/08 23:36

miabcd199:今年就是兩人球隊 怎麼可能不留 10/09 00:03

nickyang:Iamamouse is correct. the last paragraph is wrong too 10/09 00:25

bravefan:今年去現場看球,Wright上場掌聲如雷,Bay上場噓聲震天。 10/09 00:31

ipod7788:就憑Wright的長相 多加個1M過份嗎? 10/09 01:27

ImpactBlue:不簽下來真的說不過去 10/09 02:00

nbahoop:蝴蝶趁高點趕快賣吧.....Wright就留下來或去道奇or紅襪吧 10/09 06:58

JakeMcGee:Dickey沒約了 賣不到好價格 不如自用 10/09 09:38

wuwinkan:Bay真的很悲劇... 10/09 12:50

Kunimoto:不留Dickey還可以 但不留Wright就說不過去了 10/09 13:04

meteorhades:紅襪幹嘛要Wright 10/09 20:59
