A.J. Pierzynski的個性

看板 MLB
作者 abc12812 ()
時間 2012-09-04 18:13:26
留言 52則留言 (37推 0噓 15→)

最近剛好有一篇AJP的專文幫他平反 他被認為是基掰人的原因是因為常常無視不成文規定 倒不是因為個性差 實際上 相處過的人都覺得他不錯 http://tinyurl.com/8lt3lrc 幾個被他無視的不成文規定有: Pierzynski's reputation is mostly based on his perceived violations of baseball's other set of rules, the unwritten ones. Among the charges levied against him in the case of Baseball v. Pierzynski: ‧ He runs across the pitcher's mound after he has been thrown out at first base. "I've tried to avoid that," he said. "I try to run around it, or whatever." His attempts have sometimes been unsuccessful. 像A-Rod一樣穿越投手丘 ‧ He sometimes celebrates after he has made a big play. "He'll catch a guy stealing at second, and then he'll turn around and find the people in the stands he's left tickets for and point at them, like, 'You see what I just did?'" said a pro scout who has watched him extensively. 有時美技之後會向人炫耀 ‧ He talks too much. "He's always sayin' stuff," explains his manager, Robin Ventura. Adds his mother: "His teachers used to say, 'Oh my god, I hear him in my sleep.'" 話太多 ‧ Sometimes, his talking includes loudly cursing from behind the plate after an opposing player has gotten a hit, thereby intimating that the player is not skilled enough to have done so. "I might yell an obscenity if we made a bad pitch," Pierzynski admits. 有時蹲捕時被安打後會幹譙 會讓隊友以為他是看不起對手的實力 ‧ After he has made an out, he often abuses his equipment -- particularly his helmet and his bat -- in such a way as to suggest that the pitcher got him out due to luck rather than skill. "Getting out obviously isn't fun," Pierzynski said. "You make an out, sometimes you get mad. Wish I wouldn't." 出局之後會摔裝備 - 特別是頭盔和球棒 -- ◆ From: 09/04 20:10
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1346753608.A.3FA.html

pardini:這在球場上已經夠糟糕了 09/04 18:16

ps20012001:通常有個一兩樣就很夠嗆了..他老哥五毒俱全啊... 09/04 18:20

gary5034:做或說得時候都是無心的 但是聽得人就不見得這麼想 09/04 18:21

allen63521:我記得有次對上雙城,他故意一直踩猛牛的腳之類的 09/04 18:21

micotosai:上次滿壘有機會雙殺不傳一壘,投手抱怨一下就幹回去XD 09/04 18:21

remix999:我記得看雜誌說他是3K黨的不知道是不是真的 09/04 18:23

Krislad:得分後會叫對方投手是爛貨 09/04 18:26

EVA96:在球場上本來就該這樣!!!AJP!!!! 09/04 18:31

Fernandeo:這是重視傳統的棒球,沒辦法得分後兩手一攤做個無辜的表 09/04 18:33

daki85421:AJP經典的不死三振...... 09/04 18:33

Fernandeo:情,還成為運動史上的經典畫面。 09/04 18:34

alex2426chen:那個不死三振的誤判最後成了破咒的關鍵 09/04 18:51

Zamned:有次 AJP接補一個本壘後方飛球 09/04 18:52

Zamned:在觀眾席接殺 接完後直接用很靠B的臉瞪觀眾 09/04 18:53

Zamned: ^邊 09/04 18:53

Zamned:真是有夠沒品... 09/04 18:53

metalguy:超級討厭AJP 09/04 19:01

postpone:話太多的人真的滿討厭的 09/04 19:03

BlitzX:這些通通加起來還不夠惡劣? 09/04 19:23

Jigokuhen:可是他是今年打擊最強的捕手 09/04 19:27

kevev:A-Rod 躺著也中槍 09/04 19:28

kevev:AJP上次就差點和自己同隊投手 幹起來 09/04 19:28

popoliii:這樣看來A.J球品很不好...= = 09/04 19:29

popoliii:會惹人討厭不是沒有原因的 XD 09/04 19:30

TrueTears:球品不好就是人品不好 09/04 19:38

ps20012001:不過還是進過明星賽...能打的壞人還是有市場的..XD.. 09/04 19:40

Asucks:最後一個最誇張,不尊重工作上的幫手(器具),他們也不會幫你 09/04 19:51

meteorhades:樓上問題是他今年打很好XD 09/04 19:53

Danks:借轉白襪版,感謝 09/04 20:10

globekiller:所以他是球品不好人品好囉XD 09/04 20:34

cd12631:可是我覺得他在場上求勝意志滿好的 雖然他不得人愛XD 09/04 21:22

O10lOl01O:不打假球 沒吃藥 應該就沒啥好要求了吧 09/04 21:25

Sparksfly:他也是一個真性情 09/04 21:34

jardon:打球習慣嘛 又不是要選模範生 ˋ.>ˊ 09/04 22:06

jardon: ^壞 09/04 22:07

popoliii:求勝意志的確是沒問題 但做人還是很機掰 XD 09/04 22:17

popoliii:他曾經被球擊中 防護員問他痛的程度如何 09/04 22:21

popoliii:他就拿球砸防護員說"就是你現在的感覺!" 有夠機的 囧 09/04 22:22

heine564:不喜歡AJP+1 09/04 22:46

TiaraWei:這個時候一定要配這段http://ppt.cc/nQok 09/04 22:51

jimmily:請問樓上那個影片,本壘衝撞不是很正常嗎,為什麼捕手要尻 09/04 23:08

jimmily:他一拳XD 09/04 23:08

heine564:想聽專家解釋一下T大的影片 好精采喔! 09/04 23:13

WP1:還不夠明顯嗎@@撞完用力拍了本壘板一下不說 起身後還故意往 09/04 23:24

WP1:補手身上靠一下~補手當然不爽還過去一拳 但馬上被撂倒XDD 09/04 23:25

popoliii:連結超挑釁的 XD 09/04 23:37

atriple:問題出在AJP故意往小熊捕手靠一下 09/04 23:54

PlayStation3:阿球品極差還能用不受既有規範拘束解釋也夠奇了 09/04 23:57

wendai:影片看完,覺得有點像是起身腿軟,剛好靠過去耶 09/05 00:03

ccpc:AJP退休後可以直接打WWE ~ 09/05 13:01

feather7589:可能單純不喜歡AJP就尻下去了 09/05 18:39

Ginola:他跟姊夫這種德行還能一直打,證明還真有點本事 09/06 21:07
