[情報] 光芒小聯盟三個球員吃甲基安非他命, 禁賽50場

看板 MLB
作者 ccpz (OoOoOo)
時間 2012-08-24 10:03:40
留言 32則留言 (22推 0噓 10→)

http://tinyurl.com/8r9oqzp Ryan Brett: 2010 第三輪 今年在A: .285/.348/.393 Charles Cononie, Justin Woodall 都是後援投手 Tampa Bay Rays Prospects Ryan Brett, Charles Cononie, and Justin Woodall Suspended 50 Games The Office of the Commissioner of Baseball announced this afternoon that three players for the Low-A Bowling Green Hot Rods in the Midwest League have been suspended for 50 games. They tested positive for use of methamphetamine. The players are second baseman Ryan Brett, pitcher Charles Cononie, and pitcher Justin Woodall. Brett is the most significant prospect in the group. Drafted in the third round in 2010 from high school in Washington state, he was hitting .285/.348/.393 with 37 walks and 73 strikeouts in 410 at-bats this year. He had also stolen 48 bases in 56 attempts. A relief pitcher, Cononie posted a 4.20 ERA this year with a 69/45 K/BB in 60 innings, with 45 hits allowed and a 2.66 GO/AO. He was drafted in the 24th round in 2011 from Towson University. Woodall is a left-handed pitcher, drafted in the 26th round in 2010 and was a former football player at the University of Alabama. He had a 4.76 ERA with a 52/36 K/BB in 59 innings this year. Cononie and Woodall are fungible, but Brett is one of Tampa's better prospects. His makeup has previously been considered a plus. I wonder how many bases he'll steal if he's not using meth. -- #1BnSrYbS (C_Chat) -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1345773823.A.7EB.html

negi522:我是筆電..裝超快的..不到半小時就安裝完畢..反而時間都花04/14 22:23

kuromu:在看糟糕物04/14 22:23

negi522:在裝常用的軟體跟一些個人設定上..最花我時間的其實是拿光04/14 22:23

iamtom88:華的A片目錄找東西04/14 22:24

SlamKai:.... 08/24 10:07

sezna:不是某隊 沒人在意 08/24 10:13

abc2090614:安非他命喔... 08/24 10:18

howard21201:是甲基安非他命 08/24 10:24

csy1911:meth不是禁藥,是美國最近很風行的毒品...= = 08/24 10:25

deani:meth是毒品。學到了,感謝 08/24 10:26

ccpz:了解了,修正一下標題 08/24 10:27

ca1123:breaking bad... 08/24 10:32

yankeefat:所以不是吃藥 是嗑毒? 08/24 10:45

MingXDD:什麼不是某隊= = 是因為是小聯盟吧... 08/24 10:48

knoxvillt:要下標題前先看完內文吧... 08/24 10:51

o0991758566:吸毒 還好啦~不怎麼意外 08/24 10:56

sylviehsiang:吃了會變僵屍的那種藥嗎? 08/24 11:03

didihouse:這就是有名的西安事變 08/24 11:06

ckevint:樓上是相聲瓦舍梗 08/24 11:08

Sparksfly:冰毒 08/24 11:08

james80086:Mr. White 事業越做越大喔!! 08/24 11:11

RogerWaters:Hank Aaron表示我天天喝都沒事... 08/24 11:36

swept:以前你偶爾喝, 現在你應該天天喝 08/24 11:37

Mooooose:要是某隊,就會有一堆人高潮 然後就變成釣魚(水桶)大會 08/24 11:40

Herlin:吃這玩意的人可多了 請見Ball Four連載 08/24 12:13

JakeMcGee:可是Hank Aaron歷史地位還是很高喔 科科 08/24 12:16

BryceHarper:從前也被當作PED使用喔~ 08/24 12:29

Nakata0911:__迷:反觀NYY 08/24 13:45

maxLOVEmimi:以前Ruth不是也常常賽前抽根雪茄 那成分應也會讓人 08/24 19:35

maxLOVEmimi:興奮吧....大概跟吸毒沒了樣 只能說時代不同了= = 08/24 19:35

albertjet:抽雪茄跟吸毒沒兩樣? 乾脆說大庭廣眾下吃香蕉是公然猥褻 08/24 20:15

x147159357:樓上例子不好 我曾經看有人吃巧克力香蕉吃得很猥褻.... 08/24 22:04
