[外電] Lackey has beer in the clubhouse

看板 MLB
作者 andy880036s (中信魚京云鬼!!)
時間 2012-08-10 22:24:27
留言 33則留言 (22推 0噓 11→)

John Lackey has beer in the clubhouse, so apparently the Sox have given up Joe Haggerty of CSNNE.com believes that the Red Sox have given up and the season is lost. I don’t know that that’s true. While things seem bleak, the race for the wild card is still tight enough that a week’s worth of good fortune could totally transform things. But for a moment, let’s pretend that the season is definitively over. Even if that were the case, can someone tell me how this translates to giving up? Like John Lackey, who apparently needs to travel with the team and work with trainer Mike Reinold while recovering from Tommy John surgery – a fairly standard rehab that literally thousands of pitchers have come back from stronger-than-ever over the last 30 years. But for whatever reason, the underachieving righty needs to travel with the team even though he won’t be throwing even one measly pitch for them. Lackey was so busted up after the latest defeat that he was strutting around the clubhouse with a can of Bud Light in each hand, or what is known as “ double-fisting” on every college campus in the history of mankind. So much for the Bobby Valentine ban on alcohol in the Sox clubhouse that was implemented during spring training. 1. Bobby V. owns a bar. I go to it on occasion, and they have a lot of really good beer there. In light of that, I’m going to assume that Valentine realizes that Bud Light does not actually qualify as alcohol, so he likely does not consider this to be a violation of the policy. 2. Since when is traveling with the team when you’re injured a sign of a lack of dedication and commitment? Usually guys get slammed for staying away from the team. This line of attack on Lackey and the Sox totally baffles me. But hey, it’s the Red Sox. And it’s apparently utterly impossible to see anything that happens with that team in either a positive or at least a neutral light. http://bit.ly/RFIf6A 大家有什麼看法呢?! 紅襪球迷表示:... -- NIWANGKUOCHENHUCHENLINLEELOCHIANGCHEN -- ◆ From:

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1344608670.A.4A5.html

saviora:來ㄧ手? 08/10 22:27

power1234567:喝beer錯了嗎?XD 08/10 22:28

chuyoung929:他只是入境隨俗罷了 08/10 22:29

soeasylai:clubhouse又不是locker room,安啦 08/10 22:29

pathfinder:錯的是沒有配鹹酥雞! 08/10 22:30

seeyou1002:紅襪球迷表示: http://i.imgur.com/uxEfk.jpg 08/10 22:30

ddtcd:兩手高舉Bud Light bottoms up! Yeah! 08/10 22:31

jackys313:雷姬表示Bud Light不是啤酒, 所以他沒違規 08/10 22:32

charlie01:這篇超酸而且一副來爆料的口吻 XD 08/10 22:32

jackys313:誰來解釋一下=ˇ= 08/10 22:33

jackys313:話說復建中的球員有必要隨隊嗎? 08/10 22:33

cena0605:喝酒臭了嗎 08/10 22:34

ddtcd:看球員 Painvano在NYY都有隨隊了 只是死都不出來投球 08/10 22:34

Sparksfly:他後來甚至也不隨隊了 被要求隨隊然後當空氣 lol 報應 08/10 22:34

jackys313:所以應該還算有心吧雷姬? 不過休息室氣氛想必很低迷... 08/10 22:37

pathfinder:Pavano 那裏有得到報應了,躺四年就有39.5M鎂耶 08/10 22:38

pathfinder:這麼好的報應麻煩也給我一份 08/10 22:38

Sparksfly:那種攻擊他當然沒差啊 不過看了依然很爽就是 08/10 22:39

daki85421:Lackey:你看Wells也是喝了再上,我是喝了準備餵球 08/10 22:40

force5566:北極:喝beer就是要配炸雞 (遞 08/10 22:47

jackys313:天使版那個不能說出名子的人嗎? 08/10 22:49

whitemist:不是 是宿醉後投出完全比賽的人 08/10 22:55

jackys313:這是神吧!? 08/10 23:08

forgetta:可以拿去跟大魯閣換一打球嗎? 08/10 23:16

mikeneko:外宿就是要配啤酒啊 08/11 00:19

terop:來!給開司..不是 是Lackey一罐啤酒,要不要烤雞串 08/11 06:14

Gwendaline:沒配炸雞 失敗!! 08/11 10:02

Alexander13:哀~好想看雷機投球 08/11 10:05

Nonlining:jackys313:雷姬表示Bud Light不是啤酒, 所以他沒違規 08/11 13:27

Nonlining:對某些人來說,Bud light只是啤酒口味的水而已。 08/11 13:27

asdfzx:推伊藤開司 XD 08/11 14:29

uranusjr:時代變了...Bouton 那年代是你 locker 沒放酒才是異類 08/11 22:46

MingXDD:Boston Beer!! 08/12 10:44
