[外電] 交易大限 捕手篇

看板 MLB
作者 iwillloveyou (darren79525)
時間 2012-07-05 20:20:04
留言 14則留言 (9推 0噓 5→)

http://tinyurl.com/c2q5xhx MLBTR will be previewing the trade market at various positions between now and the July 31st non-waiver trade deadline. We’ll start the series off today with a look at some potentially available catchers: MLBTR在七月交易截止日前會根據每個位子整理出可能會被交易的名單 這篇是捕手(一壘手在上一篇) 1.Kurt Suzuki, Athletics - Suzuki’s his trade value may have reached an all-time low. Measured by wOBA, he ranks 58th out of the 64 MLB catchers with at least 50 plate appearances. Plus, his contract calls for a $6.45MM salary in 2013 and an $8.5MM club option in 2014 -- enough to deter some potentially interested teams. Suzuki could clear waivers, making him an August trade candidate. Suzuki的交易價值已經降到低點很久囉! 看看 wOBA的統計數字 (註: wOBA=﹝0.72x﹝BB-IBB﹞+﹝0.75xHBP﹞+﹝0.90x1B﹞+﹝0.92xRBOE﹞+ ﹝1.24x2B﹞+﹝1.56x3B﹞+﹝1.95xHR﹞/PA 創自Tango 原文請看 http://tinyurl.com/yho2qb5 ) 他在大聯盟64個超過50打數的捕手中排行58(58/64),在加上他的合約,2013年6.45百萬 和2014年的團隊選擇權8.5百萬,昂貴的薪資足以嚇阻對他有興趣的球隊 他可以通過讓渡名單,讓他在八月有機會被交易 2.Ramon Hernandez, Rockies - Hernandez, who's now on the 15-day disabled list with a strained hand, could interest teams looking to add a veteran backstop if his rehab goes well. He'll earn $3.2MM in 2013 under his current contract. 赫南德茲,目前因為傷勢被放入15天傷兵名單 假使他康復順利,他會吸引不少球隊的興趣,增添一點捕手深度 他剩餘的合約尚有2013年的3.2百萬 3.Geovany Soto, Cubs - Soto hasn't done much at the plate so far in 2012. He earns $4.3MM this year and though he’s under team control through 2013, he must be considered a non-tender candidate. Keep in mind that this contract could also slip through waivers in August. Soto今年的打擊表現並不是很好(.163/.250/.318 ops+58) 今年他賺了4.3MM,他還有一年的團隊控制權,在這樣鳥下去,他一定不會被續約 記住他這樣的合約也可能讓他在八月通過讓渡名單而被交易 (有誰會要嗎.....) 4.Kelly Shoppach, Red Sox - The Red Sox could move Shoppach and create roster space for Ryan Lavarnway. Jarrod Saltalamacchia's emergence might make it easier for Ben Cherington to part with Shoppach, a right-handed hitter who’s best used in a platoon. Only two catchers have a better wOBA than Shoppach's .378: Carlos Ruiz and Jonathan Lucroy. 肥襪可以交易他然後把位子讓給Ryan Lavarnway Jarrod Saltalamacchia 的表現更可以輕鬆的讓Ben Cherington(襪襪GM)做出選擇 (指的應該是交易掉他) 沙配,一個右打者最好是拿來platroon使用 只有兩個捕手在 wOBA有比他更好的表現(Shoppach > .378):分別是費城人的Ruiz和 酒鬼的Lucroy 5.Humberto Quintero, Royals - The Royals designated Quintero for assignment last week, so he's definitely available. The 32-year-old posted a .232/.257/.341 batting line in 144 plate appearances before losing his roster spot. 皇家上禮拜才剛把他放入讓渡名單了,所以他是可以輕鬆交易/撿走的 32歲的他在失去他的位子前的144個打數中繳出了 .232/.257/.341的打擊表現 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1341490806.A.0E1.html

SULICon:原來 Suzuki 這麼貴@@ 07/05 20:22

Mooooose:Soto在低點,可以賭反彈 07/05 20:40

pasaword:Soto可以賭一下 07/05 20:47

a7v333:3.2百萬 @@ (其實可以用 320萬就可以了) 07/05 20:55

Zamned:Soto賣孝想 他哪裡都不會去的 07/05 21:19

immortalqq:蝦配那段翻錯了@@ 原文是指他需要platoon 但絕不是指他 07/05 21:29

immortalqq:可以打右投 蝦配一直是位左殺 07/05 21:30

iwillloveyou:我知道是指platoon 但是我不太懂該怎麼翻出文字 07/05 21:32

iwillloveyou:查數據好像右投打比較好 而且比面對左投打好不少 07/05 21:32

immortalqq:嗯...你去看看生涯成績吧@[email protected] 07/05 21:43

shall:蝦配生涯打左投 ops.902 右投.659 07/05 21:45

iwillloveyou:那今年是特例吧-_- 07/05 21:46

Sparksfly:就反常合道XD 07/05 21:48

ccf0423:soto今年居然這麼慘[email protected]@ 07/06 17:18
