[外電] Josh Hamilton to quit dipping

看板 MLB
作者 pennix ((っ・ω・)っ)
時間 2012-06-26 09:51:43
留言 26則留言 (21推 0噓 5→)

http://tinyurl.com/6pjkz33 ARLINGTON, Texas -- Texas Rangers slugger Josh Hamilton is trying to stop two habits right now: swinging at breaking pitches way out of the strike zone and chewing tobacco. Hamilton, 31, said Monday that he's stopped dipping the past two days and is instead using some tea tree oil and menthol toothpicks that teammate Brandon Snyder gave him. "It was time to do it," Hamilton said. "It's a habit and I don't really enjoy it like I used to." ... .. . 低迷了好一陣子,決定要戒掉 嚼菸草 跟 追打掉在好球帶外面的變化球 改利用 茶樹精油 和 薄荷牙籤XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 想不到Josh 也31了 Orz............. -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1340675507.A.51B.html

ts00759231:要不是迷惘了那麼久...生涯數據應該很棒 06/26 09:54

SoloHomerun:茶樹精油可以吃? 06/26 10:25

ooooooooooh:幹砲了... 06/26 10:33

dale7969:2分炮 06/26 10:34

HumanBenzene:立即見效... 06/26 10:37

a1598742002:XDDDDDD 06/26 10:37

pennix:2分砲 謝謝XDDDD 06/26 10:40

fxm20334:10婚金 小白球 out 06/26 10:45

pennix:http://tinyurl.com/6ndh82p 06/26 10:52

TassadarGau:看來上面那篇七大迷信球員可以改成八大了 06/26 10:54

OnlyTD:xDDDDDDD立即見效 06/26 11:13

onime0704:重點在不要追打好球帶外的變化球吧XD 06/26 11:13

pennix:K 4打數1安打 1HR 1K 1BB 06/26 11:19

panjanhon:最後一打數感覺都沒選球 外角差這麼多的兩三球也揮 06/26 11:25

onime0704:他的好球帶超大 06/26 11:27

panjanhon:所以打擊率才直直落啊 還是要加強選球比較好 06/26 11:28

jhunfong:XDDDD 06/26 11:28

maikxz:Guerrero:我的好球帶有從本壘板到一壘那麼大 06/26 11:43

JOHNJJ:Guerrero表示 牽制球我也能打全壘打 06/26 11:53

OnlyTD:印象中 V葛有把地瓜球打成全壘打 -.- 06/26 11:58

jardon:上次看到他連追左投的滑球大壞球就蠻怪的 06/26 12:07

kerter:V葛是把地瓜球打成Double吧 06/26 12:13

ultratimes:V葛:沒本事就不要學我 06/26 12:58

Kouzuki:http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=8122081 06/26 13:11

Kouzuki:打威佛弟的地瓜球 06/26 13:11

cd12631:好球帶設定跑掉了 之前只要左投手有顆滑球就常吃死他 06/27 13:19
