[外電] Frank Francisco calls Yankees chickens

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作者 Krislad (席藍)
時間 2012-06-22 22:47:47
留言 49則留言 (31推 1噓 17→)

http://tinyurl.com/7bk36ye At least somebody isn’t afraid to talk trash about a cross-town rival. “I can’t wait to face those chickens,” Mets closer Frank Francisco told The Post when asked about playing the Yankees in this weekend’s Subway Series at Citi Field. “I want to strike out the side against them. I’ve done it before.” Before Francisco could elaborate on his “chickens” comment, after the Mets’ 4-3 victory over the Orioles on Wednesday, he buttoned up. “I think I’ve said too much already,” he said. There you have it — a blast of bluster from the Mets as they attempt to regain some of the respect they lost two weeks ago when the Yankees swept them three games in The Bronx. Francisco didn’t appear in any of those games, but has a long history facing the Yankees as a member of the Rangers and Blue Jays. And, yes, for the record, he has struck out the side against the Yankees. It came on May 21, 2004 when Francisco, pitching for the Rangers, struck out Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez and Jason Giambi — the three batters he faced in the seventh inning. 在本季第二次的地鐵大戰交手前,梅子的closer Frank Francisco對洋基嗆聲了 表示他等不及要面對這些「Chickens」,然後像以前那樣送他們KKK 紀錄顯示,2004年FF在遊騎兵隊時曾對洋基送出單局3K 那時連續三振掉Jeter、A-Rod、Giambi FF生涯對上洋基27.1局,送出24K,ERA 3.29 去年他在藍鳥時對上洋基共7局失掉3分,在上一次的地鐵大戰並未出賽 他究竟能否送給洋基KKK呢? 讓我們拭目以待~ --           ハッピーエンド - 物語はいつも「幸 福 な 結 末」とは限らない - -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1340376474.A.848.html

sonnyissonny:為什麼我的直覺是說得好以及紅襪加油~ 06/22 22:49

borriss:講洋基+雞會被水桶的 06/22 22:49

javasakino:所以鄉民會說洋基是雞雞,是根據K-Rod而來嗎?(好奇) 06/22 22:50

EEERRIICC:...未看先猜BS 06/22 22:50

nicknhit:關紅襪啥事... 06/22 22:51

CharlotteX:防禦率5.14 有好戲可看了 06/22 22:51

pikachu123:樓樓上他叫Frank Francisco 06/22 22:51

pikachu123:K-ROD:躺著也中槍 06/22 22:52

alex2426chen:話說他是去年條子拿去換拿胖的交易對象 06/22 22:53

leritas:八年前的KKK也可以拿出來講...直接猜BS 06/22 22:54

javasakino:sorry....我眼殘QQ 06/22 22:56

nickofbsb:怎麼會有K-Rod XDDD 06/22 22:59

Grammy:who are you frank francisco? 06/22 22:59

tedwood6465:真男人... 06/22 23:00

ChrisDavis: 他可以換到拿胖! 06/22 23:03

ipod7788:嗯嗯 本季ERA破五 這也敢嗆聲 06/22 23:07

cja30225:有志氣 不要被HR HR HR 06/22 23:07

linmelissa:有勇氣 06/22 23:11

zzyyxx77:我想看蝴蝶完封基基啦...... 06/22 23:12

gangrel:還是要靠Duda 06/22 23:13

zzyyxx77:迫不及待想看第三戰了 06/22 23:13

maxspeed150:他還真敢講 06/22 23:14

ShadowMask:XDDD 06/22 23:16

ColbyRasmus:Prospects板進板畫面人物,當然有資格嗆 06/22 23:17

lookers:XD 感覺.... 06/22 23:19

charlie01:XDDD 反襪大將軍後有人卡位反基大將軍 剩下的咧? 06/22 23:21

BlitzX:這種人嗆聲洋基大概連理都懶得理... 06/22 23:23

z9440610:先生你哪位XD 06/22 23:29

hrjiang0209:Sori也該出來回嗆一下了 06/22 23:30

flycat638:這位是? 球探X:翻不到紀錄啊.......他誰啊? 06/22 23:31

Sechslee:打完再來看這篇 XD 06/22 23:52

ddtcd:他誰? 很強嗎 WWW 06/23 00:00

KOSHON:這篇真是大豐收啊 XD 06/23 00:01

mikeneko:可惜BB尼不在了 06/23 00:12

Dimitre:這傢伙還有話說 最近雖然不錯 季初核爆我FB投手項墊底好久 06/23 00:42

nolimits:大都會不是都被洋基八假的嗎... 06/23 00:50

storyf66014:請問Chickens是什麼意思 謝謝^.< 06/23 01:08

antonio019:雞的意思 注意是複數形唷~ 06/23 01:18

EEERRIICC:雞 家禽之一種。品種極多。嘴短,上喙稍彎曲 06/23 01:21

EEERRIICC:頭部有鮮紅色肉質的冠。翅膀短,不能高飛。也叫家雞。 06/23 01:21

wade3flash:推樓上 對雞有點了解 難道是出自維雞哈哈 06/23 01:33

kevinloo:外國雞也可稱做洋雞 06/23 01:37

Strasburg20k:飼雞為業就俗稱養雞 06/23 01:38

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COOLBOYLIU:Who is Frankie? 06/23 04:37

decorum:梅子的牛棚殘破不堪 CL居然還跑出來嗆聲叫陣? 06/23 07:03

decorum:Somebody is going to get hurt. 06/23 07:03

PlayStation3:Francisco上了耶..XD 06/23 10:44

baronterry:結果:洋基吃鱉 還不錯拉有補身體 06/23 15:05
