[外電] Rangers, Oswalt agree on one-year deal

看板 MLB
作者 roger4767 (終焉的年代記)
時間 2012-05-30 09:04:00
留言 90則留言 (62推 0噓 28→)

http://m.mlb.com/news/article/2012052932434348/ ARLINGTON -- Veteran right-hander Roy Oswalt is joining the Rangers. He is not expected to join the Texas rotation, though, for at least another three or four weeks The Rangers signed Oswalt to a one-year contract worth $5 million with another $1 million in incentives, according to industry sources. The club has yet to make an official announcement. Oswalt was a free agent who has not faced Major League hitters since the end of last season. Oswalt, 34, is expected to need at least three or four starts in the Minor Leagues before he is ready to join the Rangers. Texas signed him to eventually fill the spot in the rotation that came open when Neftali Feliz went on the disabled list with a sprained right elbow. Feliz is not expected back until at least the All-Star break. Right now, Scott Feldman is filling the void and started against the Mariners on Tuesday night. The Rangers' other option was to move reliever Alexi Ogando into the rotation. Ogando was an All-Star as a starter in 2011 before being moved to the bullpen this season. He has not pitched more than two innings in any of his 22 relief appearances and would likely to require at least two or three starts in the Minor Leagues to prepare for a starting pitcher's workload. The Rangers were also not encouraged by their options at Triple-A Round Rock. Martin Perez and Neil Ramirez are their top two prospects, and both have struggled in the first two months of the season. Perez is 3-4 with a 5.80 ERA after 10 starts, and Ramirez, who was starting on Tuesday night, was 5-4 with a 6.48 ERA in 10 starts. The Red Sox, Orioles, Phillies and Dodgers all showed some interest in Oswalt, but he made it clear in the offseason he would prefer to pitch either with the Cardinals or the Rangers. Oswalt has a long relationship with Rangers president Nolan Ryan and makes his home in Mississippi. Oswalt pitched with the Phillies last season and was 9-10 with a 3.69 ERA in 23 starts and 139 innings. Over 11 Major League seasons, he has a career record of 159-93 with a 3.21 ERA. He won 20 games for the Astros in both 2004 and '05 and is a three-time All-Star. He has also had a series of back/hip problems that forced him on the DL five times in six years. He was on the DL twice last season with lower back problems. ============================ 條子戰力有點誇張(_;) -- ◆ From: 05/30 09:47
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1338339843.A.601.html

TassadarGau:條子果然補到了! 05/30 09:04

jet113102:不意外 05/30 09:06

wen8499:都給你玩好了.. 05/30 09:10

Caryniko:看來今年條子賠率又要降了~ 要買要快 05/30 09:10

djcc:條子沒買到假貨 今年要奪冠囉 05/30 09:11

kuyung:世界大賽買條子對邊的就好了 05/30 09:11

a7v333:1年5M,加上最多1M的激勵獎金 05/30 09:11

blackshell:恭喜推土機找到工作了 05/30 09:17

pennix:爽! 05/30 09:24

young123:該拿個冠軍了吧 今年再打進世界大賽在輸的話也太悲情 05/30 09:25

a1234c:唉唉唉 都給他們玩呀 05/30 09:25

kuyung:棒球又不是砸大錢就可以拿冠軍的運動... 05/30 09:29

kazumi66:是沒錯 但不砸錢得冠軍的機率肯定比較低 05/30 09:32

a1234c:所以要找布萊德彼特 玩Money Ball 看怎樣能花小錢打好成績 05/30 09:33

hoster0317:NYY:每年薪資都是第一 才拿27個冠軍而已 05/30 09:35

claudezero:才.... 05/30 09:36

ARod0113:27個不叫才吧... 05/30 09:36

superLM:小熊表示:....... 05/30 09:39

onime0704:27個還叫才喔...-_- 05/30 09:40

onime0704:我覺得Nolan Ryan真是個好老闆XD 05/30 09:40

wangattack:以那高到嚇死人的全隊薪資是"才"啊 05/30 09:42

Caryniko:歷史證明花大錢不一定總冠軍~ 但成高度正相關性 05/30 09:43

blackcellar:本來就沒有一定冠軍這種事啊... 05/30 09:44

hoodi:砸錢未必能拿冠軍 但前幾名的球隊幾乎都砸錢 05/30 09:45

ppaauull:借轉FB板 05/30 09:47

hoodi:不過MLB也設定了許多制度讓小市場球隊能活下去就是了 05/30 09:48

achoodrumer:條子去年超嘔的阿 想想第六戰.. 05/30 09:58

maikxz:砸錢未必得冠軍 但至少進季後賽機率大 05/30 10:04

maikxz:只要有進季後賽 一切有機會 05/30 10:05

maxLOVEmimi:年輕時後的偶像 祝福他吧 05/30 10:17

FOXSMALL:看看那個花了一百多年的錢還拿不到一個總冠軍的~~ 05/30 10:21

jason12308:某樓不去看看27個在運動聯盟中有多麼不容易 05/30 10:21

franck:璞園:我們隊史才一個 05/30 10:32

kuyung:去年第六戰第八局自己喜歡堆壘包堆到讓Pujols有機會第九局 05/30 10:45

kuyung:上 怪不了別人 05/30 10:45

niravaabhas:砸錢重點是季後賽 只要能打季後賽什麼都很難講 05/30 10:52

niravaabhas:短期決賽近況好就有希望 顆顆 05/30 10:53

yeah8466:XXXXXXXXXXXX誰能料到去年季後賽會跳出個Freese呢? 05/30 11:00

charlie01:推 wangattack:以那高到嚇死人的全隊薪資是"才"啊 05/30 11:01

borriss:果然還是選了離家近的 05/30 11:02

charlie01:你是以為NYY創隊 111 年每年都是高到嚇人團隊薪資嗎?ZZZ 05/30 11:02

charlie01:去看看第二名幾個 無聊也該有個限度 ZZZ 05/30 11:02

kurt28:條子:我好像有點強.... 05/30 11:06

externaload:史上最多冠軍 "才" 27個喔 恩....... 05/30 11:19

nolander:這次再拿不到Nolan Ryan可能會拿球爆教練的頭XD 05/30 11:30

OoyaoO:"才"XD 真是有才的見解 05/30 11:35

sjvious:球是圓的,我們看下去 05/30 11:35

gotwins:奧斯瓦,季後賽1號先發?(現在講會太早嗎XD) 05/30 11:46

Valter:NYY:每年薪資第一才27個冠軍 這很明顯的設計對白不是嗎... 05/30 11:53

qwaszx6813:條子去年讓我輸不少qq 05/30 12:12

maxspeed150:條子又變強了啊.... 05/30 12:15

shishio7:這樣Feldman就不用扛先發了吧 05/30 12:36

krajicek:TEX再拿不到,就有機會挑戰水牛城比爾了 05/30 12:40

ShadowMask:遊騎兵....太可怕了 = = 05/30 12:41

ShadowMask:5M 沒想像中多 05/30 12:42

zack0211:....真的都給他玩就夠了...... 05/30 12:43

MinChuan:冠軍了.... 05/30 12:46

CallMeDavid:想要挑戰水牛城比爾 也要連續四年打進世界大賽 很硬啊 05/30 13:06

ChinaGy:"才"27個冠軍 那句推文不是在反串嗎 05/30 13:09

kingrobber:條子好像有點強... 05/30 13:13

AragakiYui88:好邪惡 >< 05/30 13:22

o0991758566:遊騎兵今年一定要拼阿,不然明年人員變動 戰力很難說 05/30 13:25

onime0704:畢竟五個先發只剩四個...,頂替的Feldmen又很抖...,不簽 05/30 13:35

onime0704:說不過去。 05/30 13:35

ShadowMask:還有四個不錯了= = 05/30 13:58

AragakiYui88:推土機拿過冠軍戒嗎 5M就肯簽 應該是想拿冠軍戒吧 05/30 14:44

Hotsheep:居然選了隻近年WS敗率最高的球隊 05/30 14:55

federer365:一堆球隊連WS都打不進 05/30 15:10

tnarthur:每年都有28支球隊打不進世界大賽 連兩年打進去不好嗎 05/30 15:13

ForgerEames:好像不酸一下會少塊肉一樣。 05/30 15:15

maxspeed150:唯二能酸這點的是巨人和紅雀啊 其他球隊沒資格酸 05/30 15:21

o0991758566:很高興能來條子! 一起來拼冠軍吧~ 05/30 16:16

lover19:近幾年很積極補強 看來不想再在WS被氣走了 05/30 16:44

ps20012001:就是打進去 又被踢出去...萊恩老爹今年別再放話了..=.= 05/30 17:00

meteorhades:條子太可怕了 05/30 17:46

jackyleon:這樣條子再沒拿世界冠軍該自盡了 05/30 19:04

Elabaut:NYY沒有每年都團隊薪資最高哦,不久前的90年代金鶯曾經是 05/30 19:58

yun67an:不管哪一種球,砸大錢跟拿冠軍一直都是兩回事XDDD 05/30 20:21

yun67an:但至少機率比較高 05/30 20:22

daki85421:條子今年拿冠軍! 05/30 20:43

Fernandeo:去年也很多人說都給費城玩就好了...直覺今年條子還是... 05/30 20:56

Fernandeo:這種為圓夢降價夢幻合體的案例,好像成功率不是真的那麼 05/30 20:58

Fernandeo:高...... 05/30 20:58

borriss:當然不高 但是至少是從1/30 變1/8 .. 05/30 22:05

z9440610:連續2年世界大賽GG 今年不拿個戒指說不過去XD 05/30 22:06

gokuhwanlai:歐斯窩 最高 05/31 00:05

Fernandeo:去哪買 1 賠 8 的賭盤呀... 05/31 00:11

maikxz:去年費城躺著進季後賽 除了季後賽烙塞外 有啥問題 lol 05/31 00:17

c7683fh6:NYY:都砸這麼多錢 怎麼沒每年冠軍? 06/01 21:59

sneak: 所以要找布萊德彼特 玩 https://noxiv.com 08/11 14:09
