[外電] Jake Peavy有可能被交易?

看板 MLB
作者 ak47box (陽光黃金蛋)
時間 2012-04-26 13:06:48
留言 32則留言 (24推 0噓 8→)

http://ppt.cc/Qhqr After going 79-83 and finishing 16 games behind the Tigers in the AL Central last season, the White Sox focused their offseason on acquiring younger, cost-controlled players through trades. Sergio Santos and Carlos Quentin were dealt away this winter, prompting GM Kenny Williams to use the word "rebuilding" in December. Assuming their 10-7 start to this season isn't a deterrent, another player who could be on the move this summer is Jake Peavy. 經過上個落後美聯中區龍頭老虎隊達16場的慘澹球季後,芝加哥白襪隊在休賽季致力於 透過交易尋找年輕而且低薪的球員。在冬天,Sergio Santos和Carlos Quentin相繼被 交易出去,GM Kenny Williams也在12月鬆口表示球隊進入了重建期。開季10勝7敗的戰績 看起來似乎還沒辦法讓重建腳步停下,因此接下來在今年夏天有可能被交易的球員,可能 就是Jake Peavy了。 Peavy, 31 next month, has been one of the very best pitchers in all of baseball in the early going this season. He threw a complete game shutout against the Athletics two days ago, lowering his season ERA to 1.88 in four starts. Peavy has struck out 26 and walked just four in 28 2/3 innings, allowing just one home run. This level of performance isn't surprising when you're talking about a former Cy Young Award winner, but it is surprising given the last three seasons of Peavy's career. 下個月將滿31歲的Peavy,開季的表現令人眼睛為之一亮。兩天前,他完封了奧克蘭 運動家隊,到目前為止先發4場,在28又2/3局的投球中繳出了防禦率1.88、26次三振, 另外僅僅投出4次保送及被打出1支全壘打而已。對於一位曾經獲得過賽揚獎的投手而言 ,你可能對於這樣的表現不太感到驚訝,但是參考Jake Peavy過去3季的表現來說,這實 在是令人感到驚喜。 Injuries have limited the right-hander to no more than 18 starts in each of the last three seasons, and in fact Peavy was on the disabled list with an ankle injury when the White Sox acquired him from the Padres at the 2009 trade deadline. Last season he was sidelined by rotator cuff tendinitis and then a groin strain, though the most significant injury was a detached lat muscle in 2010. The injury was very unique and required surgery, though he's obviously recovered well. 過去3季以來,由於受到傷勢困擾,這位右投手平均每季出賽不超過18次。事實上,當白 襪隊在2009年交易大限前從聖地牙哥教士隊得到他之前,他就已經因為腳踝而進入了傷兵名 單。上賽季,Peavy因為肩旋轉袖肌腱炎及腹股溝拉傷而缺席,而在2010年,他遭逢人生 最大的運動傷害:背闊肌分離。在經過這些獨特且需要手術治療的傷勢折磨之後,他回到了 戰場,而且復原情況良好。 The White Sox owe Peavy $17MM this season and are likely to pay him a $4MM buyout rather than exercise his $22MM club option for 2013. A sub-2.00 ERA probably isn't sustainable, but if Peavy shows that he can remain effective over the next two months, Williams could be in possession of the best available starting pitcher on the trade market at the deadline. Starting pitching is always in demand, and Peavy's limited no-trade clause - he can block trades to eight teams this year - figures to be nothing more than a minor obstacle. Peavy本季新水高達1700萬美金,而在球季結束前如果不以400萬美金買斷他,下季Peavy執 行球隊選擇權後的薪水將高達2200萬美金。或許Peavy防禦率低於2.00的成績可能不會維持 太久,但是若Peavy能夠在之後的兩個月保持這種高效率的表現,Williams可能就會將他 丟入交易市場。好的先發投手在市場上依然炙手可熱,就算Peavy合約中有著受限不得交易 條款,那也不構成障礙。 Peavy's recent injury history and the fact that his new team will be unable to collect free agent draft pick compensation after the season (thanks to the new collective bargaining agreement) could limit the asking price, but division races have a way of making the market unpredictable. The injury-prone Erik Bedard fetched a top ten prospect (Trayvon Robinson) and a secondary piece (Chih-Hsien Chiang) at last year's deadline, and that deal could serve as a comparison for a potential Peavy package. If Peavy continues to pitch well into June and July, Williams could decide to cash him in as a trade chip rather than risk another injury or the possibility of him leaving as a free agent after the season. 而在Peavy近年的傷病史及將導致新球隊將於球季結束後喪失選秀補償權的情況之下, 他的價碼將會受到限制。但是交易市場的驚奇常常發生,就像去年交易大限前的痛痛人 Erik Bedard交易案,使得水手隊獲得了十大新秀之一的Trayvon Robinson及台灣小將 蔣智賢,而Peavy的情況也許可以比照此種模式。如果Peavy在夏天依舊表現火熱,那麼 Williams或許就會決定將他交易出去,而非冒著受傷的風險或是放任他球季結束後成為 自由球員。 -- ◆ From: 感謝指正!
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1335416811.A.503.html

JakeMcGee:季前是Flody有要被交易的rumor 現在換Peavy啦 04/26 13:08

PeavyOrz:...... 04/26 13:11

AragakiYui88:Pineda報銷 NYY快對霸主 推土機 Peavy出手吧(無誤) 04/26 13:14

Ryushuier:關皮來國民吧 一起創造投手王朝 04/26 13:15

hoster0317:沒錯 洋基最喜歡樂透 搶一下~ 04/26 13:17

vg175:他的價錢不像樂透價啊 如果拿不到好菜白襪不會吃太多薪水 04/26 13:18

lunway79:白襪會哭吧...很喜歡他的說 04/26 13:19

vg175:洋基如果只想買樂透 Banuelos Betances M.Williams就準備掰 04/26 13:21

cd12631:洋基能出什麼籌碼呢?? 白襪GM擺明就是要去海削一頓的 04/26 13:22

KuoRod:阿Ken~ 04/26 13:27

charmania:阿Ken: Swisher那筆帳該還一還了吧.... 04/26 13:38

tuxpen:洋基就看Garcia和Hughes還要炸多久了 老派也只能頂一個 04/26 14:11

dodcsabird:建仔洋基不考慮嗎?國民人這麼多 04/26 14:18

mlsh0300131:趁他有復活的跡象趕快敲別人一筆 04/26 14:56

PTTerme:Peavy以前球速94,95的時候加上滑球犀利,真是K不用錢的 04/26 14:56

Jason11982:感謝翻譯 04/26 15:32

Ryushuier:國民缺七號先發;歡迎關皮 04/26 16:03

kx7613120:nyy要出手了嗎?? 04/26 16:19

a52080035:襪襪不出手嗎 04/26 16:20

maxspeed150:紅襪要把好貨流著換AAA的牛棚 04/26 16:27

maxspeed150: 留 04/26 16:27

peter11016: Quentin 去哪裡了 我好喜歡他說 04/26 16:30

EEERRIICC: SD(DL) 04/26 16:33

peter11016:又傷 04/26 17:04

abless:第三段第一句好像應該是:因傷過去三季都先發不超過18場@@" 04/26 18:13

Ginola:Yanks有美國隊1.2號理所當然! XDD 04/26 18:21

externaload:襪襪要等著換AAA牛棚 XD 我笑了 04/26 19:26

terop:真的交易PV的話 我會很難過... 04/26 21:25

chitaco:Peavy這季每一場贏球都讓人賺飽飽T^T 04/26 21:57

sneak: 關皮來國民吧 一起創 https://noxiv.com 08/11 13:00

sneak: 又傷 https://noxiv.com 08/11 17:27

sneak: ...... https://daxiv.com 09/12 21:20
