Re: [外電] Red Sox Close To Acquiring Marlon Byrd

看板 MLB
作者 ak47box (陽光黃金蛋)
時間 2012-04-23 16:30:40
留言 28則留言 (22推 0噓 6→)

: : Red Sox Close To Acquiring Marlon Byrd : By Mike Axisa [April 21, 2012 at 10:59am CST] : The Red Sox are close to acquiring Marlon Byrd from the Cubs, reports Nick : Cafardo of The Boston Globe (on Twitter Boston has : been actively exploring the outfield market following Jacoby Ellsbury's : shoulder injury. : Byrd, 34, has just three singles and one walk in 47 plate appearances this : season, resulting in a .070/.149/.070 batting line. He hit .276/.324/.395 in : 482 plate appearances last season while missing time with multiple fractures : after taking a pitch to the face, an injury that occurred in Fenway Park. : Byrd is in the final season of his three-year, $15MM contract and will earn : $6.5MM this year. 關於Marlon Byrd到紅襪隊這件事,有一個人可能會蠻尷尬的,那就是目前火牛之一的 Vicente Padilla,這兩位的恩恩怨怨,要追溯到2009年兩人還在遊騎兵隊當隊友時,當時 Byrd對於遊騎兵隊釋出Padilla這件事公開表示讚揚,因為前者認為Padilla是當時球隊休 息室的亂源,並帶給年輕球員不良示範,現在兩位又成為了隊友.... 內憂外患? -- ◆ From:
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mdfh:這是民視八點檔吧... 04/23 16:31

WLR: 我的炸雞哪有這麼好吃 04/23 16:33

Lasvegas:還是不懂為什麼要一個AVG 0.070的選手 04/23 16:35

four5:Marlon Byrd : 聽說你們這裡有炸雞 我就來了 (三國志) 04/23 16:35

notmuchmoney: 炸雞讚 04/23 16:37

ccpz:Theo:聽說現在流行去紅襪當臥底,我也送一個過去好了 04/23 16:38

charlie01:還有一件事 原文中提到Byrd去年在芬威被球打到臉導致 04/23 16:40

charlie01:臉骨多處裂傷的嚴重傷害 那個投手是Aceves 04/23 16:40

AhUtopian:不要只看今年成績呀...Byrd 2007-2010都表現很好 04/23 16:46

AhUtopian:生涯OPS 0.75 也算是很稱職的第四號OF 04/23 16:47

externaload:3F 就病急亂投醫阿.... 04/23 17:01

OoyaoO:不過小熊好像會吃下幾乎全部的薪水 不知道拿紅襪什麼人 04/23 17:04

OoyaoO:也沒人比Theo還懂紅襪的農場了 04/23 17:04

maxspeed150:Bowden 04/23 17:06

ueu72312:Theo:打造芝加哥紅襪隊 04/23 17:06

ocean11:到紅襪休息室吃炸雞,沒時間亂 04/23 17:27

maikxz:吃完然後把殘餘物丟到 Padilla 的置物櫃中 04/23 17:31

maikxz:然後大喊 Byrd is going deep tonigh! 04/23 17:31

javasakino:紅襪休息室///炸雞味+啤酒味+煙硝味+會變裝的總教練 04/23 17:42

colin79813:拿林哲瑄去換吧 04/23 17:45

externaload:牛棚現在這麼火還拿Bowden去換...紅襪GM真猜不透 04/23 17:52

maxspeed150:Bowden已經被DFA了 04/23 18:04

danny789:奇怪!當初Theo交易到CUBS不是有說多少年不可與BOS交易嗎? 04/23 18:12

Krislad:那個不是指球員交易 而是指工作人員、球探的挖角那一類的 04/23 18:26

ohmyya:有炸雞跟酒關係應該不會那麼緊張 04/23 18:40

MinChuan:太棒了...紅襪期待不了了冏rz 04/23 18:55

asdfzx:實在是屌 04/23 20:34

darksign:don't you know the byrd is the word? 04/24 05:16
