[外電] Luke Scott:粉味公園爛爆了

看板 MLB
作者 Krislad (席藍)
時間 2012-04-14 21:09:11
留言 58則留言 (46推 1噓 11→)

Luke Scott: Fenway Park a 'dump' http://tinyurl.com/c56jbcp Tampa Bay Rays designated hitter Luke Scott told MLB.com he thinks Fenway is "a dump" as the Boston Red Sox prepare to kick off their 100th season in the ballpark. 就在紅襪隊的主場粉味公園進入第100個球季時,光芒隊的DH Luke Scott對這 座球場開砲了。 "As a baseball player, going there to work, it's a dump," said Scott, whose Rays play the Red Sox on Friday in their Fenway opener. "I mean, it's old. It does have a great feel and nostalgia, but at the end of the day, I'd rather be at a good facility where I can get my work in. A place where I can go hit in the cage, where I have space and it's a little more comfortable to come to work." 「身為棒球員,去那打球,就像個垃圾場。」Scott說:「我的意思是說,它太老舊了。 這裡的確有很多美好的過往回憶,但歸根究柢,我還是比較喜歡到有好設備的地方打球 ,到一個有室內打擊練習場、一個來打球可以打得更舒服的地方。」 "You're packed in like sardines there. It's hard to get your work in. ... You have to go to their weight room if you want to lift. From a fan's perspective, it's probably pretty cool to go see a game at a historic park. But from a player's point of view, it's not a place where you want to go to work." 「在那邊擠得像沙丁魚似的,要做個重訓還得過去紅襪那邊的重訓室才行。就球迷看來 ,來歷史悠久的球場看球是很爽啦,但就球員看來,這地方可一點兒也不想來。」 For Scott, who was a member of the Orioles when Baltimore beat Boston on the last day of last season to help prevent the Red Sox from making the playoffs, it's the second time in as many months he's taken a shot at the Sox. During spring training, he said keeping Boston out of the playoffs was even more pleasing because of his disdain for its fans. 這是Scott近日來第二次對紅襪開砲,先前春訓時就曾因不屑紅襪迷而表示去年金鶯在 季末幹掉紅襪真是超爽的。 "Just their arrogance," Scott told MLB.com at the time. "The fans come in and they take over the city. They're ruthless, they're vulgar, they cause trouble, they talk about your family, swear at you. Who likes that? When people do that, it just gives you more incentive to beat them. 「只因他們的狂妄。」Scott在當時說:「那些球迷佔據了城市,他們沒禮貌、粗俗、 製造麻煩、問候你的家人還會咒罵你。誰喜歡這樣啊?當他們這麼做,只會給你更有動 力來打敗他們而已」 "Then when things like [the last game of last season, a 4-3 walk-off Orioles victory] happen, you celebrate even more. You go to St. Louis -- classiest fans in the game. You do well, there's no vulgarity. You know what? You don't wish them bad." 「像去年季末打敗紅襪那樣的事發生了之後,你更會大肆的慶祝。你去有著一流球迷的 聖路易看看,你就算打得好,他們也不會有粗俗的舉動。你當然就不會希望他們的球隊 會遇到衰小事。」 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1334408957.A.326.html

power1234567:... ...火力全開~~ 04/14 21:10

maxspeed150:Luke Scott本來就是反紅襪大將軍 04/14 21:11

JoshBeckeet:開戰囉~~~~ 04/14 21:11

maxspeed150:應該說 金鶯隊球員對紅襪不會有好評語啦 04/14 21:11

maxspeed150:畢竟 每次兩隊比賽 Camden Yard都會變成Fenway南分院 04/14 21:12

upscom:金鶯對洋基 也有類似的情況 04/14 21:13

visda:mlb板要不要出一個反襪大將軍阿XDDD 04/14 21:14

caspercheng:反紅襪共和國? 04/14 21:15

flycat638:-------------以下開放分屍---------- 04/14 21:15

cd12631:聖路易? Phillips表示:...... 04/14 21:16

Valter:史考特大將軍 04/14 21:19

ShadowMask:XDDD 04/14 21:20

lanver1220:反洋基的可能比較早出現 04/14 21:22

charlie01:請對照#1FJmdBlY這篇 不過這人反襪反到這麼high實在是 04/14 21:25

charlie01:太好笑了....= = 04/14 21:25

WLR:這家伙火力驚人,前途不可限量阿XD 04/14 21:26


RAYWU321:boston本來就一堆大老粗 04/14 21:28

ShadowMask:要開戰了嗎? 04/14 21:29

twonia:有人引戰阿桶不到XD 04/14 21:31

frank123ya:水喔 新戰神? 04/14 21:35

shiyhsien:你確定不會有人對紅雀開砲?XD 04/14 21:35

lahugh:表態去洋基嘛XD 04/14 21:36

cow09060:GM:不如把你交易到紅襪好惹^^ 04/14 21:36

sjvious:抓住部份事實來佐證自己內心的仇恨 04/14 21:39

WLR:他在Florida長大也沒在紐約就學,怎討厭紅襪到這種地步 04/14 21:40

maikxz:我發現我好喜歡他 太歡樂了 XDDD 04/14 21:43

WLR:看維基他還對Obama開砲過,這家伙根本自走砲來著 04/14 21:48

jameshu0910:這麼不喜歡去粉味公園,怎麼不去國聯? 04/14 21:50

maxspeed150:因為他幾乎只能打DH啊 04/14 22:01

notmuchmoney:襪襪真慘... 04/14 22:04

neoyori:他本來在BAL守備不是還ok?為什麼後來硬被擠到DH去? 04/14 22:04

a88152660:因為Reimold吧...其實以DH來說他的表現也算中規中矩... 04/14 22:09

franciswink:芬威真的很蝦 看個球 還會有水從上面漏下來xd 04/14 22:16

Westmoreland:Scott 打擊的時候,中間還跑去撿垃圾,全場歡呼 04/14 22:31

Jigokuhen:中肯啊 04/14 22:38

willy0527:中肯好文 04/14 22:45

gokuhwanlai:真男人 說出多少球員的心聲啊 04/14 23:06

COWBOY2:樓上原來是球員,失敬失敬 04/14 23:14

baronterry:火力全 開~~~~~ ~~~~ 開~~~~~~ ~~~~ 04/14 23:16

asdfzx:CC和發球姬表示同意 04/14 23:24

Liandh:他當初就是從國聯被交易過來的 04/14 23:54

a558815:聖路易球迷好像不是第一次被誇讚了 04/14 23:58

harakiri405:好嗆XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 04/15 00:14

TheWho:讚! 真男人 04/15 00:42

chien533:紅鳥球迷真的不錯,上次去現場看,前方坐了一整排同區小熊 04/15 00:42

chien533:球迷大聲替小熊加油也沒被紅鳥球迷狂噓 04/15 00:44

zxcv6578:紅鳥球迷應該是同情百年迷... 04/15 00:55

realG:怎麼沒人推Who are you Luke Scott... 04/15 01:41

ruffryders:who's luke scott ?! 04/15 02:04

nu13:開砲了!!! 04/15 04:33

agantw:Scott兄可以考一級拆除士證照呀~~ 04/15 07:14

Quickspace:真中肯 04/15 07:57

jason12308:其實很中肯,畢竟是超過100年的老球場,再怎樣整修也 04/15 10:10

jason12308:比不上全新的球場來得爽, 光緒熊表示: 04/15 10:10

chopinlee:聖路易球迷的棒球素質真的很高,無論是看門道或是看熱鬧 04/15 11:53

zxcvbbb: 有點禮貌好不好? 04/15 20:17

lery:Fenway Park 真的超擠, 看球很不舒服 04/16 03:47
