[外電] Ozzie Guillen為"我愛卡斯楚"言論道歉

看板 MLB
作者 sampsonlu919 (湖人最該自盡的人:顆比)
時間 2012-04-08 21:36:48
留言 30則留言 (12推 1噓 17→)

Ozzie Guillen apologizes for “I love Castro” comment http://goo.gl/VDbuU Drew Silva|Apr 7, 2012, 10:29 PM EDT Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen is quoted in a recent issue of Time magazine as saying that he has “love” for Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and respects that he’s been able to maintain power for so long. 最新一期"時代雜誌",刊登了馬林魚總教練Ozzie Guillen發表對古巴獨裁者卡斯楚 「有愛」的言論,並且對他掌權這麼久帶有敬意。 Those thoughts obviously aren’t sitting well in Miami — a city with many Cuban descendants — and so a cleanup campaign has been put in motion. 這樣的言論當然會讓有不少古巴後裔的邁阿密居民坐立難安,所以球隊也必須立刻 發表澄清聲明。 Guillen held a closed-door meeting with beat writers on Saturday night, according to the Associated Press, and offered this: “I will apologize if I hurt somebody’s feelings, or I hurt somebody’s thought. I want them to know I’m against everything 100 percent – I repeat it again – the way this man (been) treating people for the last 60 years.” 根據美聯社的報導:Guillen在星期六晚上招開了閉門記者會,發表以下聲明:「假如 我傷害了某些人的感受或想法,我願意在此道歉。我想要讓他們知道:我百分之百 反對那個人過去60年以來對待人民的方式。」 The Marlins, meanwhile, have issued a statement: “There is nothing to respect about Fidel Castro. He is a brutal dictator who has caused unthinkable pain for more than 50 years. We live in a community filled with victims of this dictatorship, and the people in Cuba continue to suffer today.” 馬林魚也在同時發佈聲明稿:「他(Guillen)對卡斯楚絕對沒有帶任何一點敬意, 因為卡斯楚是一個殘忍的獨裁者,並在這五十年間造成無法想像的傷害。我們住在 一個充滿這樣專政下犧牲者的社群中,而那些在古巴的人民到今日仍在受苦。」 However Ozzie’s original comments to Time magazine came about, he clearly doesn’t stand behind them. And this certainly isn’t the first time Guillen has had a scatter-brained opinion about something. 然而,Ozzie在時代雜誌的訪談原文中,就已經很清楚的表明並不支持那些獨裁者( 包括他母國委內瑞拉的查維茲)。而這明顯也不是Guillen第一次說出如此無腦的 言論。 But you have to wonder how this all is affecting the way Guillen is being viewed in south Florida. The team that employs him, after all, just opened a new ballpark in a neighborhood called “Little Havana.” 但你們可能會好奇這件事情會如何影響南佛州人對Guillen的評價。畢竟,這隻聘用他 的球隊,不久前才在一個叫做「小哈瓦那(古巴首都)」的社區裡啟用新球場呢! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 心得:其實卡斯楚已經把位置退讓給其他人了,不過這也顯示美國人對老卡的反感程度 依舊居高不下;而該記者最後的結語還真是一語中的! -- / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   Who is The "Orz"est 法   法   喀  英  英   象   德  Player in WorldCup? 亨囧 囧貝力 囧托 囧尼   LP囧  囧羅巴 囧洛澤 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1333892212.A.47F.html

abc12812:Ozzie大概不知道切格瓦拉才是潮界代表吧 04/08 21:38

AWainwright:Starlin Castro: 04/08 21:40

if2:說不定他是在說小熊的CastroXD 04/08 21:41

blackcellar: CHE!CHE!CHE! 04/08 21:41

kevev:Guillen 終於又發作了 一.點.也.不.意.外 04/08 22:11

alex2426chen:不過現在很多國家要求美國解除對古巴經濟制裁 畢竟時 04/08 22:48

alex2426chen:空環境已經不是五十年前的古巴飛彈危機時代了 04/08 22:49

alex2426chen:特別是不少拉美國家強烈要求美國解除制裁 04/08 22:50

cd12631:古巴飛彈都改來棒球場發射了XD 這4場水手就被射4發XDD 04/08 23:02

cd12631: 3發才對 04/08 23:03

greenpeace21:可笑的美畜...古巴人生活品質根本就很高 04/08 23:09

greenpeace21:不管是教育、運動、醫療、就業都遠勝美畜 04/08 23:10

greenpeace21:說CHAVEZ獨裁者更好笑了,他完全是民選總統,哪獨裁? 04/08 23:11

greenpeace21:古巴沒有毒品問題 犯罪率也低 遠比美國強太多 04/08 23:12

darkness0918:切格瓦拉要是活在現在ㄈㄈ尺大概從南投排到北投 04/08 23:16

cloudfour:沒辦法~政治不正確~ 04/08 23:53

Herlin:民選總統跟獨不獨裁是兩回事吧 04/09 01:08

Herlin:希特勒當年也是民選的啊 04/09 01:09

MarcLin:教育、運動、醫療都遠勝? 這是平行世界的古巴嗎 XD 04/09 01:31

jerrywin:笑死人 過這麼爽幹嘛還狂偷渡當美X >.^ 04/09 01:38

fetoyeh:怎麼爽的話怎麼有古巴人老是跳機還謊報年齡 XD 04/09 01:50

Sechslee:可笑的噓文 04/09 02:48

TBdrays:水桶了啦 04/09 03:34

ccl007:我寧願相信洪瑞河也不要信共產神話 04/09 06:43

kuyung:版主這種政治推文都不管 反而去管要怎樣推噓文 可笑 04/09 06:53

WLR:桶吧,注音文 04/09 08:45

greenpeace21:美國扶持的委內瑞拉亂黨天天都在委內瑞拉抗議 04/09 12:38

greenpeace21:最好委內瑞拉有獨裁,真獨裁這些美畜亂黨早抓去關了 04/09 12:39

greenpeace21:說到獨裁邪惡政權,美國抓占領華爾街的人才真正獨裁 04/09 12:40

greenpeace21:這篇根本是美媒的政治新聞洗腦文啊!還管人政治推文? 04/09 12:41
