[情報] Indians To Sign Casey Kotchman

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作者 tanaka0826 (田中鬪莉王)
時間 2012-02-03 13:44:08
留言 32則留言 (24推 0噓 8→)

Indians To Sign Casey Kotchman http://0rz.tw/Bf2Yd The Indians have agreed to sign Casey Kotchman, Jon Heyman of CBSSports.com tweets. Casey Close of Excel Sports Management represents the first baseman. Kotchman's deal is a one-year contract worth $3MM plus incentives, Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports and Paul Hoynes of the Cleveland Plain Dealer report (both Twitter links). Kotchman signed a minor league deal with the Rays about a year ago, and posted an unexpectedly strong .306/.378/.422 line in 563 plate appearances. Kotchman, who turns 29 this month, is a ground ball hitter who had 36 extra base hits in 2011. UZR suggests he is an above-average defensive first baseman. He ranked 36th on MLBTR's list of top 50 free agents entering the offseason. The right-handed hitting Matt LaPorta and the switch-hitting Carlos Santana had been projected to share time at first base in Cleveland this year. Kotchman, who bats from the left side, now figures to get most plate appearances against right-handers and Santana may still see time at first against left-handers. Corner infielder/outfielder Shelley Duncan is out of options, while Laporta has options remaining, according to MLB.com's Jordan Bastian. This could play into the team's decision process between now and Opening Day. The Indians acquired another first base option, Russ Canzler, earlier this week. The first base market has settled in recent weeks, with Kotchman, Carlos Pena and Prince Fielder all finding new teams. Derrek Lee is one remaining free agent first base option, but it's unclear whether he'll play in 2012. -- "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT FAILS TO WORK HARD." -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1328247852.A.281.html

bill0703:海盜迷: 02/03 13:48

mayfirst:3MM...好便宜...三成打率+選球眼+防守佳的選手耶 02/03 13:50

pasaword:Power始終沒有表現出來 02/03 13:58

OoyaoO:放棄Laporta了? 02/03 14:07

searoar:他什麼時候有power? 02/03 14:28

tunababy:所以沒有表現出來.. 02/03 14:31

Pennyjr:烤雞如果有把Power表現出來,現在應該在天使吧 02/03 14:33

Connec:Canzler:怎麼又是你...... 02/03 14:37

Tulowitzki2:KB好看跟選球眼是兩回事 02/03 15:09

jayin07:號稱Todd Helton二世 02/03 15:37

EEERRIICC:沒有光芒靈氣之後... 02/03 15:38

KevinLiou:考績真的好用 02/03 15:44

MotoDawn:可惜了 有25M的身手 02/03 15:48

lucky69:啾竟~脫離光芒靈氣加持的烤雞會如何 我們繼續看下去 02/03 16:48

lusanova:才3M光芒不續簽有點可惜,替補Pena跟Scott也很划算阿 02/03 17:49

jayin07:人家想到可以先發的球隊 02/03 17:50

adu:如果power出來就20MM了.. 02/03 18:20

chipson:光芒線在一壘手是誰? 02/03 18:39

tanaka0826:應該是Carlos Pena吧 02/03 18:54

CarlosPena: Hi~ 02/03 19:01

Alexander13:樓上鳳還巢 02/03 19:01

tanaka0826:樓樓上加油啊 02/03 19:04

starcry:最喜歡看樓樓樓上打球了 今年也要不怕三振多幹砲喔 02/03 23:07

taker627:樓樓樓樓上,麻煩幹炮的時候心想這是連taker627的份一起 02/04 00:57

EEERRIICC:生孩子 02/04 01:30

aaa80437:烤雞人 02/04 01:50

aaa80437:  男 02/04 01:50

transformer8:3M不是300萬嗎?3MM是3000萬耶= =" 02/04 07:31

bryce:樓上這討論過了,3MM是代表Million Money. 02/04 10:14

transformer8:sor 我還真沒注意到@@ 02/04 18:51

externaload:M跟MM也是萬年厚問了...還有人不知道真的無言 02/04 19:58

TaiwanNeko:跟NYA一樣 =.= 02/04 23:10
