[外電] Ed Wade to rejoin Phillies

看板 MLB
作者 Krislad (席藍)
時間 2011-12-20 20:54:16
留言 21則留言 (13推 2噓 6→)

http://tinyurl.com/7rgrtka A major league baseball source has confirmed that former general manager Ed Wade will be rejoining the Phillies’ organization. Though no official announcement is planned, Wade will have an unspecified role in the team’s scouting department. Wade served as the Phillies’ general manager from 1998 to 2005. It was during that time that he hired current GM Ruben Amaro Jr. as an assistant when he was winding down his playing career. Wade was fired after the 2005 season and went on to spend a year as a scout for the Padres. From there, Wade was hired as the general manager of the Astros. When new ownership took over in Houston last month, Wade was fired. As a general manager Wade was involved in several big trades with and for the Phillies. In 2000, he traded Curt Schilling to Arizona. In Houston he traded Brad Lidge, Eric Bruntlett, Roy Oswalt and Hunter Pence to the Phillies. He also hired managers Larry Bowa and Charlie Manuel and gave big contracts to Bobby Abreu, Mike Lieberthal, David Bell and Jim Thome for the Phillies. Wade was with the Phillies when the club drafted Jimmy Rollins, Pat Burrell, Brett Myers, Chase Utley, Ryan Howard and Cole Hamels. He also got Shane Victorino in the 2005 Rule 5 draft 費城派去太空人的內奸.....咳咳,我是說前太空人GM Ed Wade將回到老東家的費城人 預計擔任球探部門中的職位 Wade在就任費城人GM時選進了Howard、Utley、Rollins、Hamels等明星球員 另外原文中有提到一些Wade的「豐功偉業」,那些就不多加累述了XD ==== http://twitter.com/#!/GordonEdes/status/148985533006221312 另外小熊與紅襪達成協議 就任小熊GM的Theo Epstein在三年內禁止從紅襪挖人 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1324385659.A.DE3.html

darkness0918:Ed:我不想當臥底,我想當一個費城人 12/20 20:55

kuankubank:奇怪 能讓費城選那麼多好球員 在太空人卻???????? 12/20 20:59

kittles:就算選對人也是要會養 12/20 21:18

ultratimes:推土機和HP送到費城都是他的傑作嗎? 12/20 21:19

Pennyjr:禁止挖人指的是不能挖FA球員嗎? 12/20 21:29

alex2426chen:應該指的是不能跟紅襪做交易 管理階層應該也算在內 12/20 21:35

freeru:為什麼不能交易!!?? 要挖姜雷雞的話,可以的啊!!?? 12/20 21:47

Sechslee:真的是內鬼... 12/20 22:02

MinChuan:小熊不想要CC跟雷機嗎?(小熊表示:我就是不想要才立這條 12/20 22:08

roverchi:Cherington:有內鬼...停止交易! 12/20 22:22

ca1123:原文是寫hire anyone else from RedSox,球員不會說hire 12/20 22:52

honey4617912:內鬼無誤 12/20 22:52

geneaven:交易Pence還要用到2個top10 prospect表現太差,只能給球探 12/20 23:16

geneaven:位子回聘 12/20 23:17

globekiller:我在Astros板4011篇的推文XD 12/20 23:32

Carreras:當球探而已矣 不必太care ,狗蛋賈西也都在當費球探(聳肩) 12/20 23:37

SatoTakuma:應該加註 Theo自己簽來的 沒關係 12/20 23:40

TBdrays:臥底無誤 12/20 23:58

testu:純噓WADE 12/21 01:11

chihlanren:球員應該不會用挖吧 球員應該是交易之類的 12/21 01:18

dimhdp10:有情有義費城人! 12/21 03:20
