[情報] Brewers To Sign Alex Gonzalez

看板 MLB
作者 Tukiyomi (月讀)
時間 2011-12-09 05:05:44
留言 20則留言 (11推 0噓 9→)

http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2011/12/brewers-to-sign-alex-gonzalez.html The Brewers will sign shortstop Alex Gonzalez, tweets Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports. It's a one-year deal with a vesting option for 2013, Rosenthal adds. Gonzalez will presumably take over as Milwaukee's starting shortstop, a position occupied by Yuniesky Betancourt this year. Gonzalez is represented by Eric Goldschmidt. Gonzalez, 34, hit .241/.270/.372 with 15 home runs in 593 plate appearances for the Braves in 2011. UZR suggests Gonzalez was average defensively this year and above-average from 2006-10. Gonzalez seems to represent an upgrade over Betancourt, but not by much. In November, the Braves elected not to offer arbitration to Gonzalez, so they won't be receiving a supplemental draft pick for the loss. -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1323378346.A.088.html

aaa80437:SS .... Al. Gonzalez XD 12/09 05:34

EEERRIICC:..... 12/09 06:11

sfyi3243:這隻A.Gon守備一堆美技,但是一些簡單的球卻處理得很詭異 12/09 06:27

sfyi3243:不過和Y.Betancourt比起來,好像沒有補強到甚麼地方... 12/09 06:28

mrkey:Brewers總算有動作了...不過大的習題仍然無解中 12/09 06:40

Gerrard1004:這隻A-GON 某"Z大"說他是游擊炮...XD 12/09 06:41

darksign:生涯OPS+80的游擊"砲"....科科 12/09 06:57

khopesh:是很會神來一轟...但這樣就叫砲的話...丁eter: 12/09 07:39

asd25:A-Gon 12/09 08:26

Narancia:他是在你忘記他是誰的時候 會轟個幾發讓你想起有這個人 12/09 09:02

Narancia:然後他會繼續讓你忘了他是誰 12/09 09:03

SlamKai:樓上GJ 多麼生動的描述 @@ 12/09 09:04

Jigokuhen:他有去過讀賣巨人嗎?? 12/09 10:04

Narancia:去過讀賣巨人的是Adrian Gonzalez他老哥Edgar Gonzalez 12/09 10:39

maxspeed150:坦白講 Alex Gonzalez以SS來說 power真的不差 12/09 11:02

maxspeed150:只是......contact和選球.........嗯.... 12/09 11:03

gitaboy:在紅襪隊打的嚇嚇叫(以SS而言....) 12/09 12:46

solanacearum:他怕滑球 12/09 13:39

prereality:他是某年在藍鳥打很好吧? 12/09 13:47

Gerrard1004:power ok 但是 看看他該死的三圍 真的能稱做砲嗎?! 12/10 01:24
