[外電] Berkman: Albert's better than Babe

看板 MLB
作者 stonemonkey (ネギ)
時間 2011-10-24 20:48:25
留言 40則留言 (24推 0噓 16→)

Even after his 14-base night, Albert Pujols wasn't much for talking about himself. The three home runs matched a Fall Classic single-game record held by Babe Ruth and Reggie Jackson, while the six RBI tied Bobby Richardson and Hideki Matsui for the most in a World Series game. Only Paul Molitor had recorded five hits in a game in the World Series, while the 14 total bases set a record. Once the game ended, however, Pujols tried to deflect any talk about his historic night. ... Pujols might not have been impressed with his performance, but he may have been the only one. "He's a better hitter than Babe Ruth and Reggie Jackson and there's no doubt about it," said Lance Berkman. http://bit.ly/qW14q6 白肥引戰..... -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1319460509.A.DC6.html

Iori2010:普神:沒有N.Morgan與記者對我嗆聲 10/24 20:49

checktime:釣魚~看看有沒有人上鉤,趕快來嗆聲。 10/24 20:51

yoshro:最近開砲的都_ 10/24 20:53

badblue:張飛比岳飛嗎?XD 10/24 20:53

Roshiel:科科,不過不論是誰,只要名字能夠跟Ruth連結在一起 10/24 21:02

Roshiel:對他都是莫大的恭維了 10/24 21:02

ewayne:引戰→Ruth表示:Pujols先當個五年先發投手再來跟我說 10/24 21:03

oralboralb:要比較還是拿較相近的時代比...不然每個人都被棒球之神 10/24 21:03

oralboralb:壓得死死的 還有什麼意思 10/24 21:04

PlayStation3:可以比阿,這問題討論很過多次了。 10/24 21:04

sjvious:Durant:歐肥妹KOBE無法三連霸。 10/24 21:06

ps20012001:都沒人以古非今了 硬把普神拉上火線[email protected]@.這次WS缺乏話題 10/24 21:08

Roshiel:引戰→Ruth表示:等Pujols哪年OPS+破200後再來跟我說 10/24 21:08

ps20012001:感覺國聯戰還比較熱鬧一點... 10/24 21:09

sezna:連棒子都贏不過 10/24 21:11

Jaicabai:白肥為了贏球 第一個跳出來引戰xDD 10/24 21:13

WLR:生涯OPS+排行: Pujols 170、Bonds 181、Ruth 206 10/24 21:14

kikielle:看來白肥還不知道把普神捧上天的嚴重性... 10/24 21:18

Hank545:一年30m跑不掉了 10/24 21:25

momo90347:白肥是幫普神抬價嗎? 啥時變經紀人了 10/24 21:25

t2007:今年WS真的要靠普神搞些話題來戰..不然確實沒啥新聞可炒作.. 10/24 21:26

x24627785:白肥的意思是明天普神要四響了嗎 這樣就超越那兩位了XD 10/24 21:31

maikxz:白肥心機可議 想刻意運用天力小心遭天譴XD 10/24 21:32

WLR:http://goo.gl/x1tx9 期待Pujols退役後會不會在Ruth前面 10/24 21:34

Sechslee:今年WS場子還真冷... 10/24 21:38

saidon:其實白肥是條子派來的內鬼吧 10/24 21:39

rex9712340:可是今天紅鳥兩安都來自白肥... 10/24 21:40

Ybrother:WS沒有3隻砸錢砸最多的球隊嘛... 10/24 21:47

MongolSoul:普神捧不得阿 一捧就鳥掉 嗆他酸他才會威 10/24 21:49

Hafner:同樣是安打型打者,應該拿鐵馬來比 10/24 22:01

j07242054:樓上為何覺得Ruth不是安打型打者 10/24 22:20

geneaven:berkman:albert最強,matt最貴,俺最肥 10/24 22:21

WLR:不太可能拿鐵馬比,那不是捧是嗆過頭了,只會被說不厚道 10/24 22:21

Dimitre:樓樓上害我笑了 10/24 22:23

sylviehsiang:普神:等babe打過變速球指叉球噴射球螺旋球再來跟我 10/24 22:58

Hank545:棒球之神的時代有變化球嗎.. 10/24 23:45

maxspeed150:回樓上 那時已經有了 曲球 滑球其實都已經發展出來 10/24 23:57

maxspeed150:所以才會有Cy Young口中的Nickel Curve之說 10/24 23:57

yeng1217:那時候也有口水球吧 ? 10/25 00:40

darksign:Babe躺很久了還要中槍... 10/25 01:43
