[閒聊] Vent and vote: What now for Red Sox?

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作者 beckseaton (沒有運動會死)
時間 2011-09-29 16:38:07
留言 103則留言 (52推 0噓 51→)

If you were John Henry,who would you fire? ○ Terry Francona ○ Theo Epstein ○ Curt Young ○ All of them ○ None of them What should be the Red Sox's top priority this offseason? ○ Re-signing Jonathan Papelbon ○ Re-signing David Ortiz ○ Adding starting pitching via free agency ○ Finding a big bat at ethier SS or RF ○ Cleaning house and changing things dramatically If you’re like most New Englanders, you’re waking up this morning wondering if what you witnessed Wednesday night -- and most of September, for that matter -- was just some horrible nightmare and you’ll log on to ESPNBoston.com and find the Red Sox’s upcoming ALDS schedule. Alas. Reality bites. We’ll spare you the gory details in this space. What we want to do is spin things forward a bit and get your take on what changes you’d like to see on this team going forward. Make no mistake, there will be changes. Among the biggest decisions this team will need to make in the coming months is how to fill the now-gaping hole in the rotation. What once looked like a strength crumbled before our very eyes in September, so much so that we were opening wondering whether acquiring retread starter Bruce Chen from the Royals might be the best option for the Sox in a potential one-game playoff. Incidentally, Chen pitched for the Royals on Wednesday night, tossing eight shutout innings. We’ll assume at this point that Jon Lester and Josh Beckett are locked into the first two spots in the rotation and will put their September woes in the rear view mirror. Let’s slot Clay Buchholz in at No. 3 as well. But who will fill out the rotation? Will John Lackey, whose season-ending 6.41 ERA is the worst in Red Sox history, be back? You have to think he wants out of Boston after this miserable season. The problem will be that no one will want his bloated contract. He has three years and nearly $46 million left on his deal. Will the Sox bring back 45-year-old Tim Wakefield, who wants to return for 18th season? You have to wonder whether the feeling is mutual. We know it won’t be Daisuke Matsuzaka, who will be lucky to return by midseason after Tommy John surgery. Anyone else? Expect the Sox to look on the free-agent market, as it doesn’t appear there are any arms in the farm system that are ready for prime time. If there were, we wouldn’t have had to endure so much of Kyle Weiland in September. You have to expect J.D. Drew will retire. So who plays right field next season? Josh Reddick? Ryan Kalish, who is coming off a lost season due to injuries? The Sox could test the free-agent market here as well. What about shortstop? The Sox (and the player) have an option for next season. After the way he finished up, we wouldn’t be surprised if he is back as a reliable option (along with Jed Lowrie) until Jose Iglesias is ready for the majors. The Sox will also have a big decision to make on David Ortiz, who is a free agent after making $12.5 million this season. He put up good numbers -- .309, 29 homers, 96 RBIs -- but faded late, hitting only one homer in September. Will the Red Sox bring back their 35-year-old DH and club icon? And, of course, there’s Jonathan Papelbon. The cornerstone of the bullpen had perhaps his best season to date (his blown save in Baltimore aside, of course), showing dominating stuff. He’s been waiting for this shot at free agency and will demand a multiyear deal for mucho dinero. Will the Red Sox pony up? Or is Daniel Bard -- he of the 11.70 September ERA -- ready to inherit the role? If the Sox let Papelbon go and make Bard their closer, who takes the primary setup role? Bobby Jenks? He’s a question mark, at best. Another reliever whose contract is up is Alfredo Aceves, who was perhaps the MVP of the bullpen, especially in September. He made less than $1 million this season. He’s in line for a decent-sized raise. And of course, we’d be remiss if we didn’t bring up the possibility of there being changes at the top. Can we count on Theo Epstein and Terry Francona to be back? On the surface it seems like a ludicrous suggestion considering their track record, but is it not now clear there were fundamental flaws with this Red Sox team? There was speculation over the summer that Epstein might be a good fit in a president-level job with the Chicago Cubs (though he squashed it). Is it out of the realm of possibility that he leaves for greener pastures? What about Terry Francona? The Red Sox have options for the next two seasons on Francona’s contract, but they have yet to exercise them. Is there a chance his days as Boston’s bench boss are done? It’s all up in the air. It’s all on the table. Changes are coming to Boston. We just don’t know yet what form they’ll take. Vote in the polls embedded here and share your thoughts on the changes you’d make to this Red Sox team in the comments section. http://espn.go.com/blog/boston/red-sox/post/_/id/14691/vent-and-vote-what-now-for-red-sox -- ◆ From:
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1317285490.A.178.html

jkduke:All of them 09/29 16:39

amgdaaaa:Now for Europa cup 09/29 16:39

colin79813:有隊醫可以選嗎? 09/29 16:40

maxspeed150:這次BOS的FO和教練團大概會死傷慘重了吧 09/29 16:43

maikxz:Crawford joins Liverpool 09/29 16:45

HercuLiz:有三壘指可以選嗎? 09/29 16:48

cyclonekkk:隊醫這心頭大患不除不行... 09/29 16:48

dewking:可以和liverpool 借幾個來就好.. 不用在簽人了 09/29 16:49

richard1003:Lacky和CC這兩張約會把Theo累積的功績敗光.... 09/29 16:51

darkerson:Crawford + Lackey for Suarez有沒有搞頭? 09/29 16:51

Orcish:Theo(ESPN): We have to fix everything that's not workin 09/29 16:51

TBdrays:其實誠心認為CC跟Lackey應該會反彈,反正也丟不掉... 09/29 16:51

kidd81yc37:Suarez接飛球時用腳停球 09/29 16:52

decorum:Aceves還不逃命嗎?連四天上陣,小心明年就廢了 09/29 16:52

Orcish:CC應該會 Lackey沒救了 但也不會更糟了 09/29 16:53

JakeMcGee:隊醫問題比這些球員都還重 09/29 16:55

lef1986:找堪用的SS跟RF 09/29 16:57

bluemkevin:o Join LPGA 09/29 16:58

lef1986: in Taiwan 09/29 16:58

oneturnkill:第一題2 第二題5 XD 09/29 16:58

JubeChocobo:哪來的big bat SS給你找 09/29 17:00

krizarlid:發球姬我想反彈很難 連兩年了 CC第一年還可以觀察 09/29 17:06

TBdrays:以現在的薪資空間覺得先補牛比較可行 09/29 17:08

maxspeed150:CC反彈後應該有.3/.35/.42左右 不算特好但也ok了 09/29 17:10

maxspeed150:Lackey...大概就差不多像去年那樣吧 ERA+100上下 09/29 17:11

mess0706:CC的確是可以期待他反彈, 在光芒可以打20多隻HR.. 09/29 17:13

maikxz:牛跟抽樂透一樣 這每年都在幹 只是看有沒有中獎 09/29 17:13

mess0706:去Fenway沒道理更差吧 XD A-Gon的HR也是 .. 09/29 17:13

maxspeed150:A-Gon的肩膀還沒完全恢復威力 09/29 17:14

maxspeed150:其實 今年這樣看下來 BOS的牛棚補強沒那麼糟] 09/29 17:15

maxspeed150:大樂透Aceves以外 Albers威上半季 輪叔威下半季 09/29 17:15

maxspeed150:主要問題還是找不到吃局數的先發 把牛棚操爛 09/29 17:15

Greatgiant:反彈之後 .3/.35/.42 ? 你敢打我都不敢看了 XD 09/29 17:18

Greatgiant:這樣要20M? 那Ellsbury要多少? 09/29 17:18

maxspeed150:這是低標= = 當然會希望他至少有個.31/.36/.45左右 09/29 17:19

mess0706:期待Crawford打出接近生涯平均水準不誇張吧?還是在Fenway 09/29 17:19

maxspeed150:這個約簽下去 全世界都知道簽貴了 可是還能怎麼辦? 09/29 17:19

Greatgiant:另外 Crawford單季從沒超過20發過 在那都是 09/29 17:20

chancewen:(1)2 (2)2 09/29 17:20

mess0706:而且前一年還是生涯年耶 09/29 17:20

maxspeed150:別忘了他生涯也才.293/.333/.440 09/29 17:20

mess0706:sorry, 他的全壘打是我記錯了, 我原本預期他今年可以有20 09/29 17:21

mess0706:是我錯了XD 09/29 17:21

Greatgiant:他生涯上壘率也不過.33 今年連.3都不到 期待他有.36? 09/29 17:22

maxspeed150:期待啊= = 如果他能打到那樣最好 不過就等於他年年要 09/29 17:22

Greatgiant:簽貴沒關係 就怕簽爛了 ...... 09/29 17:23

maxspeed150:複製去年成績 乾五摳林? 09/29 17:23

nisiya0625:太郎+薪水繼續簽阿!!! 09/29 17:23

Greatgiant:這合約簽之前 襪板就有前輩說 一個不能守中外野 不 09/29 17:29

Greatgiant:能打左投 上壘率又不高的要20M? 真是神人..... 09/29 17:29

mess0706:沒辦法 美金貶值了啊 XD 09/29 17:30

Aroman:CC可以期待復活 Lacky就算了吧 09/29 17:32

maikxz:4-2-3-1 Crawforf for Left-midfield 09/29 17:34

OoyaoO:CC去年的成績是生涯最高的OPS+135 生涯平均才105 09/29 17:35

OoyaoO:就算忽略掉菜鳥年和08受傷 大概ops+115就很棒了 09/29 17:36

OoyaoO:守綠色怪物被吃守備 打胖子後面又被吃跑壘能力 09/29 17:37

Greatgiant:Papi如果被簽回來 明年又是6棒起跳... 去打9棒好了 09/29 17:40

TBdrays:其實以一個光迷的了解,他過去打二棒的成績是較好的(認真) 09/29 17:40

OoyaoO:紅襪本來就是簽他來打箭頭棒次的吧 是真的打太爛才被調整 09/29 17:40

ueu72312:襪版隱版~囧... 09/29 17:42

OoyaoO:今年恐左問題根本就是需要被platoon的程度 不過不會有人拿 09/29 17:42

OoyaoO:20M的球員來玩platoon 09/29 17:42

Greatgiant:問題是 以紅襪明年的開季 前三棒他別想了 09/29 17:43

JacqueJones:我會想炒掉粉柯南 因為他的季賽調度 襪迷有目共睹 09/29 17:48

JacqueJones:第二項的話 可以複選的話 就一二三吧 09/29 17:50

OoyaoO:炒不到粉科南吧 兩次WS加上帶隊八年5成75勝率 09/29 17:52

maxspeed150:這次很難留得住 總是有人要下台負責的 09/29 17:54

JacqueJones:這次的崩盤 我覺得讓他的免死金牌就這樣沒了 09/29 17:54

JacqueJones:我想炒掉一些人 也不會是什麼太意外的事 09/29 17:56

Swallow43:整季來說成績還不錯,但就是那四月跟九月....... 09/29 17:56

OoyaoO:我覺得頂多只是免死金牌被收走而已 要擋子彈推投教就好了 09/29 17:56

Minamii:Theo吧 FA大約失敗的太多了 09/29 17:56

Sechslee:不炒嚼嚼難道要炒Theo嗎? 我覺得Theo還是比較重要 09/29 17:58

OoyaoO:Theo農場搞得不錯阿 Pedroia/Ellsbury/光頭/Lester/八釦子 09/29 17:59

OoyaoO:Papelbon/Bard這些主要戰力都他任內出來的 09/29 18:00

OoyaoO:不過這兩年簽FA倒是讓他聲望值下降的相當快 09/29 18:01

maikxz:NESN應不會 但其他媒體群總該把壓力指向隊醫了吧 09/29 18:02

OoyaoO:真的不會有人想得到Lackey和CC可以爛成這種樣子 09/29 18:02

OoyaoO:聽說隊醫後台不是很硬嗎XD 09/29 18:02

maikxz:到時開刀應該會主要為FO的人 09/29 18:02

shall:medicalstaff是國王的人馬,fire只是球迷選項,不是Herny選項 09/29 18:03

maikxz:所以NESN不會啊 但可不保證其他媒體不會 >.^ 09/29 18:03

shall:其實我比較期待該爆出來的爆一爆,然後該滾的滾一滾 09/29 18:05

nisiya0625:只不過 Ellsbury去年就說過隊醫了加上今年的健康度.... 09/29 18:06

shall:雖然不太可能,一定會有其他替死鬼 09/29 18:06

meier0112:我覺得會不會簽寶貝碰回來比較有趣耶XD 09/29 18:07

Makubex82:投教吧 會被淘汰是因為九月投手群全爆 ACE除外 09/29 18:08

GigiBuffon:樓上姜雷機也沒有爆阿 他超穩定 09/29 18:09

nisiya0625:你可以看18156-..- 09/29 18:10

Weikey:我猜Gigi是指穩定的爆分.. 09/29 18:16

bezlin:紅襪養起來的新秀看cc及Lackey應該會非常不爽 領高薪澇賽 09/29 18:17

tribeswf:尻佛實在很難在比今年差了..就看反彈到多少了 09/29 18:17

tribeswf:不過就怕反彈不起來..套句股板用語 深V反彈或是多打幾隻 09/29 18:18

tribeswf:腳築底<==這就囧了 09/29 18:18

nisiya0625:我真的很怕CC跟雷姬的薪水會阻礙自家優秀的人才簽約 09/29 18:19

Greatgiant:怎麼會 身為Ellsbury經紀人的撥拉斯 應該很替Crawford 09/29 18:22

Greatgiant:開心的 09/29 18:22

tomomo520:把CC拿去跟光芒換好了,反正任務結束了該回家了 09/29 18:29

dknymaster:All of them 09/29 18:35

tribeswf:尻佛的薪水..讓他幾乎沒有交易價值了 要交易鐵定要吃薪水 09/29 18:40

jds2518:不知道會不會爆一些內幕出來 09/29 18:57

MinChuan:感覺應該紅襪季後動盪不安@@||| 09/29 19:08

yokinyokin:resign Curt Schilling 09/30 01:21
