[影片] 2011 07/08 MLB 賽事精華

看板 MLB
作者 Rambo (香帥 )
時間 2011-07-09 18:09:45
留言 14則留言 (13推 0噓 1→)

(ATL) VS 費城人 (PHI) ( : 3) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/o4piTl http://bit.ly/pmXXT2 Schafer diving catch http://bit.ly/pnvtag http://bit.ly/pB1Kdr Ibanez walk-off shot http://bit.ly/p4n7mQ http://bit.ly/qYTBUy Perez strikes out the side http://bit.ly/pYgJ2C http://bit.ly/qu9RZN Recap: ATL 2, PHI 3 http://bit.ly/oVvnHC http://bit.ly/qC7wly Halladay seven strikeouts http://bit.ly/nKyUag http://bit.ly/mVfA1I Manuel on Phillies' walk-off win http://bit.ly/pSTTrw http://bit.ly/nsttqL Braves fall on walk-off homer http://bit.ly/oU2SCA http://bit.ly/peTYwd McLouth triple http://bit.ly/o3l3vE http://bit.ly/ndq0i0 McCann throws out Rollins http://bit.ly/mTE51x http://bit.ly/qU4X8K Uggla RBI single http://bit.ly/o34qaE http://bit.ly/qCHmNo Valdez sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/n1jXSH http://bit.ly/oWP65I Ruiz solo blast http://bit.ly/oPqRMq http://bit.ly/ql3E4z Freeman RBI single (CHC) VS 海盜 (PIT) ( : 7) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/q9vkDY http://bit.ly/pWvSWZ Pirates players talk after win http://bit.ly/o9FLFu http://bit.ly/pduL5j Recap: CHC 4, PIT 7 http://bit.ly/qG2Hf5 http://bit.ly/phqRDf Ramirez nice stop http://bit.ly/qJhVgr http://bit.ly/nDyvFl Ramirez solo shot http://bit.ly/ntJr67 http://bit.ly/rhsvWp McKenry three-run jack http://bit.ly/nRobbY http://bit.ly/riLlSr Fukudome diving catch http://bit.ly/pmlveh http://bit.ly/rcA2kG Soriano two-run double http://bit.ly/r3VWdN http://bit.ly/rdDr9A Hanrahan seals the win http://bit.ly/q9NVWQ http://bit.ly/rigT78 McCutchen game-tying blast http://bit.ly/nf6H74 http://bit.ly/oUPwsD Walker two-run single http://bit.ly/r17WKg http://bit.ly/ptMrDN Barney go-ahead single http://bit.ly/p9Ixph http://bit.ly/oAvtYb Hurdle on McKenry home run http://bit.ly/pKJmYL http://bit.ly/oOzuRS Harrison RBI single 落磯 (COL) VS (WAS) (3 : ) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/nlcF9f http://bit.ly/n5Jv3f Recap: COL 3, WSH 2 http://bit.ly/rhd7yX http://bit.ly/pS2RJv Gonzalez diving attempt http://bit.ly/pfxrX2 http://bit.ly/o4POIz Ramos' solo shot http://bit.ly/nvXlK3 http://bit.ly/q4Dlyy Wigginton RBI single http://bit.ly/oO0reI http://bit.ly/qgLhTc Garner RBI single http://bit.ly/nkOAkd http://bit.ly/rqpMLv Street earns the save http://bit.ly/oby6Qv http://bit.ly/qxUIGT Rockies turn two http://bit.ly/pKHnTa http://bit.ly/rdbxsc Helton scores on balk http://bit.ly/nv7zzw http://bit.ly/oYVCK8 Morse sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/o7qblc http://bit.ly/nZuc6V Lannan hit by liner 藍鳥 (TOR) VS (CLE) (11 : ) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/nUXfVK http://bit.ly/nDwuPU Snider big game http://bit.ly/qky1Vi http://bit.ly/pYXA9N Recap: TOR 11, CLE 7 http://bit.ly/r5Q5Qc http://bit.ly/nvV35h Buck two-run double http://bit.ly/oa8BIq http://bit.ly/nHMB2Z Snider two-run blast http://bit.ly/qkXeNz http://bit.ly/qhl4OZ Davis scores http://bit.ly/nsFauS http://bit.ly/qUSCvg Lind foul catch http://bit.ly/pw7axs http://bit.ly/q9pp3d Davis' RBI double http://bit.ly/nuOs0f http://bit.ly/ncncFk Escobar RBI double http://bit.ly/qOTLoH http://bit.ly/pBRoUf Snider two-run double http://bit.ly/pZZjTW http://bit.ly/nXpdeA Hannahan RBI single http://bit.ly/pNGj4u http://bit.ly/mXkVjy Davis' two-run single http://bit.ly/r6GaBh http://bit.ly/pIgw6Q Davis' RBI single http://bit.ly/qOx5pd http://bit.ly/qW5Z8J Brantley scores on error http://bit.ly/qCqTby http://bit.ly/p4puDp Asdrubal RBI single http://bit.ly/nAQ2Qu http://bit.ly/qOPXkt Snider RBI groundout http://bit.ly/odmQpf http://bit.ly/p9AzoX Brantley RBI groundout http://bit.ly/qdTSUp http://bit.ly/nvMgek Brantley RBI single (BAL) VS 紅襪 (BOS) ( : 10) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/mWAun9 http://bit.ly/pNIsNp Recap: BAL 3, BOS 10 http://bit.ly/oPNx7P http://bit.ly/reWtc1 Albers' stellar relief http://bit.ly/qN98ky http://bit.ly/pMe1nM Beckett injury http://bit.ly/mUZaCa http://bit.ly/pC4Xei Lee solo tater http://bit.ly/n3nLts http://bit.ly/pD1OXA Benches clear at Fenway http://bit.ly/oMbJBy http://bit.ly/npittX Reddick RBI triple http://bit.ly/oVA8eC http://bit.ly/nJvB91 Pedroia solo shot http://bit.ly/pavW5p http://bit.ly/pcnl9q Jones' RBI single http://bit.ly/paslyz http://bit.ly/pm3L7p Markakis' RBI single http://bit.ly/qc5GIp http://bit.ly/oU55Kx Youkilis' RBI single http://bit.ly/pqej09 http://bit.ly/nPw4PH Papi three-run homer http://bit.ly/oS5U2U http://bit.ly/qI9zJp Francona on Beckett outing http://bit.ly/ohHnNy http://bit.ly/pcGOfQ Boston eight-run first http://bit.ly/p7SEos http://bit.ly/pyH5y7 Bergesen injury http://bit.ly/oO0bNw http://bit.ly/pbTB9w Red Sox turn two http://bit.ly/pQXG6k http://bit.ly/oiHE7a Scutaro, Pedroia turn two http://bit.ly/nEfGe3 http://bit.ly/n2qX29 Pedroia charging play (HOU) VS 馬林魚 (FLA) ( : 6) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/pvYqDe http://bit.ly/nTN4qJ McKeon on Marlins' win http://bit.ly/nrnky8 http://bit.ly/pWNNKg Recap: HOU 3, FLA 6 http://bit.ly/qSzN78 http://bit.ly/ogoE4d Hanley big game http://bit.ly/qDZumn http://bit.ly/ooBKTQ Vazquez strong outing http://bit.ly/rcuD8E http://bit.ly/pUbzaP Wallace RBI single http://bit.ly/r3UKTf http://bit.ly/rfL6sO Pence amazing throw http://bit.ly/oYsnMw http://bit.ly/rdWRxX Hanley two-run blast http://bit.ly/mUwuoY http://bit.ly/neA6sU Corporan RBI single http://bit.ly/odYGId http://bit.ly/qSIeo7 Hanley great play http://bit.ly/rteFtz http://bit.ly/qOjAqS Stanton RBI single http://bit.ly/mR9M0z http://bit.ly/pcwwTi Wallace diving stop http://bit.ly/qQB8n5 http://bit.ly/nVwXU1 Nunez 24th save http://bit.ly/r45ZaZ http://bit.ly/oKZIuN Keppinger RBI single http://bit.ly/qm1eiy http://bit.ly/owyroK Stanton sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/n4vxAZ http://bit.ly/qFOum8 Morrison bases-loaded walk http://bit.ly/qUTEii http://bit.ly/q5Q5qW Hanley RBI single (OAK) VS 遊騎兵 (TEX) ( : 8) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/oyVYe8 http://bit.ly/qfewzq Hamilton foul ball hits fan http://bit.ly/nAXMRO http://bit.ly/q5TVCN Recap: OAK 5, TEX 8 http://bit.ly/pYFtwj http://bit.ly/oyj1hI Sizemore solo shot http://bit.ly/nd7jp9 http://bit.ly/nBnITD Andrus' barehanded play http://bit.ly/pWKxsH http://bit.ly/rijKLx Willingham RBI double http://bit.ly/psTJsr http://bit.ly/q99S5c Beltre solo jack http://bit.ly/nWeNWc http://bit.ly/qn2z8E Napoli grand slam http://bit.ly/nJrwOF http://bit.ly/oDWSGV Kinsler solo blast http://bit.ly/oO66RM http://bit.ly/psWOTn Rangers' five-run first http://bit.ly/oPjffL http://bit.ly/pNy2fA Young single http://bit.ly/o87SRS http://bit.ly/qzroLO Torrealba RBI single http://bit.ly/qdHy40 http://bit.ly/pPHAfz Andrus scores on error http://bit.ly/nnYBdy http://bit.ly/o1zDOb Gentry nice catch http://bit.ly/nWKtl2 http://bit.ly/pZjvux Crisp RBI single http://bit.ly/ogQsxu http://bit.ly/nh1A5Y Rangers, A honor Stone http://bit.ly/pbhDSl http://bit.ly/oq8SXd Crisp scores (CIN) VS 釀酒人 (MIL) ( : 8) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/mZNPy2 http://bit.ly/rjCPeN Recap: CIN 7, MIL 8 http://bit.ly/nyWzV0 http://bit.ly/oJuUvA Hanigan gets Morgan http://bit.ly/oseB6s http://bit.ly/n2SHfx Votto RBI double http://bit.ly/qzrSlR http://bit.ly/ofv5So Prince sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/pB8LBF http://bit.ly/rtigdT Roenicke on Brewers' comeback http://bit.ly/q2OZki http://bit.ly/rczKDV Reds fall on walk-off http://bit.ly/pRFlkP http://bit.ly/op4R1J Kotsay walk-off single http://bit.ly/oxp4Dz http://bit.ly/rkFDfU Votto solo home run http://bit.ly/qfgPhA http://bit.ly/pxTJX3 Bruce RBI single http://bit.ly/r2D577 http://bit.ly/qHA2nQ Bruce 20th homer http://bit.ly/p3rfai http://bit.ly/p89JQQ Weeks' RBI double http://bit.ly/nMyKlT http://bit.ly/qu1oa5 Morgan RBI triple http://bit.ly/oB5Gwt http://bit.ly/o2O1Pe Morgan RBI single http://bit.ly/qdHyhX http://bit.ly/otBJ1R Weeks' inside-the-park homer http://bit.ly/r8cBpI http://bit.ly/qZyGNW Rolen two-run single http://bit.ly/repcce http://bit.ly/qr62e1 Kotsay solo homer 老虎 (DET) VS (KC) (6 : ) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/n52Ccd http://bit.ly/oJPxVE Valverde save http://bit.ly/quV2Mk http://bit.ly/pVlA5T Fan makes one-handed catch http://bit.ly/p5vWir http://bit.ly/rkcjkN Kendrick on honoring O'Neill http://bit.ly/pOjQbb http://bit.ly/qghBLe Porcello strikes out the side http://bit.ly/oyjisA http://bit.ly/nFYbBn Dirks' RBI groundout http://bit.ly/qPmLtb http://bit.ly/n9Qv2X Francoeur sac fly http://bit.ly/pLTr8i http://bit.ly/roIYv6 Recap: DET 6, KC 4 http://bit.ly/rnPgRn http://bit.ly/pWPV1j Getz ejection http://bit.ly/ogb79J http://bit.ly/mTsyTk Yost on Davies' performance http://bit.ly/oz2yIb http://bit.ly/o5zLGh Peralta nice play http://bit.ly/oq5xrm http://bit.ly/o35iLL Pena nice throw http://bit.ly/oZJkSQ http://bit.ly/q786Bi Escobar starts a double play http://bit.ly/onKWpf http://bit.ly/mZ2U7C Melky RBI double http://bit.ly/ogDYuY http://bit.ly/npHEdr Ordonez two-run blast http://bit.ly/oleLTA http://bit.ly/rivGEp Peralta RBI double http://bit.ly/mRQxQ8 http://bit.ly/piYx9Y V-Mart RBI groundout http://bit.ly/oelYsh http://bit.ly/qwiRgv Butler RBI single http://bit.ly/qhiJ9q http://bit.ly/mP87Sf Melky nice throw http://bit.ly/nuwyqk http://bit.ly/oOupMQ Collins' nice play http://bit.ly/ncSNW0 http://bit.ly/pCAwDn Gordon RBI single 雙城 (MIN) VS (CWS) (8 : ) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/quTTCa http://bit.ly/ncFXLQ Morel nice play http://bit.ly/qcaJ3s http://bit.ly/nnsL7v Nathan nice play http://bit.ly/pX6CwV http://bit.ly/p8J2S3 Recap: MIN 8, CWS 5 http://bit.ly/riXQ5p http://bit.ly/n2YZAh Twins turn two http://bit.ly/nAha0q http://bit.ly/ozN420 Valencia sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/nIMLQl http://bit.ly/nyj7bM Ozzie on Floyd struggles http://bit.ly/oDH0ZU http://bit.ly/rrlB9O White Sox five-run first http://bit.ly/ncmxt7 http://bit.ly/nYgC6E Twins' six-run fourth http://bit.ly/nRjaPq http://bit.ly/oiRyMF Hughes' three-run homer http://bit.ly/mUK2GU http://bit.ly/prznEP Dunn two-run shot http://bit.ly/p8jXaZ http://bit.ly/mWQHSH Cuddyer RBI single 響尾蛇 (ARI) VS (STL) (7 : ) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/rbOBpF http://bit.ly/psq7Zj Recap ARI 7, STL 6 http://bit.ly/op4cNy http://bit.ly/ndFMFL Heilman handles the comebacker http://bit.ly/nstCkE http://bit.ly/q3dMzc Young two-run triple http://bit.ly/n2pKJN http://bit.ly/plGrcY Holliday solo homer http://bit.ly/q37ebo http://bit.ly/qMgHN3 Johnson go-ahead grand slam http://bit.ly/ojjDpP http://bit.ly/py25Ow Descalso two-run double http://bit.ly/qn2xnb http://bit.ly/qdSZiz Montero RBI single http://bit.ly/nUkmFl http://bit.ly/rjdWjA Holliday RBI double http://bit.ly/nU2OKQ http://bit.ly/ncSDUy Berkman solo homer http://bit.ly/qn1cIw http://bit.ly/qWJB06 Kennedy gets out of a jam http://bit.ly/rfXLZm http://bit.ly/oOWo21 Schumaker double http://bit.ly/oZSj3O http://bit.ly/rcPyAA Lohse ends first with strikeout http://bit.ly/q2lo92 http://bit.ly/qFRwUB Pujols' sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/nuZZJp http://bit.ly/qlXgP7 Descalso running catch http://bit.ly/mWwWsF http://bit.ly/qiCRZh Hernandez earns seventh save http://bit.ly/qrQDuM http://bit.ly/oK6e7u Drew diving stop (SEA) VS 天使 (LAA) ( : 4) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/q5vVEu http://bit.ly/pBBwM9 Olivo throws out Trumbo http://bit.ly/pjtuOX http://bit.ly/pPtdQK Trout running catch http://bit.ly/rmILoG http://bit.ly/quKvFs Pauley escapes jam http://bit.ly/nZHT4z http://bit.ly/oMy4mj Conger game-tying shot http://bit.ly/oFuOlv http://bit.ly/re4usp Trumbo walk-off blast http://bit.ly/nf2Syy http://bit.ly/qnm0uO Recap: SEA 3, LAA 4 http://bit.ly/p5OQxG http://bit.ly/pcN27f Trumbo game at the plate http://bit.ly/oFvPpT http://bit.ly/mZFm6p Trout MLB debut http://bit.ly/nbxqEd http://bit.ly/oJFbCG Must C: Clutch http://bit.ly/ri6rzh http://bit.ly/oOHQH3 Ryan sac fly http://bit.ly/pDm3YQ http://bit.ly/oD5D0A Ichiro RBI groundout http://bit.ly/qgmgaq http://bit.ly/q8WkxJ Mariners fall to Angels http://bit.ly/ra9Cld http://bit.ly/oXPVL1 Seager gets the force http://bit.ly/qOIHOY http://bit.ly/pRjZWo Wells' solo dinger http://bit.ly/oR53H8 http://bit.ly/nOl1mV Aybar solo shot http://bit.ly/qxLkk8 http://bit.ly/oY7LpM Smoak sac fly http://bit.ly/nHi0im http://bit.ly/nIYboX Trout first career at-bat (SD) VS 道奇 (LAD) ( : 1) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/oq77pk http://bit.ly/mZ2itT Furcal go-ahead single http://bit.ly/pNJjYP http://bit.ly/pbYcgn Guerra gets the save http://bit.ly/qf0kXg http://bit.ly/nDDmQt Recap: SD 0, LAD 1 http://bit.ly/po27BL http://bit.ly/rgrITw Johnson hit by pitch http://bit.ly/nt4b8D http://bit.ly/qp5DW8 Latos takes tough loss http://bit.ly/nIur7J http://bit.ly/roy8Ff Billingsley superb start http://bit.ly/oNTeSd http://bit.ly/rq3en0 Venable steals second http://bit.ly/p8YFeW http://bit.ly/qibjo9 Ethier nice catch http://bit.ly/qllokJ http://bit.ly/qOdESW Headley great snag http://bit.ly/r7c8V3 http://bit.ly/qGTwDd Dodgers turn two 大都會 (NYM) VS (SF) (5 : ) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/pvKU0M http://bit.ly/rjXPnp Schierholtz solo homer http://bit.ly/oFJEdn http://bit.ly/qceJoS Hairston go-ahead shot http://bit.ly/q9kBRY http://bit.ly/pHLvqW Beltran RBI single http://bit.ly/oNK9tz http://bit.ly/pdE5xe Duda gets the out at first http://bit.ly/nKJQ8Z http://bit.ly/nJa1mp Evans' RBI single http://bit.ly/phN6ni http://bit.ly/pFSXsm Recap: NYM 5, SF 2 http://bit.ly/oZ6M6o http://bit.ly/qrcq5I Must C: Commentators http://bit.ly/phdri4 http://bit.ly/p5OivD Bochy on tough ninth inning http://bit.ly/ngzHok http://bit.ly/mUpwtR Franky gets grounder for save http://bit.ly/otm7XX http://bit.ly/oibwuJ Pagan running catch http://bit.ly/o5ivJJ http://bit.ly/njmdLv Vogelsong gets out of a jam http://bit.ly/mYt0rQ http://bit.ly/ntUo7P Tejada leaping catch http://bit.ly/os31kK http://bit.ly/q2GBKN Giants turn two http://bit.ly/nyVlF7 http://bit.ly/oFqN2f Schierholtz sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/ohmOCO http://bit.ly/rgr9s2 Pagan two-run homer 每日五大好球/精華回顧 >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/pYgJ2C http://bit.ly/qu9RZN Recap: ATL 2, PHI 3 http://bit.ly/o9FLFu http://bit.ly/pduL5j Recap: CHC 4, PIT 7 http://bit.ly/nlcF9f http://bit.ly/n5Jv3f Recap: COL 3, WSH 2 http://bit.ly/qky1Vi http://bit.ly/pYXA9N Recap: TOR 11,CLE 7 http://bit.ly/mWAun9 http://bit.ly/pNIsNp Recap: BAL 3, BOS 10 http://bit.ly/nrnky8 http://bit.ly/pWNNKg Recap: HOU 3, FLA 6 http://bit.ly/nAXMRO http://bit.ly/q5TVCN Recap: OAK 5, TEX 8 http://bit.ly/mZNPy2 http://bit.ly/rjCPeN Recap: CIN 7, MIL 8 http://bit.ly/pLTr8i http://bit.ly/roIYv6 Recap: DET 6, KC 4 http://bit.ly/pX6CwV http://bit.ly/p8J2S3 Recap: MIN 8, CWS 5 http://bit.ly/rbOBpF http://bit.ly/psq7Zj Recap: ARI 7, STL 6 http://bit.ly/nf2Syy http://bit.ly/qnm0uO Recap: SEA 3, LAA 4 http://bit.ly/qf0kXg http://bit.ly/nDDmQt Recap: SD 0, LAD 1 http://bit.ly/phN6ni http://bit.ly/pFSXsm Recap: NYM 5, SF 2 http://bit.ly/oF2lXg http://bit.ly/o0lnRe 今日五大好球 http://bit.ly/ogP5gH http://bit.ly/rt10w2 今日快速掃描 http://bit.ly/qHRu6d http://bit.ly/qMe26p 76秒今日快掃Nice Play http://bit.ly/oJS92x http://bit.ly/oDVxVB MLB JP -- http://blog.xuite.net/baseballman/blog NBA每日線上高光 & 線上Top10 http://nbafilm.summerhost.info NBA官網 + ESPN官網 每日即時線上影片 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1310206189.A.9FD.html

Connec:頭推 07/09 18:15

pces30930:頸推 07/09 18:18

daihow:推推 07/09 18:23

ckevint:推 07/09 18:28

itaiitai:推 07/09 18:30

SlamKai:Raul上一次上5大好球是何時的事了? 07/09 18:31

prereality:Proctor耶 07/09 18:34

iloveconic:費城Pereaz超帥 9球3K!! 真屌!! 07/09 19:01

kungsocool:MLB JP後面沒辦法看? 07/09 19:21

ddelin:Hamilton最近要去拜拜了, 今天打到球迷.... 07/09 20:31

stevener:摩根衝本壘動作感覺就很靠北 07/09 22:33

Iori2010:J.Lannan那球,還好他還能走下去....看了就覺得很痛 07/10 00:11

nolander:Morgan怎麼這麼愛撞 明明繞了更有機會 金雞掰 07/10 03:36

birdpay:謝謝 07/10 06:13
