[外電] 球界裡最超值的球員

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作者 poplc ()
時間 2011-05-12 14:05:34
留言 27則留言 (17推 0噓 10→)

Baseball's Most Underpaid Players Tom Van Riper, 05.10.11, 05:00 PM EDT Why is Albert Pujols looking to break the bank? Maybe because no one was more underpaid last season. 為什麼Albert Pujols要撈一筆大的?大概是因為去年沒人比他更超值。 Will Cardinals first baseman Albert Pujols get a 10-year, $300 million deal on the free agent market this winter? It's tough to say. Pujols is baseball's premier hitter of the last decade, but he also plays a position that's deep in offensive talent and, at 31, he's off to a slow start this year (.248 batting average; .743 OPS). He'll surely get a great deal, but many teams figure to shy away from paying him megabucks until he's 40. 紅雀一壘手Albert Pujols這個冬天在自由球員市場,拿的到10年、3億的合約嗎? 難講! Pujols是這個棒球世代最強打者之一,在這位置他展現出極優秀的打擊天份。但本 季棒子很慢熱,擷自四月底只有0.248的 BA,跟0.743的OPS。確定的是他仍然會獲 得一份大合約,但付這麼大筆的錢付到他40歲?許多球隊依然卻步。 But while projecting ahead is tricky, putting the recent past into perspective isn't. Even though he made $16 million last season, enough to place him among the top 2% of MLB wage earners, Pujols stands as baseball's most underpaid player for 2010. With his typical monster year (1.011 OPS, 42 homers, .312 batting average), Pujols rightfully should have earned almost $44 million. 儘管世事如棋,王老師莫測,有過去這些成績卻不難預估Pujols的未來。雖然上季 他拿一千六百萬,足夠讓他身價晉身全聯盟前2%,但他依然是2010最超值的球員。 去年打出的鬼神數字(1.011 OPS, 42 HRs, .312 BA)一如往常,而這些數字讓他有 權拿到差不多四千四百萬的年薪。 The most underpaid players at some of the other positions: Milwaukee second baseman Rickie Weeks, Los Angeles Dodgers shortstop Rafael Furcal and Toronto catcher John Buck,In Pictures: Baseball's Most Underpaid Players 各守備位置的超值球員如下: 1B-Albert Pujols 2B-Rickie Weeks SS-Rafael Furcal 3B-David Wright OF-Jose Bautista OF-Matt Holiday OF-Nick Swisher DH-Jim Thome C -John Buck To determine the most underpaid players we turned to Baseball Prospectus' Value Over Replacement Player (VORP) scores, which use myriad statistics to weigh a player's productivity compared to the expected production of a minimum salaries rookie. In 2010 the average player in Pujols' service class--past the six-year free agency threshold--earned $534,318 for every VORP point. Quick perspective: All-Star level players tend to have VORP scores that range from the 30s to the 60s--some of last year's tallies included Ryan Howard at 34.1, Alex Rodriguez at 36.1 and Ichiro Suzuki at 30.9. Cy Young Award winners Felix Hernandez and Roy Halladay were a cut above, both topping 70. 為了決定那些是最超值的球員,我們依據Baseball Prospectus「超越後備選手價值」 (VORP)的統計分數。VORP是用大量統計數據衡量一般球員與最低薪新秀應有產值的差 別。平均2010所有大聯盟球員薪資(打了6年拿到FA的球員),每多一分VORP 分數,就 應多拿$534,318。 快速透視: 全明星等級球員的VORP分數範圍是在30~60之間,去年一些球員統計包含Ryan Howard 是34.1,Alex Rodriguez是36.1,鈴木一朗是30.9,賽揚獎得主 Felix Hernandez和 Roy Halladay都勝過一籌,高達70。 But Pujols topped them all with a VORP of 81.8. Some quick number crunching shows that at $534,318 a point, Pujols' 81.8 carried a value of $43.7 million, or $28.1 million more than the Cardinals paid him. So who's to blame him if he goes for the jugular this winter? 但Pujols高於他們,VORP來到81.8。在一分該拿 $534,318的情況下,Pujols的81.8分 是該拿4370萬的年薪,比紅雀所付的多了2810萬。所以今年冬天如果他要求頂級合約, 誰敢罵他? We calculated baseball's most underpaid player at each position on the diamond. Players were measured against only those in their own service class, the better to avoid apples and oranges comparisons among veterans and younger players. Milwaukee's Weeks put up a 49.6 VORP for a paltry $2.75 million, while Furcal, who batted .300 with 22 stolen bases despite missing some time with injuries, scored a 39 VORP for $8.5 million. 我們統計球場上各守備位置的超值球員。為了避免張飛打岳飛的狀況出現,球員們 只在同層級被評斷。例如:密爾瓦基的Weeks,49.6 VORP ,年薪275萬,道奇的 Furcal剔除他因傷停賽的時間,還是有0.300的打率,22次盜壘,39 VORP, 850 萬年薪。 http://www.forbes.com/2011/05/10/most-underpaid-baseball-players.html 各守備位置的超值球員,內有薪資,VORP, http://www.forbes.com/2011/05/10/most-underpaid-baseball-players_slide.html -- ◆ From: tks 感謝提醒 tks
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sleepmajesty:有最overpaid的lineup嗎..xdd 05/12 14:10

garfield000:四千多萬喔... 05/12 14:10

LOBinsonCano:81.8...偉哉 05/12 14:14

tirple:我們統計這些球界裡躺在鑽石上的無敵超值球員........ 05/12 14:15

solarcells:所以AROD 有OVER PAY 05/12 14:16

Pennyjr:Overpaid 近年來的1號SP應該是14M 05/12 14:19

allenzen:我也想知道overpay名單 XDD 05/12 14:20

austin1119:不是"紅雀只付了2810萬",是比紅雀所付的多了2810萬喔 05/12 14:20

frank123ya:所以代表一朗的表現跟拿得錢最一致? 05/12 14:21

tirple:還是不對阿...球場是什麼型狀的 往那個方向想吧.... 05/12 14:22

whj0530:王老師XDDDDD 05/12 14:39

Witting:這個算法兩個CY要領3千多萬 太扯了 XD 05/12 14:48

marcohpsh:Furcal 每季都躺DL不少場次 真的超值嗎? 05/12 15:02

green0953:XDDDD 05/12 15:07

darksign:第一句:為什麼Pujols會想要撈一筆大的?大概是因為他是 05/12 15:14

darksign:去年球季最underpaid的球員 05/12 15:15

darksign:break the bank is not to be taken literally 05/12 15:16

kevinbrian11:王老師莫測是哪招XDD 05/12 15:22

LondonHearts:沒有Hammy? 05/12 15:27

rssh0106:這種數據算起來...A-ROD的價值不到兩千萬XDDDDD 05/12 17:07

rssh0106:所以A-ROD現在也快拿兩倍的薪水了 05/12 17:08

rssh0106:對比A-rod的話 撲吼獅的確可以牽下這誇張的合同了 05/12 17:09

rssh0106:即使未來會退化... 05/12 17:10

rayven:阿肉那約是一個願打一個願挨北佬都肯花了鄉民就別再心酸了 05/12 17:56

geneaven:捕手明明就該是拿胖最超值 05/12 21:35

skyer1042:王老師莫測XD 05/13 00:20

DavidWright:超值! 05/13 08:05
